We did this at work last year. We adopted 8 kids (all under 10) and spent 25$/kid. ... well... except 3 of the ladies in the office went to TRU, I am sure they had to spend more than those of us who bargain shopped.
We did this at work last year. We adopted 8 kids (all under 10) and spent 25$/kid. ... well... except 3 of the ladies in the office went to TRU, I am sure they had to spend more than those of us who bargain shopped.
try it before you buy it.... :) do you know anyone that has one? DH does not like the cocoa from the Kcups.... he may just be weird... or the machine he is using may have issues - but I wouldn't invest in one without knowing I like the results...
I have them make lists when they are bored and I am out of chores to assign :) or when someone asks for one. I never shop off their lists... I know what they like... and Santa gets them something they will like.... whether they ask for it or not.
ok... reposts don't count... what if someone posts "clearance" on gottadeal - and someone else posts a specific clearance item ... say "GD snuggie"... do they both count? Is the specific item considered a repost?
great stocking stuffers... http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51po5l9NicL._SL500_AA300_.jpg was $9.99 now 1.20! filler for your cart? Reviews are mixed, but for $1.20 who cares? http://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-DS-Write-Protect-Pak/dp/B0006H1I9Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1285106366&sr=8-1
keep in mind that not all students celebrate Christmas... so if you are giving something, don't exclude them.... books are great... heck, the kids would probably be thrilled with a "homework pass" which will not cost you anything!
we made the cinnamon applesauce ones last year with the kids. they loved doing it. Came out pretty good too... and they are based on your cookie cutters... so you can do whatever - we did menorah ones and dreidles, and stars of David, in addition to the Xmas ones... and covered both sides of the family with one craft!