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Everything posted by conj

  1. Off topic, but I got a bag from them as a shower gift... 9 years ago. Doesn't look like a diaper bag. we still use it as an overnight bag. LE has replaced the strap twice, and the mat once, all free. get it even if you can't find a code.
  2. Had I only known that when I started!
  3. Yes, but my first name is fairly unusual, I live in a small town, and I work in a very public atmosphere.... anything I do online could have implications at work.
  4. aack. don't like my name being published online. I changed my one review to private, and will not participate any more. Bummer.
  5. keep in mind, tuition is not the only cost associated with college... room, board, fees, books.... free tuition is wonderful, but it is not a free ride.
  6. How'd that happen, I'm not all *that* old...
  7. I love Jet Blue - don't know if they're near you... and they have great specials - 59$ from Boston to Orlando.... Or 69$ from VT to orlando. Florida is the only place I go these days
  8. I was thinking I was never going to find a deal... maybe something free with it, like a transmittor, or a bag... but not a deal...
  9. Anyone anywhere able to find a price less than 375?
  10. Keep saving the points.. maybe next time carson....
  11. Me neither, but I wouldn't fit into a small or medium anyway
  12. goo be gone! to remove all the other bumper stickers!
  13. You might be able to find them at the store. Target had the fantastic 4 one down to 4.99 at the store...
  14. D'oh. Never noticed thread tools.... Thanks
  15. I debated off and on, but I'm glad they've stopped it. Hard not to spend money, when the deals are that good.
  16. Yay! congrats on those that made it in time!
  17. Saw this in the CP area... how do you subscribe to a thread?
  18. GC would be great. Useable GottaDeal Freebies (like pens, mugs, mousepad, etc) would be great too. I agree with bayhaysay, no use for stickers... If a GC, how about one to a site that lets you use the $$ for GC at one of their participating stores (can't think of the name) ....
  19. this rocks! thanks
  20. do free shipping and 25% off both work?
  21. Has anyone gotten their order?
  22. Was it all shipped together?
  23. http://kohls.shoplocal.com/kohls/Default.aspx?action=entry&pretailerid=-99848&siteid=181&cmID=C283454551L43035U5821157X352741057&storeID=2401628
  24. credit card. My UPromise card. Pay it off every month... so I enjoy the extra cash back and the protection that buying with a credit card offers... also, I like the 30 day interest free loan.
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