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Everything posted by amez74

  1. ty this is what I've been looking for and just couldn't find?!?!
  2. I am having a small holiday party for my Daisy and Brownie Scouts--We were going to do a couple of small crafts, and I wanted to just talk briefly with them about holiday traditions around the world-compare and contrast to our own traditions. Does anyone know of any traditions to share with the girls? thanks
  3. I know it's on sale on BF for $35 -- has anyone seen it online any where for a similar price? I keep hoping it will show up on an amazon lightening deal. Amy
  4. Yay!! Glad they worked out well for you. My girls are still making them--they have no idea who they are all giving them to, but they keep making them
  5. exactly--if I get in a hurry and they aren't cooked all the way mine get lumpy. I boil mine until they are falling apart.
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  7. I was just thinking today that I'm having a tough time getting into the "shopping" mood. Thankfully dh has a job, but we've been just bombarded with various medical bills, house repairs, suv repairs etc, and I just can't give myself permission to spend money when I don't know when the next money sucking incident will hit. I'm usually nearly done by now, but this year I've barely started and can't even decide on a budget for my kids or narrow down the list to what I want to buy.
  8. I was very excited to see this--i have season 2 on my laptop, but not season 1. I also need the Halo reach for $35. I'm sure there is more, but those two popped out at me.
  9. i would spend it on two 8G ipod touches from Best buy they are going to be $229.99 each of course I would get back two $30 gift cards-- Meijer is having movies for $8 I would buy both of the Twilight Movies and lastly two Marshmallow shooters from kohls for $9.99 each total $495.96 amy
  10. This question came up on another board that I belong to --a third grade teacher came on and said that they used a grant and purchased 25 ipod touches for her classroom and she couldn't recommend it enough. She listed about 50 educational apps that they put on them. Even before I had read that I had planned to get my 11, 8, and 7 year old each one. it will be great for trips and times when we have to wait at appointments etc. There are book reading applications, games, educational applications, music, videos, movies--I think they will get so much more use out of these then they do their ds's. I am really excited for my kids to get one and happy that I won't have to share mine any more
  11. amez74

    Buying Gift Cards

    thanks for all the great ideas -- I really, really appreciate it! Amy
  12. amez74

    Buying Gift Cards

    What are some good deals on gift cards?--we buy about fifteen $20-25 gift cards each year and it's tough to find a deal on them. I know certain places will give you more gift cards if you buy a set amount. For example the other day some one told me Applebees will give you $20 if you by $100. I would love it if folks would post their gift card finds - it would be a big help to us. In my husband's position he likes to give gifts to the people who work under him, without being to personal (mostly women he works with) and not having to worry about what people are allergic to--so gift cards are just the safest bet and a nice way to show his appreciation for the work they've done all year long. So let me know your deals! Thanks so much!
  13. that's what I was coming to check--do they offer everything online as well? I would really like some of those marshmallow shooters-I would hate to go to the store and suffer through the craziness and they only have one or two.
  14. I didn't take pictures-I wish I had. For the teachers we used some bath and body products/hand sanitizer, candy, Christmas figurine. For the teens we used bath and body stuff again, small stuffed animal, a gift card, candy. just some fun stuff-- if it was lined up it wouldn't look like much, but inside the bottle it looked very festive and fun.
  15. We did those last year for teachers and some teens on our list. Everyone loved it-
  16. http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=329854.0 this washer necklace craft is a fun, easy craft to do-and pretty cheap as well! We used pictures from magazines-and ended up with some very pretty necklaces that were made from part of a picture of a dress, or a cool purse with a butterfly on it, a surfboard design etc. We'll be making some more using Christmas paper. I didn't buy the glossy accents, but they are still very pretty and the kids love them. Amy
  17. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw this post. I think they did.
  18. Last year was probably the worst lines that I've dealt with. The Target my sil and I went to had a very small parking lot and it took forever to find a spot (it wasn't our first or even second stop) then the lines wrapped around the store. When we got to Menards the lines were terrible too-a manager told us they weren't as bad in the garden section so we headed out there and waited a huge line in the cold We just couldn't bring ourselves to switch lines again. After we checked out of Menards we decided to walk around and get a few other things (figured the lines would be better) They weren't store employees were walking around consolidating lines and then people would get made saying that you were line jumping. We would explain no the manager told us to merge into this line-they thought everyone in our merged line should go to the end. Just a little chaotic.
  19. I've just started barely-picked all the kids up some stuff during the friends and family sale at PS Aeropstale, preordered the next Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I'm going to try to stick with something to wear, something to read, something you need and then a big want this year for each of them. We'll see how it works out
  20. My mil got us one for christmas-it is awesome. I had cooked and cooked for gatherings the last few weeks, but the kids and I decided we should make cookies to try it out and wow. I can't believe I've used a hand mixer all of these years. I'm never going back
  21. I think all of your ideas are great- the frame sounds nice and as an avid reader myself any gift card amount is wonderful.
  22. Went to my Walmart at around 11am. There was a sign where the zhu zhu pets normally are in toys that the would be in the garden area by the register. So I head over to the garden center. No one back there. I flag down a member of management and she tells me "no they are in jewelry." Thanks-and I try to tell her nicely there is a sign in toys that says they are in the garden center. "nope that was yesterday" she tells me. okay I'm thinking but this is today-oh well. Jewelry had a couple in white and yellow-already have a yellow so I picked up a white one. They didn't get any new colors in. So all of my children will now have a zhu zhu pet on Christmas morning. The first two were so easy to get - I wish I had determined early on that all three of them would want one sometime after Christmas I will get a few more accessories, for now they can just share what my youngest got for her bithday.
  23. did anyone go to trus? I got the email but didn't go. Just wondering how it went for anyone who did go. amy
  24. Isn't it sweet when you know they are listening and noticing things like that!! It makes the gift so special.
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