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Everything posted by amez74

  1. It seems like all the ads are fairly similar year to year any more. That said my Magic Bullet just died (I've had it for years and years) so I was happy to see that they have that and a Ninja on sale this year again. I just need to decided which one to get.
  2. If you have a smart phone, you can use that to show them your Kohl's cash in store and they will scan it too. It's nice to not even have to print them out.
  3. amez74


    NO SNOWGLOBES ?!?!? lol I hope it is something that is equally as collectable.
  4. Yay!! thanks!
  5. I was just talking to my SIL aka my BF shopping buddy about this-and I'm thinking we may just get up early and see what is left at the stores. We don't want to cook, eat, clean up, visit and then shop all night. These openings have gotten out of hand and if I want to shop Thanksgiving Day sales that is one thing, but we want to do Black Friday on Black Friday.
  6. amez74


    Someone asked this very question on the Meijer FB page and Meijer responded "You'll need to keep checking our facebook page often so you don't miss out "
  7. amez74


    I'm waiting for that one too!!!
  8. Congratulations to all the lucky winners **jealous** Some day I will win a shirt!!!
  9. My favorite things about BF is hanging out with my sister in law! So much fun to be had!
  10. Shopping really seems like a game some times I did end up getting his coat at JCP using the $10 off from the CEO and $10 rewards, so I got it for $70 plus tax. It's a nice Docker Wool coat and he loves it. I have also been using the 30% off a ton lately at Kohls-I've lost weight and am getting some great deals on clothes (and a winter coat) for myself.
  11. usually around 1pm
  12. amez74

    Holiday Recipes

    I was wondering if everyone has started planning their holiday menus? I start early, and make a plan on when to cook it all too. We go out of state to my in laws over Thanksgiving, so my MIL plans the menu there. The last few years I've made a couple of pumpkin rolls to bring (they freeze and travel well) My family always makes Green Bean Bacon Wraps, so I introduced them a few years ago and now they are expected. You cut a package of bacon in half, then wrap each piece around 3-4 long stem green beans. Line those all up on a cookie sheet. Melt a stick of butter and mix it with a cup of brown sugar and a tsp of garlic pour it over the wrapped green beans and then bake at 400 until they start to turn crispy. Sooooo good. I hate cleaning the cookie pans, but someone always volunteers, because they love them so much. Several family members are coming the weekend before Christmas to celebrate and here is my menu--I always make lots so there is hopefully leftovers and I don't have to cook the rest of the weekend Turkey - brined in cut up oranges, lemons, salt, fresh rosemary, sage and brown sugar. I stuff it with more oranges and herbs then pour a little white wine in the pan too whe it cooks. Ham--cooked with cola and brown sugar-topped with pineapple and maraschino cherries mashed potatoes and gravy (made from the turkey broth!), stuffing, corn bread casserole, fresh cranberry salad, green bean wraps, a veggie tray--some sort of roll too. I am terrible at making bread, so that is my one store bought concession I make lots of snacking food and deserts for the weekend too--this year I plan to make Buckeyes (peanut butter balls), Turtles, choc. covered pretzels, peanut butter blossoms, no bake cookies, mints and the kids want fudge too. Desserts I'm not completely sure of yet-definitely pumpkin rolls, My kids have all put in requests for a chocolate roll, twinkie tiramisu, cherry pie, and peanut butter pie. I definitely don't need that many desserts and I'm kind of wanting to try something new. Anyone else want to post their holiday menu??
  13. amez74

    Holiday Recipes

    We live out of state from my inlaws- so they all come to our house to celebrate Christmas the weekend or two before the actual holiday. Since we end up with a houseful of guests for the weekend, I often make cinnamon rolls out of frozen bread dough. It is so simple-thaw the dough and then roll it out. Spread butter, cinnamon and sugar on then roll it up. I cut it with a thread, put the rolls in a glass pan let it rise (stick it in the fridge until morning) and then bake them. Add some frosting which is simple to make and done. Just a festive yet easy way to feed everyone before all the serious cooking begins I have made overnight French toast before too and it was well received.
  14. My Christmas shopping in usually done Oct thru Dec. I don't really do it in one day, I shop from a list during those months keeping an eye out for the best deals usually during that time frame.
  15. http://www.countryoutfitter.com/ they carry some gorgeous boots here! They are also sending coupons and special offers out-maybe they will have something more for BF.
  16. I really like the look of our remodeled store. I know they aren't doing coupons any more, but I am probably shopping at JCP more often now. I'm still finding amazing deals, each time I shop there. DH found two long sleeve dress shirts for $5 each recently. The coat he wants is $90 compared to the exact same one at Kohls for $144. Maybe I just didn't shop there often enough before they changed their pricing to see a difference, but I'm pretty happy with it currently.
  17. I got one too! I also have a $10 rewards. I hope I can use them together, my dh has already picked out a new coat and $20 off would be great!
  18. drink coozies, coffee mugs, and key rings
  19. it took fifteen minutes, but my chat is up
  20. Ah my chatroom won't open, I think my connection is too slow. It keeps locking up on me too!
  21. JCPenney 5 pairs of the Mens Arizona jeans $14.99x5 $74.95 3 pairs of boots $29.99x3 89.97 20 pc cookware 188.88 Ihome Docking Station (pink) 49.88 towels $2.99x10 29.90 worthington Double Breasted red coat 49.88 Total: $483.46 I have a list a mile long from JcPenneys! Amy
  22. did you guys get your dvd's? Mine said it would be here by Christmas and it's not. I was going to wrap it up for dd--oh well, guess she'll get it later. Amy
  23. amez74

    Dog gifts

    nope the pets don't get us anything.
  24. thanks so much op--got it and used some amazon gift cert from *********. What a great deal!!
  25. Just wanted to complain to someone since Best Buy isn't listening. I preordered two World of War Crafts for my husband and step-son and they still are not here!!! I also orderd Halo Reach -- two weeks ago and it isn't here either. I figured since it was free shipping I wouldn't bother with in store pick up--huge mistake!! Emailing them got no response so my husband called and was on hold for 30 minutes--guess they are having a multitude of shipping problems. It's enroute but still won't be here until Monday (they estimate) I really wish I had just went with instore pick up--huge lesson learned--free isn't always good What's really amazing is that it is shipping from KY and we are in OH-- just venting--nothing to really be done about it except to wait. Just a lesson in patience I guess.
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