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Everything posted by amez74

  1. my five year old was just telling me today how much she wanted one of these as well. She listed all the "great" ways you could wear it and use it She did stress that she wouldn't use it while walking up the stairs though.
  2. I ordered from them in Nov. --I even had a problem and customer service called me to work it out and I recieved my package two days later. I was fairly pleased with the service.
  3. I always take it with a grain of salt as well--I imagine it to mean the "lowest price" so far this holiday season.
  4. amez74


    I'm eagerly waiting for this one too!!! Hurry up now--only 16 days until BF!!
  5. Wanted to add that I have five children to buy for, one sil has one and another also has five. So it fills up quickly!!
  6. huge suv--the last several years we've taken my sil's Envoy and put the back two rows down. One year we took an extra person and could only put one seat down--our third person was being buried in the back seat, but boy it was fun. This year we may take my Suburban -- it is a little bigger then the Envoy--but we'll see.
  7. Exactly the same here!!
  8. my kids loved it last year--it was pretty cute. It was played on tv, can't remember what channel though
  9. i entered for Cleveland!!
  10. that's exactly what their email said- that I recieved--Wed. Oct 28th I couldn't find any info on their site, so maybe they'l send out a correction
  11. amez74

    Stuffing Recipes

    for a sweater version--I'll sometimes add raisins too.
  12. amez74

    The teens

    Our oldest is graduating and our youngest would be starting K next year too (we homeschool the younger ones) The oldest is going to live at home for a few years still, but when we were uncertain we came up with several things that would make good gifts--small microwave, portable fridge, new sheets, comforter, portable laundry hamper that can hold laundry soap as well, hth Amy
  13. Dollar Tree--I've picked up stuff like six glow braceletes for $1--
  14. amez74

    The teens

    Thanks I love all of these ideas. She is also just learning to cook (she has a housekeeper back home) so that is a great idea!!
  15. I've got a lot done, but so much more to do. Dh--wants a new electric razor and a laptop--I've not gotten either DS 17--a lap top and probably some GC--not started yet either Exchange student, 17--no ideas yet kids are easy dd 9--webkinz, American girl doll, have been bought. I will probably get her a refurb. ipod shuffle, a ds game or two, Kalhari gc (we are going in Feb again), bratz stuff ds 6--webkinz, Three 360 games (thanks tru!!) Batman Legos, Indiana jones Legos and Wallee games, still need Kalahari GC, maybe anothr ds game dd5, -- webkinz, DS and starter kit, smart girls ds game, still need to get Kalahari gift card, and hopefully the pet shop ds games when they come out tomorrow, probably some more littlest petshop stuff. We are having a slew of family over for Christmas and I've picked up some Nike skull caps. I still have to buy for 2 teenage boys, 2 teenage girls, 2 sil's, 1 bil, my parents and my inlaws. Ugh--I need to get a move on things!!! BF had better have some good deals!! I'm going to need them. Amy
  16. amez74

    The teens

    We have a 17 year old exchange student from Vietnam living with us. Any gift ideas? She doesn't wear make up. She has a laptop, mp3, cell phone etc (her parents are fairly well off) I can't spend a ton, but I thought maybe something that was really "American" might be a neat keepsake. This will be her first time celebrating Christmas and even a "winter" season. Thanks!! Amy
  17. we've just got the 24 hour ones around here so they are always open on Thanksgiving day. However they've not had any deals.
  18. I would shop if it was me and I felt up to it. Heck I was riding my bike and pullling the other two in a trailer at 40 weeks!! And if you do go into labor --you will have a great memory and story to tell your child in the future!!
  19. Pockets!!! I hate carrying my purse on black friday. It's just in the way, and it is one more thing to worry about. Besides I've never have the courage to actually use it as a weapon :) I put my cell phone (for cordinating w/ my bf buddy in the store) and my debit card in my pocket. That way my hands are free and nothing is holding me back!!! Amy
  20. last year we had my husbands family down for an earlier Christmas dinner. I brined and cooked a really good turkey, green beans rolled in bacon, sourcream and chive potatos, lots of deserts etc. a really good meal. My dh wants me to outdo myself this year :) Which is okay cause I love cooking, but I wanted to hear some new ideas to dazzle all the inlaws. Any ideas? It will probably be about 20 people of various ages. They will be staying at the house all weekend. thanks Amy
  21. We stopped by for lunch--actually at our Mcd's there were no signs or anything. I got three on one order (I was only going to get two, but the cashier told me I could have another one since I had also bought a meal w/ a drink). I thought it was good--odd w/ pickles on it, but that's just a personal preference. It wasn't busy there at all most people didn't seem to know about it. I told my husband to go there for lunch as well--he was pretty happy at spending $2 and some change for lunch :)
  22. On Friday I ordered six for $49.36. I'm giving three for Easter and putting three up for Christmas. How long does it take for Limited too to ship? I haven't gotten a shipment confirmation and can't log into my account either. I've emailed them--so hopefully I'll get a response. Amy
  23. When I made (several) purchases at buy.com you could get either a free mag. subscription or a $10 rebate. I took all the mag. subscriptions I could and I've been recieving them. However, I'm still waiting for the one rebate I turned in--I should have just taken another magazine sub. oh well Amy
  24. ours was 22 lbs (we celebrated Christmas w/ dh's family already) there was very few leftovers
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