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Everything posted by Scott

  1. I took a closer look... I have coupons for most of those items at the prices listed in that ad. I have a pile of HF ads since they normally have pretty long expirations.
  2. If you have a HF local... check their ads often... I've gotten SEVERAL coupons to get that flashlight for free.
  3. Yup. I have all mine stored on my phone.
  4. Do I win a prize for being the first to ask this year?
  5. When does the first ad come out? We will see if Brad is reading... I will get the smack down for that... :)
  6. I don't really have a budget. I can pay retail for it... I just refuse to.... I live my life by the GottaDeal.com tagline... "Why Pay Retail?" Especially since there was a deal for them for around $850 with the extra slice battery a few weeks ago. I'm still kicking myself for missing that one.
  7. Wearing mine now.... wore it out to Walgreens today. :)
  8. I was hoping for a good deal on an HP Envy 14.... Doesn't look like it is going to happen. No really high end stuff available...
  9. I don't like the pink either. I would say that is just an "ok" deal. Nothing really spectacular.
  10. bah! HUMBUG! :)
  11. LOL That would rock!
  12. I have no idea what will be the best high end deal... I'm looking for a portable (13") with a midrange iCore processor. Long battery life and descrete graphics are a plus... But I think I'm living in a dream world... I'm sure they will concentrate on 15" laptops for most of the deals.
  13. I agree with the full blown press release... ... and of course Brad for President... that goes without saying. What are the chances of actually getting news outlets to pick this up? I think it could actually make a pretty interesting national piece... especially as we approch Nov.
  14. I've always gotten what I ordered online... But I've missed a lot of stuff, experienced crashed servers, etc. etc.
  15. I agree. And I hate going to a site that has scans only to find out that they are the previous years scans. On that note, it could drive visitors to the site, but then you would just have upset new visitors. Kind of a wash. I think the text versions are fine.
  16. A 13" light laptop --midrange iCore processor --long battery life --descrete graphics But I'm not picky... LOL
  17. It's simply not good enough. Work harder! Of course I'm kidding. :) Great job as always! I'm looking for a mid to high end laptop this year.... so I will be there often. I will check it out more tonight and offer some further feedback.
  18. Scott

    Black Friday T-Shirts?

    My wife LOVES the GD shopping bags. She stole mine...
  19. Many years... actively for about the last 10 years. Now, I concentrate more on the online deals. Nothing beats a BF by the warm glow of a computer monitor... :)
  20. I think they will be about the same as last year too. There will be some great deals, and some not so great deals. :) How is that for evasive?
  21. I miss the breadcrumb links at the bottom me the pages. :-)
  22. You can also do attachments inline in the same area [ATTACH]5240[/ATTACH]
  23. yes... Just as before you can "manage attachments" to insert a picture directly:
  24. Ugh... Too bad really. It was a great deal. I'm sure that you will be able to find something.
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