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Everything posted by HansieDZ

  1. I am a Kindergarten aide (to 53 of the little ones!) and also have kids at our school. The Room Parents are in charge of getting a class gift for teachers and aides and each teacher and aide filled out our "Wish List" or preferences. Having said that,I always receive extra gifts from most of the children because little ones like to shop for others and are so happy to give gifts! I would never tell them, "Thanks,but you've already done enough!" and I've received extra gift cards to Target,restaurants,homemade treats (which I DO appreciate-not everyone does though),candles,soaps,BBW items,and beautiful cards made by loving hands . For my childrens' teachers,I look at their Wish Lists and purchase from two lists: something for the class and something exclusively for the teacher. Ask your child/ren what their teacher likes. Do they like a certain sports team? Do they prefer coffee or tea? Do they like candy/chocolate? Do they collect something special? I am an aide to 3 teachers so I'm lucky that I know what they need for each classroom. One teacher might need extra dry erase markers; one might a new game the whole class can play or flash cards. Most teachers provide extra basic supplies kids need like crayons,markers,pencils,pens,stickers,pencil grips,and colored pencils. I always pick up extras from Back To School shopping and make a basket for them. Also,don't forget any extra snacks you might have that teachers would need to have on hand for those kids who forget theirs.School supplies are usually running on the low end by Christmas,so tissues,Clorox wipes,diaper wipes,hand sanitizer and paper towels might be something really appreciated by a teacher who would otherwise need to buy them. For older grades,maybe look into a classroom subscription to a magazine or newspaper. Books are usually appreciated but check and see what is needed (an experienced teacher usually has a good class library but a newer teacher would appreciate most anything!). I've found most teachers love something that EVERYONE can enjoy. Really, ANY gift is (or should be) truly appreciated and loved so whatever you do,know that it is well received
  2. You're All I Want For Christmas
  3. Some Children See Him
  4. I've always used at least a 15% off coupon and I think it was last year that they had a $10 off $10 that you could use too!
  5. Contact some charitable organizations in your city (or the closest large one) and see if they might be able to help. JCP has Angel Trees located in their stores. Call them to see how to get the teenager"s name put on the tree. Call local churches: my church has a Giving Tree and it's not just for our members.There are charities where families are "adopted" and their whole Christmas is supplied! There are so many ways that families in need can get assistance-I hate to hear that no one will be getting a Christmas! Maybe your business or office could "adopt" them? Instead of having a Secret Santa or gift exchange,maybe everyone could donate to the family? See if a local restaurant or grocery store could donate a meal or gift cards. Bless you for being a friend and I hope things work out well for them. All this could be done secretly-just arrange to have it all delivered to their house.
  6. I'd like to know about this too. It sounds interesting!
  7. I hate Walmart but I do love this ad!
  8. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
  9. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town
  10. Good King Wenceslas
  11. Winter Wonderland
  12. Awww...hope the Christmas Spirit fills your heart soon!
  13. They usually have some really good grocery deals on Thanksgiving. Or did I miss it?
  14. I'd say I'm about 10% done which is just where I want to be;so I'm happy!
  15. I think these will be really popular this year. My DD9 wants one even though we have several because of her brothers. I told her that and she said, "Yeah but these are for GIRLS!" Great marketing strategy.
  16. Great idea for a thread! Hoping to see a lot of new and great ideas on here!
  17. HansieDZ

    CVS Rumors

    Awesome-thanks! I always do really well at CVS and Wags during their 3 day holiday sale. Can't wait to see their ads!
  18. My 2 oldest sons are in college and they always appreciate gift cards to restaurants,gas cards (to come home on),and a big box of their favorite food treats. They live together in a house so I always try to get them something for the house (I know; boring but necessary!). They always need new hoodies,gloves,hats for walking to school in the snow.
  19. 90/70 in FW. Christmas Puffs ringing up at .29! Thanks a million to whomever posted that awesome (and surprising) deal!
  20. Darling (or Dear) Husband,Son and Daughter. HTH
  21. I went to the Glenbrook store on Sunday and signs were posted at 70% and 50% (candy and food). Dollar Spot was 70%. Today,I went to the same store and all the signs read 50%. Candy and food were still scanning at 50% but I found a few paper products (plates and napkins) and some odds and ends that rang up at 90%. Black dot Dollar Spot was gone. There was a ton of candy and lots of bags of pretzels,etc. left.
  22. Thanks- I'll be looking for mine! Can't beat FREE
  23. I got mine with last Sunday's paper.
  24. Aaaaand...the first Christmas song of the 2013 season is: Jimmy Boyd's "Jingle Bells"!!!! The second song is Perry Como's "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". It's ON and it's OFFICIAL!
  25. I don't know about Sirius,but only 56 more minutes until Music Choice Sounds of the Seasons switches over from Halloween music to Christmas music! I hope I can stay awake to hear what the first Christmas song is!
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