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Everything posted by HansieDZ

  1. Whoo Hoo! I overslept a little but still got all my stuff and earned $45 KC. Good night GD'ers.
  2. Thanks for the notice and tips! Setting my alarm for 12:45 a.m. lol.
  3. Hubby won't tolerate the tree up until after Thanksgiving but IF I have the strength/energy on BF,it will be up then.If not,Saturday for sure! Can't wait!
  4. TG high of 32 low of 22,partly cloudy, winds out of the south at 9 mph. BF high of 37,partly cloudy,winds WSW 7 mph. IOW: PERFECT!
  5. Don't forget the $8 Duracell manufacturer's coupon that was in today's paper!
  6. I got mine yesterday
  7. Thanks 2chia. I STILL haven't received an email! Well,I thought they would have more items than what was listed since the little squirrel has a bubble above him saying, "1000's to come".
  8. Has anyone received an email from Sears or SYWR about this event? They usually email me at least once a day but nothing about this sale yet. What are they waiting on? I want to see more of the sale items!
  9. I have 32 items on my list so I won't type out everything I'm going for but I LOVE the Corningware French White set! After rebate (which is fine with me because it helps me get closer to $50 and that $15 Kohl's Cash!), it is only $19.99! This makes a wonderful wedding gift. I always get new towels and this year I need new sheets. I do the bulk of my BF shopping at Kohl's both online and in our 3 b&m stores that weekend. The clearance at Kohl's is some of the best! I usually have trouble ordering online (by the time I add everything to my cart,some stuff is sold out) but the customer service reps are just about the best ones I've ever dealt with: patient,friendly,knowledgeable and willing to help you get the most for your money. Another thing to add about the online sales is that shipping can take awhile,but I did get everything before Christmas.
  10. Awesome! Making myself a note and hoping I can stay awake until the sale starts.
  11. I checked stores for Thanksgiving,BF and Sat/Sun too. Hope that doesn't skew your stats! I included my whole TG/BF weekend shopping plans.
  12. Candlelight Carol (Thank you for playing a "c"! I've been waiting to share this as I just discovered the song last year and it was instantly a favorite!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp2EiLo-CTI although I prefer John Rutter's version most times!
  13. My prayers are with you and your community. I'm so sad for you and your friends. God bless and strengthen you.
  14. Sorry, I accidentally quoted and inserted GatorPam's post in mine. I originally quoted her but meant to add that I received the extra ads. So p.m. me (HansieDZ) if anyone wants the coupon!
  15. All I need to see now is the Michael's ad. It's always the same from year to year,but I still like to see it
  16. HansieDZ

    CVS Rumors

    Ah yes,thanks for reminding me of that! I was pretty disappointed about their 3 day BF ad. Here is the link for the FOUR day (pre)BF ad: http://www.iheartcvs.com/2013/11/black-friday-2013-1124-1127.html LOTS of free things in the pre-BF ad!
  17. Whoo Hoo-thanks Brad!
  18. CVS!!!! Then Michaels and Costco (brand new to our area:will be interested in seeing what they offer).
  19. Thanks! I've been waiting for this one. I order each year.
  20. Thanks Brad! I hope to stop in OD sometime during the weekend.
  21. Does he like playing Minecraft? It is mainly a computer or video game but I've seen Lego sets at Walmart. com. My 14 y.o. son is obsessed with it (well,that and chess at the moment).
  22. I have four sons ranging in age from 22 to 14. Males in general can be hard (and boring) to shop for! My sons all have different personalities and interests but one thing they all seem to appreciate is FOOD. I always try to get them a box or at least fill their stocking with favorite snacks like sunflower seeds (different flavors), beef jerky, gum/mints,candy,Pringles,Combos,popcorn,Little Debbie snacks and drinks like Yoo Hoos,Snapple,and drink sticks. This year,I am putting flavored honey sticks in their stockings! Depending on their interests, I give them restaurant gift cards,gas cards,body sprays,laser lights,video games,something to do with music (they all play instruments),cartoon books (especially their faves from when they were younger),clothes/items with their favorite sports teams,hunting/fishing stuff,car air fresheners and emergency roadside kits for cars,as well as practical things like nice socks,gloves,and undershirts. My 2 oldest might be getting new bikes for going to class as they hate to drive on campus and didn't pay for a parking pass. I always enjoy hearing what others get for their older sons! Oh! I forgot to add that I always get them scratch off lottery tickets,if that's available where you live.
  23. Emmanuel (I hate to admit I had to Google but there aren't many songs beginning with E!)
  24. You might be interested in following this thread here on GD about tablets and deals: http://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/197862-official-black-friday-tablet-discussion-thread/
  25. Same here. S&H kills the deal for me!
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