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Everything posted by venerdinero

  1. Depending on what comes with your new camera, you will probably make rechargable batteries your next purchase anyway.
  2. Don't be afraid. Be relieved!! You will have the experience of meeting people on line. You will go home with all of your cash, no extra pile of debt, no items that you may not really need but couldn't resist buying because the made you do it. I wish you the best of luck in getting what you want, but going home empty handed isn't necessarily a bad thing!
  3. HAPPY THANKSGIVING YOU TURKEYS!! (1st post??) :bounce_fl :lolrun:
  4. Nope. I that RossMAN took it out and put it into the wash... whoops, that was supposed to be a secret. Sorry
  5. venerdinero

    Snow Cancels BF!

    You got it. Just looked - up to 24 inches - with blowing and drifting snow. Anybody for online shopping? Yikes. Even if YOU can get to the store, will they be able to open!! :bunny:
  6. Maybe they are changing their policies. :lmao: :crash: :crash:
  7. update - still chance of snow but now overnight will be ...15!! count 'em 15 whole degrees!!
  8. Because many of the stores don't really want you in lines all night. They would prefer people to show up maybe an hour before opening. A lottery would encourage that.
  9. Actually they have enacted these policies because, in their way of looking at things, so many people took advantage of their old policies and essentially ripped them off. Note: BB frequently contributed to these abuses by ignoring or failing to enforce their own polices. If a store clearly posts their policies, and those policies are legal, it's hard to complain when that store follows the policies. On the other hand, too many stores seem to selectively enforce their policies and they deserve a lot of grief for it.
  10. Yeah, MICHIGAN residents need a pick me up after last Saturday!!!
  11. That was thoughtful RedSoxGirl. You know, you may not have much of a baseball team, but I gotta give it to you sawks fans, you are wicked good about giving to charities! Go Jimmy Fund!!
  12. Because they are called DOORBUSTERS for a reason, to get bodies through the doors. The items are gone because somebody else who went to the store just like you happened to locate the item first. It doesn't seem "right" to you because you were first in line. Had you been tenth in line and happened upon the items first, you would think it was a great system.
  13. This thread is getting deep! Ok - question. For those who advocate first come, first served - doesn't that arguement extend to those who are in line behind the hoarders? I believe I've seen more than a few posts say that you should have gotten there earlier - first come, first served. Next - is there, or, from the sounds of it, should there be a restriction on resale of such items. I can almost hear the applause from someone who got left out at the end of the line when an ebay (or other) reseller gets busted. But what about someone who had to work on BF and couldn't get that item - why should they be punished? They can now buy it from one of these resellers and still save some money off the retail price. I think it all depends on your personal stake and point of view.
  14. It would be nice, in theory, for all employees to have the day off, more like it used to be. But I've also seen in other threads that some of these employees very much want or need the overtime money they earn on holidays.
  15. it's NOT the Governor - it's the Attorney General - see above
  16. Correction - it is NOT Gov. Romney - it is Attorney General Tom Reilly who has appparently re-discovered MA's ancient "Blue Laws". It seems that this whole mess began when AG Reilly threatened Whole Foods, after Whole Foods competitor Shaw's complained to the AG about WF's planned "Blue Laws" violation. Then the AG's office claims it received complaints from employees of other retail stores, who were then also contacted. Gov. Romney actually said that he doesn't really have a problem with WM being open, but he will not (and probably can not practically at this late date) contest the AG's decision. There are a number of stories starting to appear on this topic. This one seems to cover most of it: http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2005/11/23/holiday_warning_issued_to_retailers/
  17. Yes, Bergen County is one of the few areas to still have "Blue Laws". Many newspapers give subscribers the Sunday inserts on Saturday. I suspect that your inserts will be in the Thanksgiving Day paper.
  18. I found love, in a K-Mart store!! Sorry - I just think that's a funny jingle.
  19. Ahhh... RossMAN?? taking that lollipop out from an Afro will be a But thanks for the seal info - I haven't bought a prebuilt system in a long time. Thanks zzxc (and dalerider) THAT is exactly what I was looking for! I'm familiar with the install thoughts - but still might be good for others to see. Is newegg everyone's consensus top site for buying ram?
  20. Next year, google mines all of your personal data and then emails you a personal map telling you where you will want to go shopping. But that's not your fault - thoughtful of you to link it.
  21. Local news at noon frustrated everyone by showing that they already have the paper, with all of the ads, and they advised us that will be highlighting some deals... tomorrow! BFD. Amazing how you can get the ads in advance when the owner of the TV station also owns several newspapers. It helps that we're in TV Ratings period - all reporters - TO THE MALL!!
  22. venerdinero


    Macy's generally does percentage off coupons - for most of their sales. Watch the parade - Trump will headline BF promotion - giving out a total of $1,000,000 worth gift cards (max denomination $500) while supplies last and you have to come back to use them in December (not valid on BF).
  23. First - a must see! the Balloon Inflation!!!! TONIGHT!!! It used to be later at night, but I think they have moved it up to late evening to be more "family friendly". It will be on the local news, but it's up by the Museum of Natural History (Central Park West and ...81st St??) Here is the official parade site: http://www1.macys.com/campaign/parade/info.jsp?dst=info Get out there early and as you noted, dress warmly. I don't remember any bleachers that aren't reserved, so I'm not sure what to say. Ah... Dinner... I HOPE you already made those reservations??? If not, I strongly suggest that you contact the hotel concierge quickly!!! It's very late!
  24. venerdinero


    Just heard on the news that Macy's big TV campaign, which will air during the parade, will feature Trump promoting the gift card giveaway. Macy's will apparently give away $1,000,000 worth of gift cards (maximum denomination is $500) while supplies last on BF. The catch? Cards are good in December, so you have to come back (so what! show me the $$$). Google shows articles about this at CNN and USA Today.
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