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  1. Loose fitting pants that are easy to move about in, Boots to avoid people smashing my feet, regular clothing depending on weather, my iPod, and a 4 pack of redbull. My wallet of course. A list by store of what items I need from each.
  2. I have a large sum of money on a Circuit City gift card, so I am really hoping they have some good deals. Probaly start there first, move to Best Buy or Target, then hit a mall or two.
  3. I usually get little to no sleep the night before, opting to go jump in line at the local Best Buy or Circuit City depending on what amazing deal I will fret about. Then I am out from whenever the stores open to around noon or one. After which I head home and sleep for a good 6 hours. Get up for a few hours, maybe go to my local Target and check what random items I can find that are leftover. After that I head home once again, take some Tylenol PM because I usually ache, then pass out for another 8 hours.
  4. Which BB were ya at? I was at the one in lewisville, barely got my kodak digi.
  5. Havoc904

    Cutting in Line?

    Last year I was in line at Target for a bit, then realized that they would be letting people in through both entrances. So I was first in line at the other entrance 5 minutes before they opened doors. Always look for another door. I feel bad for the people that had been waiting there for 2 hours though, since I was just some kid that walked up 30 minutes before and got in the store the same time as they did. Cutting in one line sucks though.
  6. Lewisville, Tx, sorry bout that. And god no, I dont care if the e-machines were a buck, it still wouldnt be worth it in my opinion. I'm happy with my system as is. Just giving you all a heads up.
  7. Hi all, first post, thought I might warn you all about the e-machines. My brother works in the geek squad at one of my local BBs, and mentioned how he was packing the e-machines yesterday. He noted how the ram really sucked, and how the sales people are gonna try and push more ram and other options on the people. He then went on to note that they had only upgraded 12 of the 30ish e-machines they had on sale to include more ram. So if you are out to get the e-machines and want more ram, be there early since it doesnt appear that stores are packing many with extra. If not, then you will have to wait for them to open up the machine and install ram there. PS: The ram it comes with really sucks, even if you dont upgrade at BB, I suggest you upgrade it more another way if you plan on giving it as a christmas present or using it yourself, or else it will run really slow.
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