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Everything posted by mgmckny

  1. I want to stay up so bad but my bed is calling my name and 4:30 am will come too soon. Might lay down and if I can't sleep get back up. If not, maybe the ad will really be here in the am and I'll know it's not a dream!!
  2. It's available at 2 malls here in Jacksonville but it's only 10.00. One mall is an open air mall so you can move your car, if they use the overflow parking lot, it would be miserable to make the hike... The other mall is in Orange Park which would be great for Kimpooh, but it's a 40 min drive...
  3. Ok, I'll age myself, started BF shopping in 1982 at Kmart to get wrapping paper at 6 am on my way to work at the Mall. The malls forced the small stores to open at the same time as the big stores then so from 7am-10 am we would have the grand total of 10 people, usually dads and sons looking at video games or dungeons and dragons stuff... I would cruise the mall and talk to other managers, pick up ornaments, and what other goodies were being given out. After I finally got out of retail i spent many happy years doing target and toys r us until the boys started getting older.. Now I mostly shop online, will hit a few stores but I never hit a mall on BF, too many years saying "this is my last year in retail".. Dec 1994 was my last christmas in retail.... Kind of miss it sometimes...Maybe will go back out in a few years.
  4. Got mine tonight when I got home from work..... Taking the cards and my magnet to work tomorrow..... :)
  5. This year I figure not more than an hour...... Not going to be a big Christmas. Stockings will take the longest.
  6. Thanks to all that worked on getting this out. Sorry I always seem to be at work or asleep. One day I'm going to be at home and able to work on one.....
  7. OK, I want a nook tablet... I can live without the Ipad for a little longer..... Neither will happen for this Christmas though...
  8. Bealls Palm Tree Diamond Pendant $89.99 Kohls Food Network 11-Piece Hard Anodized Cookware Set 149.99 Kohls SodaStream Soda Maker 99.99 Kohls 2 ct.tw. Black & White Diamond Reversible Heart Pendant 150. Kohls The Big One Bath Towels x3 2.99 =9.00 499.99 ish
  9. mgmckny

    Egg Nog

    Love it, my parents had an awesome recipe, wish it had been passed on..... But we add Kahlua to the store bought and it is good too....Not bad without alcohol either... :)
  10. Listened to 6 hours of it this am while working overtime and I didn't even finish the playlist....
  11. I got mine!! Now to plot, I mean shop...
  12. Since I know many of us are already listening to Christmas music, either secretly or in public, I'll bring up the usual question. What's your favorite Christmas song? I have several, they just send shivers along my spine.... O Holy Night Carol of the Bells Hallelujah Chorus I could go on... :)
  13. THere's one near my closest Walmart, about 3 miles.... Maybe they'll all be in Walmart.....hmmm
  14. Cool, I'm in their region, they have some neat stuff for us FLorida types.... :)
  15. Can I have one too. Love the stuff!
  16. My adventure will begin when the online sites go line, I'll probably help Brad with stuff, might hit walgreens if they have anything good, but that's a 5 minute trip from my house, could even take the lappie and go hang at Starbucks in the AM and send the boys across the street to Walgreens...
  17. Yes but when you are watching a horror flick, it's kind of disconcerting to see a Christmas commercial right after a Halloween themed one...
  18. My favorite thing about Black Friday is dozing in front of the computer waiting for the deals to start, all comfy cozy in pjs and slippers... :)
  19. I just saw my first true Christmas commercial, others have hinted or pushed their layaway but nothing so overt. My family was just wished "Merry Pringles", complete with Christmas tree!! Could'nt they have waited until it clicked over to November !??
  20. When moving a couple of months ago, came across a tote with ornaments that were given to me 20 + years ago, they looked so awful I realized I had been hanging on to them for memory sake but the memories were also as worn and better off in my mind. Dumped them at the curb and only brought the ornaments that are still nice enough to use. One day I might regret it but some of them hadn't been on a tree in over 10 years.
  21. That's why my list is a dream list... The kids and kitties come first. DH and I can wait.
  22. I used to spend vacations in Franklin as a child. Many happy memories (not to mention a nice ruby ring from a stone I found when I was 11).
  23. This is a dream list only, the budget will not allow this and I'd murder my dh if he spent the money. Ipad or a good android tablet (prefer the ipad) clothes itunes gift cards anime
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