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Everything posted by SuggaD

  1. I've used a lot, but that's because I use the $1 rolls because I like variety under the tree. I did, however, use 1 200 ft roll this year and won't be returning to the $1 rolls next year as they were far sturdier and it is a better value over all. So much for variety though. lol Anyway, in total....about 25 rolls, including the 200 ft one.
  2. I'm completely done now. I just need to make a big gift basket. I have everything to put in it, just need the basket, ribbon, etc.
  3. Finally done and can get the house in order for the holidays. It was a mess while we were all wrapping.
  4. How are we doing on shipping? Looks like quite a few still haven't received their gifts w/ 1 week to go before Christmas. Please let me know if you need an elf.
  5. I wouldn't do it, but that is the society we live in where such actions are acceptable.
  6. Got a few items for in-store pick up at 3 different stores. lol (Flingsmash, Rapstar, Kirby). Will be driving around DFW later today. lol
  7. Wow....that is an error. I will try. The ad says Nook Simple touch, but shows the new Nook color. lol
  8. Loving all of the pictures. I thought I went overboard at Christmas with gifts for my DD, but looking at these trees, I guess not.
  9. The bow is beautiful. I need something like that for a giant present, not a tree. Will look it up on youtube.
  10. I really like the vertical ribbon. I may try that next year.
  11. Already donated my extra funds, unfortunately. Maybe next year.
  12. Love this. Wish I'd thought to do it!
  13. Here is mine. [ATTACH]6547[/ATTACH]
  14. My ornaments... [ATTACH]6492[/ATTACH]
  15. Received my ss package today. Will open on Christmas.
  16. I agree with dealluvr too. Don't lose sight of what the holidays are truly about - family and friends; not presents. Sometimes we get too caught up in the number of presents we give and receive. I wish we had a large family to visit for the holidays, but we don't. Enjoy what you have. The more the merrier.
  17. Nice trees. I'll post mine tonight. ... well the one that is decorated.
  18. It's labeled adult only. Supposed to be really funny adult insults. I think I'll go ahead and get it. My friends without kids would LOVE it. lol Here's the product: http://www.amazon.com/Polly-Insulting-Parrot-Not-Children/dp/B000OGOZGK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1322858688&sr=8-1
  19. I have gotten this jacket 2 years straight. I would suggest not buying until mid-December as price will go to around $30.
  20. I am almost done. I need to buy something for my secretary and our dog. Otherwise I am done and waiting for all remaining gifts to come in from amazon, etc. I have wrapped about half..mostly for my daughter. Still need to figure out what to do wrapping wise for my mom whose gift is a trip and things for the trip. Was thinking about a gift basket but no basket yet. Also have our team's 4 adopted kids to wrap for. Very excited about that as they got almost 3x the collected money worth. They are going to have a great Christmas. But I have tons to wrap! Will be glad to be done so can enjoy the holiday.
  21. I think the issue is when you are in the car traveling or on the plane, etc. Or for example, when we are at meets, there isn't always free wifi, which is where my DD would use it most. I want to be able to store huge amounts of data to the drive, not the cloud. I'm waiting on the next generation to see if they have one with larger storage.
  22. Got one for DD's stocking. She didn't realize it had come out and when we were at Walmart, she saw it and asked if she could buy it and I said no, I'm broke.
  23. Lots of reports on the net about the 42" and 24" at BB not working or having dead pixels.
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