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Everything posted by Brad

  1. simple poll - if you won a BF t-shirt, what size would you choose?
  2. See here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=116235
  3. There are 2 ways to add a picture to your post. The first is to use the attachment tool. Click on the paperclip icon on the toolbar: A window will pop up where you can select the file on your computer you'd like to upload. Note that there are size and dimension limits for these attachments: Note that during Black Friday season, you may encounter database or other errors when uploading images as attachments. Your images may be distorted and not appear as they should. In that case, you should host the image elsewhere and use the following method to include it in your post. The second way is to use an image that is hosted somewhere else (such as on another site, in an image-sharing account such as PhotoBucket, etc...) Click the "picture" icon on the toolbar (the one that looks like a mountain scene). A window will pop up: Enter the URL for the location of your image and it will be added to your post. If you have any questions about this topic, please post here.
  4. We are currently allowing members to have personal signatures with the following restrictions: 1. Members must have 5 posts and have been a member for at least one week to use signatures. Neffing to reach this number of posts will result in your posts being deleted. 2. Signatures may be disabled as needed due to server restraints. 3. Images are not allowed in signatures. Smilies, however, are allowed, but excessive use will not be tolerated. 4. Links or web addresses are not allowed in signatures. 5. There is a maximum of 4 lines of text for all signatures. 6. You may change the color, alignment or font style for the text, as well as add bold, italics or underlined text. Font size cannot be changed. 7. Signatures are for personal use and cannot be used to post referrals of any kind, promote a business, or any other activity that is not otherwise allowed on the board per forum rules. 8. No political-related signatures are allowed. 9. The admins and mods reserve the right to change these guidelines or disable signatures at anytime as deemed necessary. 10. Members who violate these rules will have their signatures disabled permanently and risk possible banning. If you have any questions about this topic, please post here.
  5. One of the ways to personalize your posts here on the forum is by using an avatar. We have hundreds of them available for you to choose from, and once you have made 50 posts and have been a member for at least two weeks, you may use your own custom avatar. To change your avatar, first go to your Control Panel Click the link for Edit Avatar On this page you can choose an avatar from one of the many different categories we have on the forum. If you meet the criteria to have a custom avatar, you will see at the bottom of the page a form for entering a URL for an image hosted somewhere else, or you can upload an image right from your computer. Note that to not annoy everyone, custom animated avatars are not allowed. If you have any questions about this topic, please post here.
  6. If you have a question about something that hasn't been answered in one of the existing threads (and you've searched just to be sure), please post it here :) If you are replying to someone else's question, please be sure to quote their post so we know which question you are responding to.
  7. good price. fyi it comes with the "starter" toner which gives you about 1/3 of the pages as the regular toner (which probably costs twice as much as the printer does, lol)
  8. CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL BLACK FRIDAY AD SCANS PLEASE NOTE: You must have a forum account to access Black Friday ad scans. Don't have a forum account yet, just click here to register for a free account. NOTE: These are just the ads we have full scans for. For all the ads, see here: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySaleAds
  9. CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL BLACK FRIDAY AD SCANS PLEASE NOTE: You must have a forum account to access Black Friday ad scans. Don't have a forum account yet, just click here to register for a free account. NOTE: These are just the ads we have full scans for. For all the ads, see here: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySaleAds
  10. - people who are way too excited for BF and have to start talking about it over 3 months in advance
  11. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=115522
  12. too many to remember, lol. there were so many that this year i coded the site in anticipation of getting them. one little change and the items are hidden, the store logo is greyed out and a nasty message is displayed to anyone trying to view the list (although you may still be able to view them through the shopping list feature... )
  13. After looking at both the advantages and disadvantages of moving the BF to another site, I chose to keep it on GD. Having it on another site still really wouldn't have given enough protection for the affiliate stuff, and it would have greatly reduced the GD brand recognition that we get from the BF stuff. I still own all those other domains, but they will just be redirects to the main BF site as they've been in the past. And yes, I've had an LLC for GD for quite a few years now.
  14. While we'd all like to think so, I seriously doubt their threats against sites like ours were "mostly" the reason for their supposed low numbers.
  15. What is everyone's guess on what is going to happen this year? More threats than last year? About the same? Less? (not likely) For the record, Walmart has already contacted us a few weeks ago and their policy from last year has not changed...
  16. Brad

    too soon?

    maybe we'll get lucky and ace will send their lawyers to have us take the ad down and we can all pretend that none of this existed
  17. Brad

    too soon?

    3 weeks? Last year the Ace ad (which was first) wasn't out until mid-September. This is 5-6 weeks earlier!
  18. Brad

    too soon?

    anyone else think these ads are coming out too soon? i wanted to enjoy the rest of the summer without having to think about BF until late September, lol. what used to be 6 weeks of craziness has turned into 16 weeks
  19. Now everyone, don't get too excited, lol. Ace was first last year and there wasn't another ad for a month afterwards. This one is over a month earlier than last year, so realistically we still shouldn't expect another ad until early to mid-October. Luckily I got the BF site done so early this year, lol. No scrambling to get things ready.
  20. First week of August. Amazing...
  21. Because of the first BF ad being released, we are going to open the BF forum today. However, at least initially we will just have this one forum for discussion. As discussion increases, we'll add the store-specific forums and the holiday discussion board as we've had for the last few years, but for now keep all Black Friday discussion in this one forum. Thanks :) Update: store-specific sub-forums have been added. Holiday Discussion forum will be added once we are closer to the holidays.
  22. No posts were deleted today, by me or any of the mods according to the log, so I have no idea.
  23. If you go back and edit your post, it will automatically be updated in the summary list so others won't be confused down the line :)
  24. Just 3 quick updates: 1. I updated the OP to make the formatting a little better, cleaned up some grammar and punctuation things and a few other minor tweaks. If anyone has info they'd like to see added to the OP, please PM me. 2. The script now updates the summary post every 15 minutes instead of hourly, so updates should appear sooner in the listing. 3. I created a simple, text-only version of the current monthly list. This is a good way to print the current list to take with you, or to view it on a cell phone (without having to load the whole forum). You can see that here: http://www.perimeterperusing.com
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