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  1. Help! I'm drooling over the tablets, but am not sure there is one that will support everything I want. I would like a tablet that has a good web browser, can use the Kindle reader, can use Excel (not google docs, actual Excel), and can use all the fun aps. Does such a thing exist?
  2. I am logged into the ustream site, but can't figure out how to get into the chat room. Help!
  3. If you look on the Today's Deals page there is a banner that says a week of Black Friday deals starts Nov 22nd, deals will be added throughout the day every day. Check out that link and book mark their site...
  4. All of this talk has my head spinning, and I just want to make sure there is clarification. From everything I'm seeing Target will Price Adjust (meaning they will adjust the price of the item if it is the exact item, purchased within the two previous weeks, now on sale for less); but they will not price match doorbusters (meaning they will not match WalMarts ad for the timed deals, ie doorbusters). Is this a correct summarization?
  5. Very disappointed. Shopped there every year, until this one.
  6. hkchik

    Big Toy Book

    Three questions please: 1. When are these prices valid? 2. What is the return policy? 3. On page 42, does anyone know the price on the Zippity? Thank you.
  7. For those with Farm & Fleets - they will have Sing-A-Ma-Jigs for 7.49 each. Also, La La Lo0psy dolls for 17.89
  8. Is there an official list of stores that adjust prices? I think this year I will either need to be able to do some price adjusting, split myself into three, or give up some items we want... Thanks!
  9. For those that order from Amazon - do they have special sales Black Friday? Toys and electronics? Is there an easy way to know what they have? Is there a set time those sales start? If I'm going to order from them I will have to make a special trip, as my parent's place in BFE will not cut it for online shopping. Thanks!
  10. FYI... manager of the store in Janesville, WI stated today that all items will be out and can be loaded in the carts to check out at 12am. Just can't get the prices on the 5am items until 5am. So in theory the store could fill at 12:30am, with no one checking out until 5am, and 5am items sold out before the start time. In my opinion, this is one of the most asinine things I've seen in years.
  11. I see that Toys R Us has some deals availabe at 12am and some at 5am. Does anyone have an indication of the procedures they will follow? What's to stop someone from going in at 12am, loading their cart with both deals to ensure they get what they want, and waiting to check out until 5am?
  12. Hi all! Hoping anyone can answer a few questions for me re Farm & Fleet! 1. Is opening day or black friday better? 2. Is there a way to see the ad online? Thank you so much!!!
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