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For me it is so much fun!!! I love being in the middle of all the hustle and bustle. The excitement of hoping to find that great deal is enough to give me butterflies in my stomach...lol.
It's fun and you get good deals! I first went back in '07 and I had the best time shopping with my sister and sister-in-law. We left at midnight, shopped until about 4 am, had breakfast at IHOP, and then went to Walmart. We didn't make it home until about 3 the next day.
I agree, it is fun! I love crowds, I love to people watch, I love to see people go crazy over things they want! That is the one day out of the year I will get up when it is still dark out to go shop! LOL

I tell my husband it is the same as hunting, it is a rush........

Yes, we are giant rush junkies!


Like hunting we dress up in layer to sit and watch the open (market) range with our weapons (this website, gift cards, and saved up funds).


We tell great hunting tails to friends and as crazy as it sounds we have friends and family that want to come along.


It is the money we save is our skill and all the stuff we get is our kill.


Like hunting some people just don't get it.:tongue1:

I think for some it is the one time of the year where you can go shopping crazy and just cut loose on buying. Especially for me. I am usually pretty conservative all year, cause I know that on Black Friday there are no limits and I plan on having a blast buying stuff. It's like the calm before the storm. Pardon the cliche of course.

I love the rush and the deals! It's an awesome way to kick off the holiday season. :D

Shopping in the early morning, still dark outside, lots of people, saving lots of money, how can anyone not love it?! It's fun. ;)


I think for some it is the one time of the year where you can go shopping crazy and just cut loose on buying. Especially for me. I am usually pretty conservative all year, cause I know that on Black Friday there are no limits and I plan on having a blast buying stuff.


Ditto! The other day one of my Dr.'s at work asked me why would you do it? It seems so crazy! I told him that BF is my favorite sport! hehe

Great deals for myself. Since I don't celebrate the holidays and I'm shopping for myself, my husband or my house, I don't really feel any pressure at all and get great deals. This will be my third year, I buy my electronics on-line and then go out for clothes and other deals the others will not be fighting or standing in line for.
It's the thrill of the hunt! Kind of like trying to "limit out" when fishing. All about getting the bargains, and of course free breakfast at Sam's Club!
Its a tradition in my family. I go with my mom and my sistes. My grandmother always came with us. She got sick on Thanksgiving and was really upset she was going to miss black friday. I have been going since I was about 10. Once my DD are old enough they will join in the fun too.
For me it started out just to save money and of course thats a good reason right? lol But as the years have gone by it became a Tradition- its just a really great time.
It started when we were first married and were really broke! Looking for good deals . Now, it's tradition. And so much fun! I get 90% of my christmas shopping done on BF. I love it!!!

Like everyone else has said


The deals, the rush, the crowd, tradition.


And spending 2 crazy adventurous days with my mom from 4am Thanksgiving Day til after we're done shopping on BF it is a crazy madness of shopping, laughing, food, shopping, and general awesomeness lol :woot2:

Black Friday is the one of the greatest days. It really gets me in the spirit of Christmas. I love the rush of the shopping day. Waiting for the Black Friday ads to come out is torture. I get so excited when the first ad is posted. I am addicted to Black Friday.:cheesy:

To me it signals the start of the holiday season. You pig out for 24 hours and then you burn it off rushing around.


My dh is looking for a new job. We live in cold and snowy Fingerlakes NY and when he brought up Florida as an option , my FIRST (and I am not lying) thought was...Hooray!!! BF without snow and coats :D Dedication to the craft!

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