onemill Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 My Target is at a shopping center that does not allow people to sleep out/line up until 1 hour before opening. There are times when people will meet up in the parking lot and then assign numbers to themselves. For example, when the X Box 360 came out, 24 people met at Target at midnight, assigned the 24 numbers to themselves. So, when people, like myself showed up at 7 am the next morning they all just walked to the front and "claimed" the 24 X Boxes and basically threatened all the rest of us if we tried to stay in our places. This Thanksgiving, I want to get a TV for my son's room. I can't camp out/compete with the stampede of people at Best Buy, Circuit City or Walmart because I will be pretty pregnant so I figure that Target is my best shot. If people randomly assign numbers to themselves in the Target parking lot on Thanksgiving night (then they go home and sleep because the shopping center has security/patrols that don't allow for camping out) do I have to honor their numbering system if I am there in the morning? I don't want to seem like a line cutter, but when I talked to the person in the electronics department at Target he indicated that all items are first come, first served on Black Friday. There is no numbering that the store supports. So, what say you Black Friday experts? If I get there one hour before opening and line up with those people, do we have to honor other folks who implemented a system the night before?
momlori Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I think that just because some people tell you they were there, does not hold a place in line for them. If the center does not allow anyone to line up until 1 hour, then that is what time the line starts. I would love to walk to the front of the line at Best Buy and say I was #1 on Tuesday so I get to go in front of you. I say hold your ground. You can also ask the Target manager how they will be handling this situation. It will at least start them thinking if they have not already.
wnc_mom Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 i sure wouldn't! I would go early and wait in your car and then when you see ppl atarting t line up (an hour or so b4 opening) i would go get in line and be up front I WOULD NOT care what they said if your in line before them tell em' to stick it! u were there 1ST!
Princess7915 Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Ummm, if there is not a line then they were not first in it as far as I think about it. Then I deem myself number 1 at your Target how does that sound? That's bascially what they are doing right? How stupid! And if they leave and come back it's even more random - they LEFT! I would tell any of them that if they threaten you in any way that you'll call the security guard over and persue the matter. I would also cover the tags on your vehicle just before you enter the parking lot because these people sound like freaking wackos. I would go up there and stand in line when allowed to do so and tell them that they were not there, it's first come first served and tough cookies! Obviously you'd have the support of the store.
wx4svr Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I agree with momlori... I wouldn't take part in that kind of practice. I'd just park right across the street.. or "JUST" off Target property so you don't get yelled at, then once the time came.. RUN LIKE CRAZY to get in line! You can't trust people anymore. To be honest, I've actually never heard of a retailer doing something like that on such a large shopping day like BF. I say, don't trust em... take matters in your own hands. Fight to the death for what you want. Ok, maybe not to the death, maybe more like to the broken bone.
sracer Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I think that just because some people tell you they were there, does not hold a place in line for them. If the center does not allow anyone to line up until 1 hour, then that is what time the line starts. I would love to walk to the front of the line at Best Buy and say I was #1 on Tuesday so I get to go in front of you. I say hold your ground. You can also ask the Target manager how they will be handling this situation. It will at least start them thinking if they have not already.I agree. Definitely speak with the store manager. Get his/her name. Ask specifically about how the store will handle the situation. Ask about those who try to line up earlier. Ask about these "homegrown" systems.
allshoppedout Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I would mention it to the manager 2-3 DAYS before BF. I'd tell them what happened last year. I'd even describe them to the mgr. as much as possible (so he doesn't think you are some hormonal pregnant lady freaking about shopping...and telling him tales)By describe I mean you'd say "Approx. 20-25 people, mostly men, all under 30" I think that way maybe they'd actually think about it. If you wait until the day before, that place will be crazy busy and they won't have time to make conversation or give it alot of thought.. just MHO. Best of Luck with shopping and the baby
dbaby4ever Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I would def not let them ahead of me. If they wanted to be first they should have been there early to line up when they are allowed. I am sure the security will be there the morning of BF. If they give you any hassle call security. I would also talk to the Manager a couple of days ahead of time.
Rockfordmom Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 How did they threaten you? I'd call 911 or beat on the Target doors and tell them that you are being threatened and let them take care of it.
Tara3117 Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Ummm, if there is not a line then they were not first in it as far as I think about it. Then I deem myself number 1 at your Target how does that sound?Princess, you can't be #1 - I claimed it 3 days ago. Wait, what city are we talking about??? Yeah, that's absolutely the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. But I also wouldn't go crazy waiting in front of Target. They usually don't have doorbusters and their sales last two days. I've also been able to get rainchecks on some BF stuff in the past (but I've never bought electronics from Target on BF so that might be different). Obviously this gift is important to you and you have incentive to make sure you get it, so stand your ground. PS. You have to let us know how this turns out!!!
KrystalMae1231 Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I'd be like if you were that concerned about your Number you should have gotten here an hour ago when the rest of us did. I would put my foot down.
nitrogirl Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I would definitely speak to the manager a few days before. If you really want to see these peoples faces drop, print out a "ticket" from home that says #1 on it and when they say we are the first few in line, say "Oh, No I have a ticket that they handed out to me, when I arrived earlier this morning". The look on their faces could be priceless!
sracer Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I would definitely speak to the manager a few days before. If you really want to see these peoples faces drop, print out a "ticket" from home that says#1 on it and when they say we are the first few in line, say "Oh, No I have a ticket that they handed out to me, when I arrived earlier this morning". The look on their faces could be priceless!I was thinking the same thing, though I would have it say "#3" for more authenticity.
HisEden Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 It is just crazy to threaten someone over a sale item! I would talk to the Target manager, and make sure to mention that you would like to give them your business, but since you are pregnant and were threatened last year you are concerned. Being pregnant, you might consider sending someone for you. Your safety, and that of your child, is more important than saving money on a television. IMO Bullying tactics are juvenile and should not be tolerated by any store! A store would keep more customers if they police the bullies, than to allow them to intimidate and harrass others.
Guest primal Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 As me and my 8 yr old daughter sit and read this, my daughter is saying dont grown ups know that bullying is against my schools law? Its a sad day when my 8 yr old knows more respect and human kindness then some adults. I would make sure I take a cell phone and pepper spray. A phone with a camera on it would be great that way you can get the peoples pictures who are threatening you.If any one so much as touches you in a way that could hurt your baby it is a automatic felony. It is people like these wacks that make me ashamed of our society. As an american you have a right to go shopping without being bullied. As the song goes you have to stand for something or you will fall for any thing. Sorry if I have typos I am still on my 1st cup of coffee and Im not awake yet
genoandkiddo Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Our Target is also in a shopping center and no way would anyone tell me that they were there first. We can camp out, but I don't and not many people do. But everyone here is bascially right. You stand your ground, if they say anything you tell them to shove it. No one has that right, at all. Especially if there are rules. You go and try to get your tv, it is first come, first serve.
rachel_413 Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Gee, I bet telling the other inmates in the jail cell that they were number one in the Target line, will sure up their standing. Even threatening someone is a crime, and you've got lots of witnesses and security cameras.
deanabrown Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 Have you ever considered ordering online? I know circuit city is offering Thursday online specials and the majority of BF specials are online. I've purchased early in the morning. People can be crazy and I would not want to see something happen to you especially since your pregnant.
kati30 Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 Why don't you just look at the Target ads on this it a few days before and go there at like....two in the afternoon, sleep need your rest..and get your price adjusted :)_
mcwalker Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 People who do not physoically remain in a line, or have family members holding their place (notwithstanding bathroom breaks and the like) do not have a right to move ahead od anybody who follows store/property rules. While store managers don't have a legal responsibility, I think that they have an obligation to assist in maintaining an orderly line and fair practice, including calling the police if people skip. I was at a BB on Long Island last year. They had arranged for city police to sit in the lot in front of the store for the night. (What else are on-duty cops doing that night anyway?) There were still at least a couple of people who slipped in the line as it moved further back where I was, but the police kept things orderly and fair at the front mainly just by being there. Suggestion: If people are trying to skip, call the police. No one is likely to get arrested, but police will likely mediate, and people will think twice about skipping.
stcmom05 Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 I have two words to say to those 24 jerks- How Rude! Who gives them the authority to assign themselves numbers! You should go with a big sign on your belly that says that you(and your unborn baby are #1 and #2 in line and that you are entitled to two TVs! I agree with those who say that you should speak to a manager in advance. Hopefully he/she will put an end to those dictators! Please be careful - I have gone out on Black Friday being very pregnant before (I have six children - so BF is my favorite day of the year for bargains) and while most people are pretty nice, there are those idiots that will bowl you down to get the $19 DVD player that will most likely break in a month!
jtolli Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 To echo what others have already said, no one can threaten you. As soon as they did that, then I would have told the security people that the person threatened you. If security wouldn't do anything about it, then I would have called the local police. In a situation where there are large crowds involved, the police will respond if they think they are going to have an unruely mob on their hands. Two years ago we went to our local Best Buy store the night before to camp out. Someone was handing out raffle style tickets the night before. We, and I think everyone, assumed the person handing out the tickets was a Best Buy employee. Around Midnight a Best Buy manager showed up, and told everyone (by now a crowd of maybe 50 - 70 people) that they had to line up on the other side of the door for safety reasons. You can imagine the madhouse that ensued at that point. People who were in the back of the line rushed over to the other side of the door so they could be towards the front of the line. Then a lot of people complained to the manager that they had lower number tickets then the people now in the front of the line. The manager then informed everyone that those numbers (tickets) handed out were not from a Best Buy employee, and there was nothing he could do as it was first come first serve. He did ask everyone to show some integrity though and honor the tickets that were handed out. Some people with ethics did, others without ethics basically said they didn't have to honor the tickets, and therefore were not going to do so. That caused the crowd to get more fired up. In the end the manager called the local cops who came basically as a show of force. Again all the cops did was sit there to ensure things did not get out of control while the manager again asked everyone to be honest and take their place in line based on the ticket number they had. He went down the line putting everyone back in order based on their number. With the cops there order was restored. The cops (this time about 5 cars) showed up again just before the store opened. They drove up and down the line announcing on their PA that if anyone gets out of control they would be taking them to jail. I told that Best Buy story to show that these "private" numbering systems really mean nothing to the store. In this case Best Buy honored it to restore order, but it is different then your situation where some people meet the night before to assign numbers, went home and slept, then came back expecting others to honor their numbers. I can't imagine any store manager supporting a scheme like that.
clm101798 Posted November 17, 2008 Posted November 17, 2008 it is not just line etiquette that people lack.....BF is so much more enjoyable if people are nice to each other and have manners..... Last year at TRU I was only getting some video games and movies so I was just holding a few things in my hands. (looked like a not much to bother with but saved me $50!) As you probably know, shopping carts are scarce on BF, but since I didn't really need one it was not big deal. So I get into the mile long line to check out and the woman in front of me is trying to hold a pile of stuff including a guitar. So I offered to hold the guitar until we got to the register for her. She was so grateful. Soon I saw people with carts offering cartless people with big piles a space on their cart to store things while in line..... But then I go to Target where I need a cart, so I am waiting with others for carts to come in chit chatting while we wait. Guy brings in some carts and is separating them, but a couple were stuck. Since I was raised to be nice I reach out and start pulling the front cart to help him separate them. The guy practically ripped my head off and screamed at me to get my hand off that cart! No one waiting thought I was trying to get the cart ahead of them, they all knew I was just helping him I promptly apologized to him that I was sorry that I tried to be nice and help him out. I will remember in the future to never be nice to him or offer to help anyone. Jerk. The other women waiting also had a few choice words for him.
jellybean051901 Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 There is no way I would let someone come up to me and say that. We had people try to get in front of us and we raise a fuss until they remove themselves or are removed
Lusha120 Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 QUOTE "She was so grateful. Soon I saw people with carts offering cartless people with big piles a space on their cart to store things while in line....." You must be from around here... thats the way we do things! never a bad moment by me!!! lol. But you have to go into ot with good humor and know that the other people out there are just as nuts as you are. We had some of the same issues ehr eat (yep you guessed it) BB last year. Bum rushing an otherwise orderly line... we had fun all night long, until that happened. Store management did nothing. Will not be back there this year. I'm going to brave the mall and KB! I know the security there... grew up with them. they got my back.. lmao
rachealb Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 um, I don't even think so. Those people are ridiculous and it so does not work that way. Lucky for me, the last couple of years I have gotten my hubby excited to go and there is no chance anyone would even try anything like that with him with me (he is pretty intimidating looking...)
cc1824 Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 You might try to check and see if the Tv can be ordered on line to save you the trouble. I know we always line up here in FL of course alot warmer than where you are, but they have no policies down here, if you're in line you usually stay, but the past years I've been in line at CC, we've had some problems, and the other times there's been problems the cops come and arrest the problem starters. I agree that the system sometimes is not fair to people, but everyone should honor it and try not to cut in front of people, especially if you've been standing there all night. In the past people at BB try to show up when the store opens and run in line but they have been stopped before to long and are told back of line please. If they don't cooperate they have been escorted away by police. 2 years ago we were in line and 3 ladies got arrested for fighting in line and cutting in line, then you have the people that tke poles of "what are yo uin line for and they spend all night counting people, its ridic. IMO I'm not telling you what i'm getting and IMO you shouldn't ask! Just like you shouldn't offer to buy someone's spot in line either. I figure if I'm going to give up my spot you better have a lot of dough because I didn't sit out here all night for nothing. Good luck with your tv.
Scott Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 All ur lines are belong to us! Any GottaDeal moderator reserves the right to move to the front. Essentially, we've been waiting in line all year...
jtolli Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 .. then you have the people that tke poles of "what are yo uin line for and they spend all night counting people, its ridic. IMO I'm not telling you what i'm getting and IMO you shouldn't ask!Here's a story about that. Two years ago we were in line at Best Buy. They had a "secret sale" or something like that, don't remember what it's called but it was for a laptop they only advertised on-line. Some college aged kids came through the line asking what everyone was buying. We were there for the laptop that was only advertised on-line. When I said we were there for the laptop, they asked which one (they also had a different laptop in their hard copy ad). I heard them tell other people that a lot of people weren't aware of the on-line laptop, and when they (the pollers) asked them which laptop, and they (the pollers) told the people in line about it, a lot of them said they wanted that. So what happened is by asking people what they were there for they kind of defeated the purpose of BB having the on-line only ad, as they ended up telling many people about the special laptop that didn't already know about it. In the end, we didn't get one as they were already gone by the time they got to us with tickets. We only missed getting a laptop ticket by about 5 or so people. So if the pollers hadn't told people about it, we most likely would have got one.
kim_r4 Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 All ur lines are belong to us! Any GottaDeal moderator reserves the right to move to the front. Essentially, we've been waiting in line all year... To the time-out chair for you, mister!
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