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We do stockings:D When I was young and times were really lean we still had stockings. Might not have had anything else but we always had something in our stocking. DH and I have a blast filling stockings for eachother now. We also fill one for our Pug. We fill them sometime during the night and try to sneak it out to the livingroom with out the other person knowing. :cheesy:We put Maggie's out Christmas morning. The dog gets so excited when she sees her stocking and loves digging her goodies out.:rwb:
My parents still do stockings for us. My older sister and I are in our early 20's (she is 23 and I'm 21) but since we have younger siblings (16, 13, 12) my mom just does ours differently. My younger siblings get video games, movies, candy, jewelry, little nic-nacks where as my older sister and I get gift cards, handmade jewelry, movies and candy.
We do stockings. They get filled on Christmas eve and my boys unload all the goodies after all the presents have been opened:)

stockings are first in this house. They are so excited to open the small gifts inside.


Now my daughter opens the stockings for my dogs. I don't wrap them (the gifts in side), but shes so excited for them. lol

We do stockings, but then on Christmas morning we always forget about them. Last year for DH and my Mom (she spends christmas with us), I go them lottery tickets, the scratch off kind. They were a big hit. We never play the lottery because we don't have one here. I have to drive over the state line to get them in FL.

I go overboard with stockings. My parents always went overboard, and I think it passed on to me! dh does my stocking and after he saw his filled the first year we were married, he felt bad about only putting a couple of things in mine! He has since gotten much better about the stocking! The dogs and fish all get stockings, too. I use the little stockings to hang on the aquarium, the dogs have dogbone stockings with their pictures in them, and ds, dh, and I all have one. These are opened after Santa gifts on Christmas morning.


My parents still have our stockings each year ready for us when we get to their house. It is the only thing Santa still brings there. We told them two years ago that Santa needed to stop coming to their house, too! It was just all too much and they are both retired. Santa brought just as many things up until then as he did when we were kids. We still get about 10 gifts each, but the 30-40 gifts from Santa had to stop!


Of Course! Stockings are my favorite! I love filling them for everyone, and love seeing whatever my husbands finds to put in mine! He also gets a few things for the kid stockings as well, so it is fun to see what he gets to put in their's as well! I had them as a kid and so we carry them on for our kids. We hang them when we put up the Christmas decorations, and they get filled after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve. They are the last things we open on Christmas Morning....I like to save the best for last!:tongue1:

when we were little my mom used to fill the stocking wioth candy but mostly oranges and lots of pennies i just found out last year looking up christmas traduitions and stuff that in the olden days oranges were scarce at christmas so thats why santa would bring oranges cause they cost a lot i guess the pennies were to be rich at the start of the new year my mom was wayyy old school
  dealluvr said:

when we were little my mom used to fill the stocking wioth candy but mostly oranges and lots of pennies i just found out last year looking up christmas traduitions and stuff that in the olden days oranges were scarce at christmas so thats why santa would bring oranges cause they cost a lot i guess the pennies were to be rich at the start of the new year my mom was wayyy old school

We always got an orange too, can't remember the pennies but there might have been some years. We always got nuts in them also, and we'd spend the afternoon cracking them and talking, playing with our toys.

I had a stocking as a child and my children have always had one too. About few years ago when they outgrew their "baby stockings" I bought plain red ones with white across the top, Christmas pins and colored glitter glue pens. The kids and I decorated one for each of us in the family. They really enjoyed doing that together and made their stocking thier own creation.
Growing up we did stockings on St. Nick's. That's what I do with my kids too. My husband's family didn't do them. I usually spend $10 on each one. Not a lot of candy but trinkets like card games, maybe an action figure or car.
We always leave stockings til last...kind of after the chaos of Santa and gift opening...then when one of the kids says, "Is that it?" we can pull out the stockings...LOL. I love doing them...even if I have to fill my own too! Last year I put tix for Walking with Dinosaurs coming to our town in January in everyones with candy and all the little BF items I picked up. Gift cards are great too.
I always had a stocking when I was a kid, mom put apple orange nuts, candy canes in and a few small gifts like perfume earrings,etc. Not a lot really. When hubby and I had our first Christmas I gave him a small stocking and he said it was the first time hed ever had one and he didnt have one for me cause he didnt know I was doing it. From then on we had big ones stuffed full and Ive done it for all 4 kids. The oldest ones are away from home and still get one and I will be doing one for the future SIL this year, too! This year they said they want LOTS of candy and some kiddie toys like play dough and silly putty!!!!! Not so much other little stuff. They open them first. But nobody goes into the living room until they come to our room for the Bible reading of the Christmas story and a prayer first!
We didn't have a stocking growing up. When we would go to our best friend's house and see all that she got in her stocking, I wished for one so badly each year. Finally, my parents started having stockings for us, filled with oranges and nuts. Needless to say, even though I never said anything, it still was not close to what my friend got in hers. Looking back, I realize, my parents just couldn't afford the same level of stocking gifts. (Ungrateful child I was!) And yes, I always have stockings for my family, filled with all the things I dreamed of getting in a stocking years ago.

We love stockings! Ours always had fun stuff and candy, but an orange or apple at the bottom- I think that comes from tradition because people used to count getting fruit in the wintertime as a special treat


But, when we were little, my grandma used to put ribbon candy in them not in a package, so you would reach your hand in and it would be all sticky and covered with the fuzzy inside the stocking stuff! It is now a big joke between my mom and I to give each other ribbon candy

Always had a stocking growing up, always do stockings for the boys & dh. Any stuff I send off for during the year (send in X upc's and get whatever) ends up in someone's stocking. Last year the boys got the Tooth Tunes toothbrushes. They always get toothbrush, toothpaste, tic tacs, those cheapy bite size foil wrapped chocolate santa's and then whatever fun, silly stuff I find.
We always had stockings when I was growing up. They went up the day we decorated and Santa filled them on Christmas Eve. I have the same tradition in my house, with a twist. We put up stockings for my hubby, me, our son, the dog, and the cat. Santa fills our son's, our son fills the pets', and my parents come over a few days before Christmas to fill mine and my husband's. And I fill my parents' stockings on Christmas Eve. It's a nice way for them to still be my "Santa" after all these years, since I don't open my stocking until Christmas morning. And I must admit, it's still exciting for me to wake up to some surprises, lol.
  hockeyfanamo said:

We do stockings:D When I was young and times were really lean we still had stockings. Might not have had anything else but we always had something in our stocking. DH and I have a blast filling stockings for eachother now. We also fill one for our Pug. We fill them sometime during the night and try to sneak it out to the livingroom with out the other person knowing. :cheesy:We put Maggie's out Christmas morning. The dog gets so excited when she sees her stocking and loves digging her goodies out.:rwb:

Aww, I have a pug too who loves to get his stocking! Too funny!

  rachealb said:

We love stockings! Ours always had fun stuff and candy, but an orange or apple at the bottom- I think that comes from tradition because people used to count getting fruit in the wintertime as a special treat


But, when we were little, my grandma used to put ribbon candy in them not in a package, so you would reach your hand in and it would be all sticky and covered with the fuzzy inside the stocking stuff! It is now a big joke between my mom and I to give each other ribbon candy

You do that too? My mother in law asked me if I did and I had never heard of it. I thought she was nuts, and she thought I was nuts. Needless to say suddenly santa brings oranges for the stocking....

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