BabyBear24kGold Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 me and my sons go we love it even my daughter wants to go this year
mrs.winter Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 I take my little sister(32) last year was her first time she love it so we will start doing it every year!
gezzmom70 Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 I sometimes go alone, or I take a friend (if they want to get up that early). I've taken my dd a couple of times, but that's not a normal thing. I'm part of a network, though, so I only have to hit certain stores.
cmw1009 Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 it;s usually just me and my hubby...sometimes we will meet my sister in law out there
JackJack Posted October 13, 2008 Posted October 13, 2008 I think there are about 15 of us this year!!!:D We all start usually in the same spot..but then branch off and then meet for breakfast. We discuss our deals and then head off again!! The area we are shopping in, has everything in a 2 block we are basically just back and forth across the road. We will shop til' about 4pm, get a hotel and head of in the am, for another 2 days of shopping, in a different area. Can't wait........
harrispizza4 Posted October 13, 2008 Posted October 13, 2008 We go with about 15 too. Most of us start at Kohl's because they are the first store to open at 4am. We all meet at the mall for lunch to get our pic taken with santa!
Mattfam Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 In our home, BF is a family tradition. We have 6 children (mostly teenagers) and a niece (also a teenager) who lost her parents in a car accident. Last year we had 12 people in our shopping party. My sister was visiting from Dallas with her husband and we had help from a couple of our teenagers' friends/girlfriends. It takes some planning making sure we don't send one of the kids after their own gifts and making sure they don't see them - but with a little planning (OK - ALOT of planning!!!) we manage. I stumbled upon this website a few years ago and it has been a godsend. Now instead of staying up all night the night before Thanksgiving pouring over the ads, clipping pictures and mapping out everyone's schedules, shopping lists and time tables and then having to prepare a big meal and entertain all day Thursday - I can start a few weeks in advance. My husband says I spend more time and effort planning Black Friday than they did invading Normandy - so I guess the bigger my infantry - the better Sadly - I don't think my sister is coming back up this year to join the festivities - go figure
dmintelsgt Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Usually I start out with just ME and maybe one friend. Sometimes I pick up my mom around 8am to help me finish shopping. This year I have a new friend who is completely excited about going with me - she has 3 kids to shop for and I have 2. My group might get as big as 4 or 5 this year since my aunt moved to town - we'll just have to see what the ads are like this year. I'm usually done with all my shopping by noon. DH stays home w/the girls and won't leave the house on BF unless it was on fire!
Thumper501 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 It is just me and my sister that go out. No one else is as crazy as us. My sister's husband is talking about going with us, but we keep warning him that he has to keep up if he is going to tag along. We are serious shoppers.
MeliesMom Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Me and my boyfriend usually just go by ourselves. His friend went last year and they help me get the big stuff and they do whatever I tell them to so it's a big help to me. I think his friend is going to go again this year. I don't ever ask anyone to go with me and I don't think anyone else in my family really goes shopping that day. I might see if my sister wants to go with me this year but she will probably say no. She would prefer to sleep I'm sure! No one else is as serious as I am about it.
kellane26 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 I usually go by myself. This year, I may go with one other friend.
littlezar Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 By myself unless we go home for Thanksgiving and then it's me and my sister.
hopeky94 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Last year, my mom and I tried something new and both really enjoyed it: I get up super early and go to the 24 hr Walmart, pick up stuff to price match, then wait around for the early bird stuff that I want. Once I'm done there, I head over to Tractor Supply (the other stores are 20 miles further away). Around 6:00, I call my mom to make sure she's up and getting ready (and remind her to bring warm food- LOL). She meets me at TS about 6:30 with coffee and a quick breakfast sandwich. The two of us continue shopping together there, then down the road to all the other stores we want to hit! Around 1:00 we stop for lunch (last year was hot Subway sandwiches- yum!) then decide whether to shop some more or head home and enjoy the afternoon by sorting thru our treasures... :)
mcwalker Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 2006: early only with nephew, later with wife and nephew. In Chicago. 2007: early with nephew and brother who had just flown in from Texas. Later with wife and nephew. In Long Island near NYC home. 2008: Probably alone, later with wife? In Fort Worth/Weatherford, Texas near my parents home.
LainieB Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 I have to shop with someone or I get lonely. Plus my friend usually guards the cart and I go down the aisles and grab what we need.
MICKEY3601 Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 I usually drag by best friend unless she is working on BF. If she doesn't go with me then I am on my own. Everyone in my family thinks I am crazy to BF shop so they won't go with me. I think they are crazy NOT to. I get a laugh every year when they last minute shop.
Bursley2010 Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 I've gone with friends/family, and I've gone by myself-- I think I prefer a small group; one or two other people. That way we can split up and cover more ground, but we're not worrying about keeping track of everyone.
Kat07 Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 If DH is home then I shop by myself, if he is working then I bring DD with me... which was the last 2 years. She is 6 and actually loves getting up in the middle of the night to go and is already begging if she can go this year. LOL My mother goes shopping too on BF, but to a different town/different stores so we keep our lists and cell phones handy and it is great to cover more ground.
satidwell Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 well it started out just me and my mom, Then after we came home and I was telling him all the stuff that was going on he said I'm going next year and has came every year since then he don't care about the sales he loves to watch the people!
Nate Dogg Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 justjessie99 said: My DH and I go together. He gets a cart and stands in line and I run and get things.This year DH has to work:(.... so I guess my mom and I are going. However due to my DH having to work we have been buying alot of things already.....We have the big ticket items out of the way. That is exactly what we do. My wife has 2 or 3 things she goes for then gets in line... I get the rest and join her. Saves us about 3 hours of waiting in line time!
flyjar Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 3, myself, my wife and my 1.5 year old daughter.
Spotted1 Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Just the husband and me, this year. Last year my sister in law went with me so my husband could go hunting. I don't want to do that again this year. lol
TamiL Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Last year I went with my daughter and her husband....Not this year. I am much faster without extras tagging along... I love them and all but this is Black Friday!!!
RBWilliams Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 I camp out my first initiation by myself. DH thought I was nuts:yup: Last year I ordered on line and went out by myself. While I would like to have someone with me shopping, I am happy not to be held up by someone else. Now if I had a fellow Gottadeal member, who understood the importance of seek, find, buy and move on and repeat. That would be great. ALAS, I don't have any takes. They all want something called SLEEP and WARMTH:yuck:.................Hey, I wanna good deal and excitement:razz: So, I'm flying solo again this year.
lcplwinkerswife Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 well normally me and my mom and ive had a few others that taged along but i think just me this year husband works 3rd shift so he will still be at work unless i bring my friend but i doubt i will;)
gingersunshine Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 just me and my girls, ages 12 and 13...maybe a few of my hubby's buddies if they get to my house early enough, too. they know that i can find all of the deals!
Wife2Grumpy Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 My hubby, and my BFF and her hubby. We had a babysitter for the 7 kids last year, and already have her lined up for this year. We had a blast last year.
Gporter34 Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Me, my Mom, ds 20, dd 16, and dd 14. Sometimes my aunt goes but usually it's just us going together and my aunt hits other stores, then we meet up afterwards.
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