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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2008

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Thanks for the FYI on the Little People.


I have 6 grandaughters!! My house is packed with like new toys from garage sales for when there here, but I stockup on store sales for birthdays & holidays. I still have some toys not opened I bought last year & an entire closet of clothes from the Macy sale for them. I should be shopping for myself, but it is more fun shopping for the kids! :yup::yup:

  supershopper1 said:

I should be shopping for myself, but it is more fun shopping for the kids! :yup::yup:

I agree!! My kids have everything and need nothing. I have nothing and need everything.


I've been reading all the posts but there is no mention of any Fisherprice little people, weebles sets or playschool or Vtec for little children around 2 yrs old. Isn't anything like that on clearance???? I may have to wait until the Summer sale or Kmart sale in the summer.

I found a playskool soccer ball, it's soft on the outside, for $2.48.

I bought my store's last bumblebee hop for about $8.50 a couple days ago. Maybe other stores still had some at 75%?


If you need suggestions...

My son will be 2 in Oct. I found lots of things for his birthday & christmas '08.

Cars Doodlepro

Shake 'n go speedway (he has big sisters to help him with this)

Thomas birthday set (sisters again)

shake 'n go airplane (even if he can't use the launcher, it's a cool airplane)

Soft soccer ball (playskool)

Gepetto mouse puppet-thing on a stick


I also considered:

Kool Toys stuff: big firetruck, big semi full of "matchbox"-type cars, dump truck

2-pack of cars - about the size of shake 'n go ones - $1.xx


And for a 2-year-old cousin I found:

lots of really cheap baby dolls, many come with accessories and do cool stuff

doll stollers

playdough (if you are daring)

  lovetoshopCA said:

They look like this. The front part opens out like a book. THey are often on pegs, sometimes laying on the shelves.http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41m6p1xrlwL._AA244_.jpg

Both the guitar and the piano each come with one cartridge, so you still can play with it if you don't find any cartridges. Although I do know that a couple of other stores have them marked down as well, just not as cheap as Target.

  liz harley said:

I picked up an " I can play" guitar. Can anyone tell me about this? Is it OK for a 3 year old? I did not see a coupon for it??

We have both the guitar and the piano, but we have not opened the guitar yet( the kids dont know we have it yet:) ) My kids are 4 and 7 and the piano is a little hard for the little ones. The idea behind these is that they are supposed to teach the kids how to play. I personally think the piano is the best thing that they got for Christmas, but a 3 year old may have trouble with it.

  pleasant said:

:( So sorry to hear!!!! I wish I had known you wanted the IM-Me. I saw 2 or 3 and I picked it up and looked at it (my DD already has one...it's junk)



Is the IM-ME junk as in you wouldn't pay $50 for it junk or would you consider it to have some fun appeal for $16.xx? I just picked up a couple today for my kiddos and if it's really bad junk, I should return it. :shock: Any other insights on that particular toy?

  pleasant said:

:( So sorry to hear!!!! Chattanooga store wasnt marked down until today...my friend said she looked yesterday. They had a lot today when I got there at noon. I wish I had known you wanted the IM-Me. I saw 2 or 3 and I picked it up and looked at it (my DD already has one...it's junk) and put it down. I couldve hid it for you! Let me know next time. I am at that Target WAY too much! :cheesy:


Come to think of it, my friend had the Big Trouble and put it back. Couldve hid that too!

I really appreciate that. Wished I would have thought of it. A lady said they marked down yesterday. She may have meant last night (Gunbarrel). I went to 153 first and found the yahtzee and dinosaurs there. The only thing I found at Gunbarrel was the digi-makeover. We saw the IM-Me a couple of weeks ago and my daughter wanted it then. No way was I going to pay the 30% off and still at $45 for it!! I should have hid it, but I guess it wasn't meant for her to have it!!

  KC-Traderbear said:

Is the IM-ME junk as in you wouldn't pay $50 for it junk or would you consider it to have some fun appeal for $16.xx? I just picked up a couple today for my kiddos and if it's really bad junk, I should return it. :shock: Any other insights on that particular toy?

If anyone has an extra one, I will take it!! :D

I am so bummed:( I was at 2 targets last night and they were still at 30%. My son stayed home from school today so I never left the house today. I figured I should be a good mommy and keep my sick kids in the house. By the time my hubby got home at 8pm and I ran to Target their 8 aisles of clearance was down to barely 2:(. I still got some cartridges for the piano and guitar. I also grabbed a Spiderman 3d puzzle for 3.24 and a transformers Risk game. The box had a 1.24 sticker but it scanned at 6.24 so I asked the guy in toys what that meant. He said it was probably a wrong sticker but to point it out to the cashier. When I showed the girl the sticker she overrode the $6 price and I got it for $1.24!
I'm so jealous! :mad: You girls are getting some awesome deals!! I just wanted to mention that the Lil Loveables (i think it's called) bear stuffing thingy is really kind of cute if you happen to see it. It is like the Build a Bear idea but do it yourself at home. I'm sure you have seen it. I saw an earlier post that it was marked down to $4 or $5. :eek: Santa paid much more than that!!! DD8 got it for Christmas and loved it. It would make a cute (and inexpensive) birthday party gift to stock up on. I like to stock up too...we live in a small town and there is not a lot of toy selection at the couple of stores we do have. The kids are always needing little gifts for someone or other. I am sure all of the cool stuff will be gone by the time I get there...so happy shopping everyone!
  lovetoshopCA said:

Did anyone in SoCal get to San Dimas, LaVerne or Diamond Bar today? Did they go 75% today? Did you happen to notice if they had much left in the way of the pop up playhouses and such? I think they'll drop tomorrow, and I am debating the trip out that way anyway.

I went to the Chino Hills store during lunch and they had a lot of the pop up playhouses they all had red stickers. Sorry didn't check price as the clearance had a 30% off sign on them but there was quite a few of the markdown team members on the barbie isle so I don't know if they had already finished the playhouse isle.

  tthomas99 said:

My Target had the Little People on clearance for 50 off when i was there last night but they were gone by the time I went after work today.

Little People Airport down to $4.98. Geotrax Grand Central Station $12.48 (but only in small stores, the bigger stores keep them year-round).

  nancy_7997 said:

I went to the Chino Hills store during lunch and they had a lot of the pop up playhouses they all had red stickers. Sorry didn't check price as the clearance had a 30% off sign on them but there was quite a few of the markdown team members on the barbie isle so I don't know if they had already finished the playhouse isle.

Thanks. I think I'll pop over that way tomorrow and take care of the stuff I needed to do anyway. I think LaVerne might go down tomorrow on toys if they haven't already. They always seem to be behind a few days. Their Christmas was 75% when everyone else had been 90% for a couple of days already. Alhambra hadn't done theirs, and they seem to be on the same track a lot.


I hit two Targets today. The one in Livonia (between 9mi & GR) had the 75% toy clearance. The one in Southfield (Southfield Rd) was still at 30% this afternoon, although they had some at 50%. So I scored at one, but not at the other. Here's what I got:

First Act Harmonica...$1.98

Bratz Flower Girl Chloe...$3.24


Scene It! Harry Potter Ed...$6.74

FP I Can Play Guitar...$19.98

FP I Can Play Guitar cartridge...$3.24

FP I Can Play Guitar cartridge...$3.24

FP I Can Play Guitar cartridge...$3.24

FP I Can Play Piano cartridge...$3.74

FP I Can Play Piano cartridge...$3.74

FP I Can Play Piano cartridge...$3.74

Fly Fusion Software: Harry Potter's Marauder's Map...$2.48

Fly Fusion Software: Music Studio...$3.74


I also managed some non-toy deals throughout the store:

4X4 Picture frames (6)...$1.25 each

4X6 Picture frames (3)...$1.25 each

L/S girls' top...$2.48

Electrasol Power Tabs (20-pk)...$2.66 - $2.25 man. coupon = 41 cents!

  NTBoard said:

What ended up being the consensus on the expired coupons on the Target site? Will they take them? THANKS!



In my experiences, it is pretty subjective if the cashier takes it and if they catch it in the first place. I know that I've used expired coupons in Target...sometimes they work; other times they don't.


You may just have to test it and see if it works for you.


Good luck!


Okay I officially have to stop reading this thread until the Toys Clearence is over. Every time I read a new post I want to tell DH that I need to pick up something at the store just so I can sneak back to Target and see if anything is left:D


My name is Kim and I am a Target Clearence Addict!:eek::yup::rolleyes:

thanks everyone !! especially love2shopca !!! :D i went to lake 1st just like you said, thanks !! we waited there then waited forever @ madre store too ! :) What where you wearing and what color is your hair ? my mom went to alhambra and rosemead, and they had not gone down yet...Do you know they or eagle rock did ? Hope everyone had a great day :yup:

After reading all of the good deals to be found, I made it to Target by 10am. I knew it was 75% off when people were leaving with carts overflowing and there were people standing by flat beds in the outside aisles. I still found lots of stuff and stayed over an hour in the area. The best find was the Lego airport #7894 and there was one in the lego aisle and I knew it had been on sale and it had a red sticker that said $55.XX, so I scanned it and it came up 19.98! I found a lot of things that were on endcaps and in the regular aisles that never had gotten moved over. They were just marking things down and just finally gave up because they couldn't get into the aisles. You just took your stuff to them to put a red sticker on.

I got the I can play guitar 19.98

I can play cartridges for both piano and guitar 3.24

Nat'l Geographic microscope 5.98

Hooked on Phonics Kindergarten learn to read 9.44

High School Musical dolls $7.50

Cabbage Patch Kid Walking Doll 7.48

Barbie Girl accessory face plates 2.48

Spotz Maker 6.22

Spotz accessory pack 1.24

Hi Glam doll 2.48

Hooked on Phonics word master 6.24

Vmigo spiderman and chihuahua 7.48

Anniversary GI Joe Pack 6.24

Digi Makeover 14.74

Dinosaur science kit 4.98

Pirates of the Caribbean ship $8.24

Playdoh Super Craft art caddy 4.74

BratzLife plug and play 7.48

lots of different bratz 3.24 and 4.24


Thanks to you all that posted early!

  savvybuys said:

Does anyone know when sporting goods gets there next markdown?? I saw lots of tents and playhouses..But they were all just 30% off.

I asked the markdown person and she said probally next week.
  BoulderChick said:

Okay I officially have to stop reading this thread until the Toys Clearence is over. Every time I read a new post I want to tell DH that I need to pick up something at the store just so I can sneak back to Target and see if anything is left:D


My name is Kim and I am a Target Clearence Addict!:eek::yup::rolleyes:

I agree! LOL, I got about 4 cartfulls in the 2 days of shopping and I still keep thinking I should go back in case I missed stuff, my dh would kill me, our hiding place is full, i'm gonna start wrapping stuff up next week for birthdays and Christmas!


My name is Ruth and I'm a Gotta Dealer Addict!!:D


Popped into Lynnwood Target (north of Seattle) just to use the Huggies coupon for the last time, totally forgetting that about the toys going 75% off. Well I was surprised to see that it actually did. Lynnwood is incredibly slow and stingy at marking things down. The Northgate target just 15 minutes south will have things 75-90% off and Lynnwood would still be on 30%.


Anyways, 2 aisles of 75% off toys left. Got the Candy Land Castle game for DD3 who wanted it so badly at Christmas and Santa "forgot" (i.e. is too cheap to but a full priced $20 game). So we got it today for $4.98. Also had lots of: Super Art Desk for $9.98, Dora Let's Get Ready Vanity for $19.98, Barbie Throne for $12.48, Cars and Princess Crayola crafts for $4.98. Also had a ton of girl's shoes on clearance (toddler through pre-teen sizes) in lots of styles (Hello Kitty, Dora, athletic shoes, glittery shoes like Dorothy wears in the Wizard of Oz) that were 50-75% off.

Gonna try to hit up Northgate tomorrow...


This is my first posts. I went to Target last night (now kicking myself for not going tonight as well) and I found:


Enchanted Book 059050398 for 3.24


Fisher Price Little Mommy Newborn travel set 086040247 for 3.24


Sweet Talkin' Puss in Boots 086081102 for 4.98


Rose Art Smart Easel 081040891 for 9.98


Super Art Desk 081040887 for 9.98


Multi Colored String Lights (outdoor) 078102979 for 2.48


Home String lights (outdoor) 078102982 for 2.48


AND MY MAJOR DEAL OF THE DAY..... (I'm so excited about this one :cheesy:)


Playskool Rose Petal Cottage 08605281 for 19.98!!! Originally 79.99



  NTBoard said:

What ended up being the consensus on the expired coupons on the Target site? Will they take them? THANKS!


The ones I've used without any problems:

Little Mommy


Barbie Island Princess


The ones that didn't work for me:


Digital Art Desk



Those were the only coupons I was interested in. I saw the Polly Pocket Jet marked down to $11.xx yesterday and there is a coupon out on the Target site for $10 off the jet, which would have made it all of a buck or 2. We are so overrun on Polly Pocket dolls though, the last thing I need is an airplane in the house falling into another million small Polly pieces! (I've heard from others that the Jet doesn't really stay together great... I've got a 2 year old, so that would translate into "WILL fall apart immediately" at my house!)


Although, now that I think about it, THAT was stupid of me not to get it. That was really cheap for toys for tots or something.

  kridy said:

This is my first posts. I went to Target last night (now kicking myself for not going tonight as well) and I found:



Sweet Talkin' Puss in Boots 086081102 for 4.98





I didn't buy this toy, but I secretly kind of liked passing by him in the aisle cause he usually whistled at me! Always made me feel good, even when I was in my baseball cap and snow boots! 'fraid he might have eventually gotten on my nerves though. Same with that green baby shrek thingy (I think). It makes the weirdest noises.

  supershopper1 said:

I've been reading all the posts but there is no mention of any Fisherprice little people, weebles sets or playschool or Vtec for little children around 2 yrs old. Isn't anything like that on clearance???? I may have to wait until the Summer sale or Kmart sale in the summer.:(


I did see a vtech farm thingy with farm type animals with it-75% off but didn't buy one....didn't see much for the littler kids....

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