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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2008

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Okay, the target in CoMmack NY was 75% off. I called before I went all the way down there (I was on lunch break when I went). Half the stuff I saw last night was gone, but there was still a lot left. I held back though and didn't buy nearly half the stuff I wanted to. I spent about $15 on a few small things. I was tempted to get the Harry Potter Scene it game for a little over $6, but I figured I had no one to play it with except my SIL so why bother.
  theresamax said:

Sitting here at work getting more and more jealous.....Anyone seen some good boy toy deals in SW FL?????? Oh well, I guess I'm making money instead of spending it!! But, by the time I get out, everything will be gone:(

A lot of Pirates of the Caribbean stuff, and a few train items.


I went into the Plainville Mass store today at 8:00 am and they were marking down all

toys 75% off. You had to get the employee to use the gun on your item to mark it down to

the 75% off as it would not scan correctly at the register.


I got TPIR DVD game $3.74

" " 1 vs 100 DVD game $3.74

" " Deal or no Deal DVD game $3.74


they also had these games for Family Feud and various Scene Its and WOF


They had the huge remote controlled cars/trucks all for $14.98 most of them were originally

well over $100. Tons of baby toys, Pirates stuff, tons of Barbies, Vtechs, big table games, air

hockey, pool tables etc. Easels, arts and crafts stuff all 75% off. They were still bringing out

stuff from the back as I left. I also got Boogle Jr, Clue Jr and Monopoly Jr, Dora Candy Land all were $2.24 each. My son is a special ed major and currently tutors 4 yr old autistic twins

so I hope he can use these for those kids.

Also a nice Christmas train set with tracks for $3.74 and a huge fire engine with all the sounds for $2.48.


I gave in and went at lunch... :D


My son is 14 and way over the toy scene, but there are still plenty of kiddos in the family to buy for.


I got: 1 Clue Jr Game 2.74

1 Barbie Jelly Camera 3.22

1 Elec. Family Feud Game 4.98

1 IP Rosella 3.74

1 IP Luciana 3.74

1 Barbie Throne 12.48

AND I managed to score one overlooked Christmas box of Choxie Truffles for $1.50 (had been 15)


Grand Total : $35.44


Not a fortune, but I did get some birthday gifts out of the way!

I went to the Hanes Mall (Winston-Salem, NC) target at lunch. Toys were 75% off but were very picked over. I got one doll but that was it. I did get some of the picture frame sets that were 75% off ($3.74 each). My big find was a pandigital 8" digital photo frame which was 75% off making it $44.98. Woo hoo!:tongue1:

Make sure and check your receipts. It was kinda my fault because I made assumptions. I bought a Bratz sportz doll, bratz doll with headset, and littlest pets stationary thing. All had 30% off price tags, but I honestly assumed they were just missed when they were tagging, but they weren't. They were only 30% off. :( I didn't scan because I had WAY too much in my cart.


One thing was miss-marked, but it's 75% off sticker was higher than what it rang up at so I think it was a mistake. The dcpi number on the red tag didn't match what was on my receipt. It was cheaper than I thought it was, so that one was ok. Still an error though.

  aj4545 said:

Make sure and check your receipts. It was kinda my fault because I made assumptions. I bought a Bratz sportz doll, bratz doll with headset, and littlest pets stationary thing. All had 30% off price tags, but I honestly assumed they were just missed when they were tagging, but they weren't. They were only 30% off. :( I didn't scan because I had WAY too much in my cart.


One thing was miss-marked, but it's 75% off sticker was higher than what it rang up at so I think it was a mistake. The dcpi number on the red tag didn't match what was on my receipt. It was cheaper than I thought it was, so that one was ok. Still an error though.


Yep! Happened to me today so glad I was watching the screen or I would have been so mad when I got home! Still didn't re-check so better do that or I may have been overcharged on something else.....:no:


75% off at both Targets here in Lakeland, FL. I talked to one of my markdown ladies and she said they started at 4am. Spent $339 on 75% off toys but have b-days for everyone done and probably some Christmas for next year.


Some of the Great finds:

Block Party (foam play & climb things for infants) $32.48

Barbie Throne chair $12.48

Thomas & Friends Quarry Set $24.98

LPS $2.48 each

Smartville Train Set $9.98

Disney Princess Shoes $2.48

Little Mommy Doll $12.47

Thomas Engine $1.98

I got to Target as they opened this morning and the toy markdown was in progress. I made 2 trips between 8 am and 10 am and paid $150 for 3 carts full. This was in Kernersville, NC. I will say- make sure you look up. I noticed at our Target that they have a ton of ride-on toys as well as the tool bench on the very top shelf against the wall, all were 75% off but no one seemed to be noticing! Except for me and another gottadealer! Hi Rogersx4!! So nice to finally meet you!
In addition to all the great toy deals, I got two 6-pc kids (ages 5-8) golf sets with carrying bag for $20.98. They were 50% off. I needed two and that was all they had so I grabbed them. Not marked down like the toys but still a great deal for something my boys want. Will be a great present for their summer birthdays! DPCI is 088 04 0455.
  yellowjeepster said:

DH told me to go to Target to pick up something for him, boy will he be sorry, lol. I didn't even go into Target at 8 am this morning looking for toys. I was just looking around for clearance stuff and ran into the toys and saw the 75% off. There wasn't but a couple of women looking. There were 3 isle and I put some stuff in my cart and almost got an electonic globe but didn't. I decided to go back through the isles again to see if I wanted to add to my cart and then it started to get pretty crowded. I decided I better grab a globe but they were all gone by then. :( A women w/2 lil screaming kids was grabbing everything and calling everyone. She had 2 globes and I almost asked her if I could have one but didn't. Guess I should have but oh well. I saw her loading up her van when I was leaving. She was having a hard time getting it all to fit in her minivan. She had 5 carts full of toys and her total came to $5xx.xx. :eyepoppin She said she was buying for friends at work and so on. I wonder how upset her DH is gonna be? lol Gotta love Target clearance!! But it also shows how over priced toys are.

Which StL store were you at? I want to make sure I go to another location to look for deals.


I don't know about anyone else, but things went quite differently this year for me! WOW. I went early, but figured that I would no way see the toy markdowns yet. (I do morning carpool and it is 39 degrees and raining here, AND I have my 2 and 4 year olds with me all day!) Our cleaning lady comes in the morning, and I just needed to be out of the house this morning. I was really wishing that the toys would have been marked down YESTERDAY since I was kid-less but boo hoo for me, eh!


Anyway, in the past (for me anyway) getting to the store by 8:30 would be waaay too early to see any markdowns. At the very least, the teams would be IN the aisle trying to get them done.


WELL, this year. I walk in at 8:30 and ALL the aisles are done and the signs are up and they are PACKED with toys. Me and another lady are the only ones there. It was so empty that I actually had time to go get another cart since my kids took up most of the room in the one I had. THen I went to another store and was there by 9:30. Same thing ALL the toys were marked. Of course by now there were lots more people, so my 2 cart stint was over. But that was okay cause most of everything I was looking for was at the first one I went to (Olathe Super T).


I went to 5 stores and they were all marked and signed... even the store that is HORRIBLY behind all the time (Ward Pkwy) was done. So, I'm just curious if our Target stores in KC finally got smart and decided that toy markdowns should be done prior to the store opening... fewer angry mobs (and moms) and much easier on the markdown teams.


It was lots of fun. I had my 10% rewards to use today AND my $95 in Fisher Price recall vouchers, which BTW I used without any problem on toys that WEREN'T Mattel/Fisher Price, etc..


Oh, I did run into snags on a couple more of the toy coupons though. The "receipt expired" diddy came up again on the IM-ME AND the Tamagochis. Really baffles me as to why Target tags certain ones as "expired" in their system and not others? They are ALL expired!! I found 2 of those Loving Mommy Real Me dolls (??) I think they were around $55 reg. price marked down to $13.xx. I used the $10 off coupon and got them for an amazing price.


I still can't believe I made it to 5 stores with my toddlers in tow. I had some major bribing. They each got to pick a toy off the shelf and I promised a fast food lunch (yuk).


Hope everyone has nice finds today! If you are in KC, the Mission store and Ward Parkway had a lot of stuff. Olathe ST had the most, but I would suspect that store gets heavy shopping traffic and will probably be licked pretty clean very soon.


I have been at Target since 8:15 this morning. I walked in and they had just started the clearance. I spent $122 and got a TON.


Barbie Laptop

Barbie guitar

Barbie phone

2 shake and go speedways

Harry Potter Scene it

2 storytime projector things

2 extra books for the projectors

shake and go plane


laser tag guns

army men set

Barbie Island princess elephant

Tonka Race Track set


Alot more that I can't remeber


Then I went to another Target and scored more


Dodge Charger remote control car

Mega Spinasaurus Imagentix


clue jr

disney dress up stuff


and alot more..lol spent $55


I am done all year for birthdays and christmas ....and some of the stuff I bought was for my MIL so I spent around $100 and got a TON of stuff !! YAY



There is still alot to choose from as of 2 pm at Nashua NH RT 101A and Bedford NH.


I went to the Olathe Super Target this morning too - got there about 9:45. I was able to get the toys I wanted plus more. The one great thing I found was that this store marked the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Pokedex down. I know it was a marking error because yesterday when I checked that same item it scanned $39.99 which is the full price amount. I checked the DCPI on the scanner and sure enough it was different than the sticker DCPI (there is an older version of this which retails for $19.99). Anyway I put it back yesterday - but as fate would have it I found 2 today with the 75% stickers $4.94 I was a bit worried that they would scan full price but since both games had the stickers I was prepared to see if the cashier would honor the sticker price. Lo and behold I didn't even have to worry about it because they scanned up correct, YAY for me!!


I got my dd a Rose Petal Cottage which I will hold for next Christmas. The Olathe ST also has the Dora dance mats which the other stores do not so if you are looking for one of those you should hit that store.


I would have loved to find a globe for my ds8 but the only one I had seen on the shelf was gone by the time I got there.

I LOVE you guys! I thought all was lost, but I went to Target (DE) at 9am this morning...big crowd, they had just marked it down to 75% at 8am!!! YAY!!!! I went a little bit nuts...but it was so much fun...I took a picture of all my stuff and will change my avatar, so take a gander. :D My big win was the My Little Pony dancing/singing pinkypie pony for just over $8 and a TMX Elmo for about $8 as well!!! I picked up all kinds of other great stuff too...and then went back an hour later and stayed until they had everything out :yup: In all I spent just under $200!!! :eyepoppin I'm done with all 8 cousins for Hannukah, my daughter for Christmas/Hanukkah/Birthday, and birthday gifts for parties as well!!! SO EXCITED!!! I even called my dad to brag and his response was..."could you pick some things up for me to give her too?" lol.

my husband and i had some running around to do this morning (after 15 phone calls to various stores FINALLY found a toysrus that had the pink ds in whoohooo!! hers broke on chirstmas (lcds wouldnt come on--another long story) but this store had 20 pink ones where some of the others hadnt a single ds of any color.......)


anyway so i had him in tow (and worse than a toddler i swear!!:eek: ~) so i didnt get much done,but toys were 75 off and seemed to me to be pretty picked over (haggarty rd/8mile)


but i did grab two scene it games (harry potter 6.74 and nick 9.18) and found a pair of glider 500 lake placid ice skates for my daughter size 12-1 "as is packaged" for 7.23 from 29.99.......they had a bunch of inline skates but these were only 30 off will have to head back next week see if i can find them cheaper~~


now to go back without him and see what i can find :P


[quote name=


I would have loved to find a globe for my ds8 but the only one I had seen on the shelf was gone by the time I got there.[/quote]


I took a lot when I was there at 8:30, but I promise I didn't take a globe !LOL;)


This was the first time I had been to the Olathe ST to look at their toys in a very long time. I couldn't believe how much they had.


I got ot my local target at about 9am this morning and toys were 75% off! I was so excited! I go the barbie princess throne that i had stashed away in bedding for $12.48. its for one my my DD's friends bdays.


I also got some playskool racecar tracks/sets for like 3 bucks. a few bratz things(the store had a TON of bratz stuff for 75% off) and a few barbies from the "island princess" line( i think thats the name of it. I got a couple barbies, a pair of the shoes, lipgloss, a crown for a bday gift. I also got my DD a red vaccum for $3.75! i was so excited, my DD desperately wanted one of these, lol.


Ohhh... I meant to tell you all something that happened today. Since we have been on the subject of kids tattling to "daddy" -

I was getting my few items in the toy section, and the cutest little boy walked by me (he had to be about 3) he was holding a Tshirt and clutching $2. His mother was looking at toys and she commented to the little boy... "oh, this would go with your race set that Santa brought you." The little boy said " ooooooh, I like it - but I don't need it." His mother turned around and looked at him, and he said " I know I don't need it, daddy said I don't need another d*mn thing." Everyone in the aisle was biting their bottom lip...

His mother grinned and said, "well, I'm going to get it for you anyway." and he said, "ok, we just won't tell daddy."

He told me he was a big boy and was buying his own tshirt, hence the $2....


It was just priceless...

  KC-Traderbear said:

I took a lot when I was there at 8:30, but I promise I didn't take a globe !LOL;)


This was the first time I had been to the Olathe ST to look at their toys in a very long time. I couldn't believe how much they had.

Yep that store had the most of the stores near me anyway. I do hate how crowded it gets there though. It gives me a headache trying to navigate around everyone.


LOL about the globe. I had only seen one and with my memory I can't even remember if it was at that store or another. I am getting so bad - I am lucky if I can remember my own kids' names lately.

Niles and Boardman Ohio stores also went 75% off today. Niles tends to mark their toys down later in the morning unlike Boardman which already has them marked down when the store opens.. I got to the Boardman store late and most stuff was pretty much picked through but I still managed to spend over $100 on my 3 daughters for birthdays and a few things for next Christmas.

Fayetteville AR was 75% today and already picked thru. I did manage to get

Disney bell purse 1.98

rose art activity cup 2.48

disney soft bell 2.48

aquadoodle bath mat 4.98

barbie rosella 3.74

travel diego dry erase board 1.56

barbie computer 9.98

mini breyer paint set 1.24

thomas engine 1.98

spongebob playdoh .74

fairytopia doll 1.24

flash cards 1.73


Boulder, CO Target 75% too


We spent about $50 on toys. I say "We" because DH came with me since he was off today. He was having fun picking out stuff, but... I would have gotten more had he not been there.:yup: But is was sweet of him to join me.


We picked up;

Little Touch Leap Pad Gift Pack $7.48 Birthday gift for nephew


Angel Tree gifts for Christmas

V- Tech ABC Food Fun for the Fridge $4.98

Leap Frog Counting Caterpillar 6ft Puzzle $1.98

Baby I'm Yours True To Life Baby Doll with Light Up Cuddly Blanket $2.48

Baby I'm Yours 4in1 Doller Stroller $3.74

Barbie Sport Convertible (Pink) $3.24

Barbie Pom Pom Diva (Barbie) $1.48

Barbie Pom Pom Diva (Teresa) $1.48

Disney Princess Enchanted Tales Sleeping Beauty and Prince Philip Doll 2pk $3.74

Disney Princess Enchanted Tales Mega Bloks Princess Carriage $3.74

Doodle Bear Take Along Bear with Tote (Purple) $3.74


They had at least 5 aisles of toys at my local Target and tons of stuff on top of the shelves.

We only picked up one gift that required batteries. And one gift that had a dvd (princess dolls) We try to stay away from gifts that require batteries and computers or other technology for the Angel Tree. We will add batteries to the gift that requires batteries when we wrap it.


I hope everyone finds the toys they were looking for.

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