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Kmart on Thanksgiving (Merged)

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I assume Kmart will be open on Thanksgiving Day again this year. Are you planning on going? We usually go and shop around for an hour so that my wife doesn't have to watch football with me all day before we head to my BIL's house for dinner. :)

Kmart usually has a few very nice deals on Thanksgiving day.

I go every year with my best friend and sister in law. It's tradition. A few years ago we decided not to go, the rest of the day just did not seem the same. So now we are back to going every year.
I go every year too! Even when they have stuff I don't want. It's a tradition. We always go there and then hit a certain diner that's on the way home and have another Thanksgiving dinner there... hehe My Kmart is 65 miles from home so I have to refuel. I live in a rural area and Thanksgiving Day is also the first day that two different radio stations switch to ONLY Holiday music so it really gets you in the mood!!! I just love my Kmart trips on turkey day!
  dee16 said:

I thought Walmart does not price match on Black Friday??

it varies from store to store. contact your store to see if they will.


most stores i've come across don't because they would rather have the register open and not process any returns/PMs etc.

Walmart will price match items that are not "door busters" or "early bird" pricing. If it is sale items that are good for more than just a few hours, then they will.
  sigrist_2000 said:

the walmarts here pricematch anything in the bf ads...


mine too. I always have my sale papers out and folded to the items I pick up at Walmart so I can just go through the Walmart line and price match.

I go to Walmart if it's something I can pricematch that I want (my Walmart PMs). Otherwise I'll head to Kmart for the stuff. Walmart is a lot closer so luckily I just had to go there for some cds and dvds I needed last year.
  arci122 said:

Walmart will price match items that are not "door busters" or "early bird" pricing. If it is sale items that are good for more than just a few hours, then they will.

My walmart will price match early bird as long as it is with in the hours

  arci122 said:

Walmart will price match items that are not "door busters" or "early bird" pricing. If it is sale items that are good for more than just a few hours, then they will.

Our closest Walmart price-matched doorbusters last year (their first year open for BF) It just had to be within the same hours that the deal was good for at the store you were matching from. My aunted wanted the House DVD that was on sale at Circuit City and they were sold out by the time we got there. So we took the ad to Walmart and picked it up. The head cashier gave us a hard time (we'd gotten the ok by phone from the store manager before we even stepped foot in the store) and kept trying to give us excuses, including they didn't PM doorbusters and when we made her investigate further she came back and said because the picture in the ad didn't match, she couldn't do it. The CC ad last year had the pic of Season 2 even though Season 1 was on sale. The girl was just so nasty from the beginning (we've had run-ins with her since and heard from a friend who's the pharmacist there that she's always nasty) We left, called the store manager and told him what happened and he himself told us next time we were there to ask for a specific person back in electronics and they'd take care of it from there.


What's really funny is my aunt had to go to the customer service desk to take something else back when she went to pick up the DVD. She overheard (hours later) this head cashier complaining to another employee about us, LOL! She had NO clue my aunt was there until my aunt said, "Oh, I see you still haven't gotten over it, have you?" The girl was in shock, LOL!


When we left, a few managers were standing just outside the door including the one my aunt had spoken to on the phone a couple times that day so she stopped and thanked him for being so nice and treating her so well. She did mention overhearing the cashier and he was livid. As we were leaving he was telling the other managers he had to go in and talk to her AGAIN. Didn't seem too happy.


So the lesson here is if you don't get the answer you like from a cashier, ask the store manager as nicely as you can!

I always go to Kmart on Thanksgiving morning just because of tradition. I normally buy pillows and bed linens, but last year I got two bed in a bags for $10/ea. So for me that was a buy of the century.

I haven't gone yet, but I am considering it this year. My dh keeps taking Thanksgiving to work, as it's triple time, and since we have no family here, I might as well haul the kids around to shop while he's gone. Dinner is always in the evening anyhow.


I would like to find out if our Wal Mart will price match, as that's only 10 min. away, and the Kmart is over 30 min. So, you just take your items up to the customer service desk along with the Kmart ad?

We go every year. While waiting for the store to open, we talk with other shoppers about the big deals for the next day. Kind of see what other people are thinking and planning.:D

We also go every year! Even if there's nothing in the ad we want. We have a late lunch at MIL, then around 5-6 go to my family, all us females go to Kmart and leave the guys and kids at home!

Got a great coffee maker one year for $3.00, yes that's 1,2,3 dollars! They had 2 of them, I got 1, niece got one the others were not happy with us! Sister also got her grandson a bike that was regular $179.00 for $49.99.

We have already been talking about what time we will get to my family's house so we can go!

Our K-mart is so slow,..they never have more than 2 registers working and the people are rude,..ruder than teh walmart associates,..carzy huh,..cuz i thought they were the rudest,..atleast were i live. anyways,..2 years ago i was there for BF and had to fight with an associate over some jammies in the ad,..they were like 10 bucks and she kept telling me i had the wrong ones but the ones i had was hte exact same ones in the picture for the ad..i mean exact!! i still remember them they were for my daughter 14 at the time and they were pink and blue,..haha it took me getting angry and yellin for a manger cuz i was so frustrated.. i know they were swamped but geez they were the exact ones in the ad!
  Giggles said:

They do run some decent stuff, but if you are like me Walmart is closer and the will price match.

Wal Mart here is not even open on Thanksgiving day, so they will not PM the day AFTER Kmart's sale. :confused:

  Rebirth said:

I went there 2-3 years ago just to pick up cheap pop.

Me too....cheap Pepsi and Ritz crackers. The more time I can shop at Kmart, the LESS time I gotta spend pretending my Mom's turkey is NOT dry! :D:yuck::P:tongue1:

I go every year. I've been first in line for the past 3 years, even when I wasn't there for anything specific. I'll never be first in line on BF (because I'm at the WM Supercenter already in the store), so I'll settle for it on T-Day! It really gets me in the "zone" for the big race on BF. :D
  AndreaInNC said:

Then you must not have a Super Walmart - which is open 24/7.


Yes, we have a Super. But, I am pretty sure that they have never been open on Thanksgiving. The store I work at is right next door (and we are open til 2 on Thanksgiving) and their parking lot is always bare. Closed on Christmas Day, too.

I love a Kmart on Thanksgiving and Big Lots too. Although we got the VCR/DVD combo 2 years ago on thanksgiving from Big Lots and it broke 3 days later so I took it back and they didn't have anymore so I got a store credit.
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