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*** 2007 Holiday Exchange ***


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Oh no! lol....the mail lady left me another note .....my other package came and they're both at the post office! I guess it's better that they are safe rather than hanging on my mailbox out by the road, but I want them! :D


I will post again once I've been able to go pick them up!

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Guest JustMeDiana

Still waiting on mine! also I can't wait :holiday08

Same here. What is the saying "the best comes for those that wait". Something along that line.

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I just remembered about this thread! :cheesy: We've received lots of beautiful cards that have really filled up our entryway. We got a great Angel ornament for our christmas tree. It looks fantastic. Our secret santa really knew what to get us. We got a pretty set of 3 candles that we put in the entryway. Thank you so much to our Secret Santas!
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I just got back from being out in Utah all week for a work conference. I had a pile of mail stuff today :D I rec'd my SS, ornament, and tons of cards (also some Vera Bradley stuff I ordered too) so it felt like Christmas today!!!!


My SS and ornament gifts are awesome! My SS gift is a crafty/country item (totally my style) It is a "Welcome" sign that is an oval and has a bird house in the middle and also I got three wooden trees. They are so unique, I have never seen anything like them before and they are definately going up on my mantle year round. My ornament is a glass/mirrored angel that says "Hold fast to your dreams because it is our dreams that give us wings" That is completely something I need to remember day to day. So thanks everyone!!!


How do you post pics on here???? I still haven't figured that out. I was going to be snoopy, but I forgot and threw the boxes away so I can't track the addresses to the card list...oh well guess that's what i get, lol!


Also a huge thank you to everyone for the cards. I've only rec'd one card from a family member so far... I LOVE receiving cards everyday (I missed it while I was out of town). My cards will be going out this week (I've got to get them hand cancelled I guess - so I actually have to go in to the post office. I'll probably give the postal person a card too with a g.c. maybe since it will be a lot of work!!)

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I recieved two really cute ornaments today. One was a pretzel and on the back it gave a legend about the pretzel. DS16 thinks it is great, because we usually have those pretzels in our freezer. The other ornament is a fruit cake. I am actually one of those people who like fruitcake(my mom makes a really good one--not the store bought kind) Thank you so much for your thoughfulness!!
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I have been glued to the online deals and those darn Amazon Toy threads and have checked a few times and didn't see this thread. Then today I look and there the darn thing is stickied! lmao So here is my update:


I received my SS package and LOVED it! My SS went way overboard! I am also one who never buys for herself so it was really nice to get this. I got B&BW's Mandarin Orange cream and bath gel, Chocolate Lip balm from B&BW (which I LOVE!!) and some candy. That lip balm is amazing!! Can't wait to find out who you are since the address and name were written to throw me off,lmao.


I shipped my package out a few days late since the amazon thread held me captive. I did ship it priority however and pm'd eve the DC#. Can't wait until I see the post they got it!!

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I wanted to say thanks again to you guys. I have been really bah humbug this year. A lot of our normal traditions we have not been able to do because of DFS. A lot of my things I put out every year we are not doing because we feel it would be setting him up for failure because he would not be able to leave them alone. With all the cards and my SS gift though I am finally getting in the Christmas spirit. :) Thank you again. Eve let me know if you need an Elf, so I can feel like I gave back this year.
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I know I've posted this before, but for the cards I continue to get, I thank y'all. My kids are enjoying them too. Today I got a cute Tigger card that I handed to my son to check out, and he thought it was for him. He was thrilled that "he" added to the collection.;)
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my mailman cheated me today:mad:


no cards at all:no:


maby he is saving themfor monday:yup:

I've got my little ones trained to watch for the cards. lol We have the garage door, in the kitchen/dining room almost filled up with cards from all of you. The best thing about swaps like this, is the variety & uniqueness of some of the cards. We received 3 cards today, and the kids were fighting about who would get to put them on the door.

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i just wanted to say i mailed the last bit of cards yesterday sorry i am a bit late but have a few things going on in my life so i need to take care of that first, but now a few things are settling down i got them out, i got lots of cards also i got them around my kitchen door frame and now working on my door frame around the outside door.
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Im starting to get worried...I keep checking for my people to post that they received it. I also checked the USPS and it still had no update on the package that I sent out on the 5th. UGH!!!! SO if you received your gift and haven't posted PLEASE do so! Sorry dont want to say who I had just yet!
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I want to pre-apologize. I was a little late getting on the ball with this, which turned out good and bad. Eve had a change-up for me at last minute, and I'm now searching for that perfect something. But, we are iced in right now, probably to lose power for a few days, so as soon as I can get out, I'll ship what I have.


I refuse to send out my cards until 2 weeks before Christmas, so those will get out with the others.


Also, I received my ornament, but not my SS, in case anyone is wondering.


Oh, SherriL, I just wanted you to know that DS8 is now hellbent on leaving Santa a chili dog! It's pretty hard to say no to that, so instead of making cookies, we're going to stir up some chili.

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Oh, SherriL, I just wanted you to know that DS8 is now hellbent on leaving Santa a chili dog! It's pretty hard to say no to that, so instead of making cookies, we're going to stir up some chili.

LOL My daughter said the same thing about the chili dog. She said we can leave cookies but we have to leave a chili dog too.

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I received my SS gift and it was so great. I got sheets of Christmas scrapbooking stickers which I will definitely use. Also a bottle of BBW hand soap in Peach. I also got a gift card to Starbucks which I indulge in when I have the need to feel spoiled. Thanks so much for the thoughtful selection of gifts. Such nice people are gottadealers!!!:)
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Oh my! I received my Secret Santa Package this morning. Thank you again, Molly!!!

It made my day.


I will attempt to post a pic within a day or so of all of the goodies. Molly made the package special for us, she included gift bags full of goodies for each of my children (with their names on them). We also received:

  • 2 glass cups with Unicorns (I collect unicorns)
  • Set of hand towels (I just redid my kitchen in blue and they work perfect!)
  • A Noel mini hand towel decoration
  • Christmas snow globe with Santa
  • A FANTASTIC Globe that plays music and has fake snow - when you push the button it makes music and the snow blows around the snowman family
  • Purse mirror
  • Beautiful bracelet with charms
  • Wooden block Santa decor
  • Box of chocolate cordial cherries
  • Christmas Rice Krispy treats
  • Gold gemmed container (good for earrings or change)
  • candy jewelry for the kids

Thanks again Molly!

And thank you Eve for putting this all together!

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