lotion Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 cleverbffool said: best: engagement ringworst:a neighbors gift that we had given our neighbor the previous year still wrapped in our paper and the gift tag placed over our old one.Wow!!! Do you think they even opened it??? Are you friends?
copados1993 Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 The best gift was when my husband was deployed and he got to take his 2 week R&R over Christmas. The only people that knew he was coming home for Christmas were my folks. We surprised everyone else!! I thought everyone was going to have a heart attack!
ashley1013 Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Worst: Swiffer Carpet Flick from my Grandmother...I guess it's the thought, right?
toninjack Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Worst: last year my friend gave me an ornament that was dated 2005. Year before that, she gave me coffee cups - I don't drink coffee or hot tea?? Best: My pug - he's the baby
tokanm Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Best was a palomino horse I got when I was about 12. This horse was housed at a nearby stable and she was old and worn out but she was the sweetest thing ever. I kept asking my parents if I could get her and they kept saying "NO". I already had 2 horses of my own and my Dad had another. The owner of "Ginger" told me that they "were going to send her to the glue factory as she was useless now". I hated that man:curse: Well anyways on Christmas morning I had to go out and feed the animals and lo and behold there she was with a big huge bow on her halter. I was so happy, she lived about another 10 months and her last days were very happy and she knew she was loved. She was never ridden by any of us (she deserved a rest) but she was a great companion horse in the stable. I know she went on to Rainbow Bridge Worst..any Christmas spent with my ex-husband
Yakyma Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 my Best gift had to be from last year I got a Blue Diamond Ring, have wanted one for years and the pictures of me opening it were great....probably the first time in my life I couldn't say anything...... ..lol Worst was years ago, had an older car, and I got gift certificates for a car wash....trust me washing the car wasn't gonna help.... Needless to say that was from an ex.
nellyhill Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Best- I got my gift early this year. Its 4 round trip tickets to Alaska for me and the kids. I get to spend Christmas with my sister. We haven't spent Christmas together for 11 years (she is military). Worst- pants from DH that were WAY too big.
tiredmom214 Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 The Best gift I have ever gotten was four years ago. My husband was working out of state in Cali. He had been gone for a month and had recently been told he would not be able to come back for Christmas. We could not afford for the kids and me to fly there. It was very upseting because it was my sons first Christmas. @ days before Christmas we all got a wonderful surprise. I got a call from dh to hurry up and pack we had tickets waiting at the airport for a flight that evening. His boss felt bad for the fact that hubby was going to miss Christmas so he paid for the tickets for us as a Christmas bonus.:) The worst Christmas gift I ever got was a leather jacket from my mil. I don't wear fur or leather or anything like that. You would think she would know things like that by now.
santaclaus Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Best: The Cameo that belonged to my Grandmaw. My Dad had it mounted as a pin. Worse: A set of some kind of fragrance (can't remember the name) my hubby got me from Victorias Secret. The stuff smelled like urine on me.
fatsassygirl Posted October 20, 2007 Posted October 20, 2007 best was my grandmother's engagement ring worst was my grandmother's engagement ring because that was the year she passed away...
toebaby Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 Worst- My husband gave me a big dry eraser board from him and a little one from my son for my first mother's day.... Then, he gave me some flowers, but I noticed the water seemed dirty and he admitted to taking them off the receptionist desk because he thought they'd die over the weekend. (I don't even like flowers.) Then he got my some funky perfum after I prepared this lavish Valentines day. The perfume stunk so I asked where he got it from and he said DEALS, the dollar store!!!!!!!!!! Beat that!
Iliveforblckfri Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 toebaby said: Worst- My husband gave me a big dry eraser board from him and a little one from my son for my first mother's day.... Then, he gave me some flowers, but I noticed the water seemed dirty and he admitted to taking them off the receptionist desk because he thought they'd die over the weekend. (I don't even like flowers.) Then he got my some funky perfum after I prepared this lavish Valentines day. The perfume stunk so I asked where he got it from and he said DEALS, the dollar store!!!!!!!!!! Beat that!I love my hubby, but at Christmas time, I could easily throttle him. He is gift purchasing impaired. There are a lot of Christmases that there is nothing from him. Best Gift - The necklace I got from DH about 15 years ago. Worst Gift - The year we visited MiL and I got nothing. We exchanged names in hubbies family and the people with my name were going to be at the gathering at my mom's house in the afternoon. Don't tell anyone, but I like any gift.
llist Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 Best - Couple years ago. It was the the first year we had the Bluejackets here in Columbus. My dad is usually so gift impaired that its the running joke in the family. He hands me my last gift and as I'm opening it I wonder "why is the old man giving me a tin full of hershey kisses " As I'm eating some of them later I notice in the bottom there is an envelope. Now, I don't think my dad had ever seen me speechless before but as I pulled out the envelope and checked inside I almost started crying... inside were 2 tickets to the Bluejackets/Redwings game at center ice!!! I couldn't believe it... my new fav team playing my old fav team! Ever since then, he always gets me tickets to a game for Christmas and we always go together Worst: I'd have to agree with Tokanm... any christmas spent with exhub... got a good one now!!
christib327 Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 My husband is pretty good when it comes to buying gifts, so there have been lots of good ones, but my best was a gold heart necklace that my hubby bought for me the first Christmas after we started dating. It has a little diamond in the center. It's nothing super fancy, but I like it. When I opened it he told me he chose that because I'm the little sparkle in his heart. I still wear it all the time. I wonder if he even remembers saying that. Probably not. It probably just sounded good to him at the time....lol.... I can't really think of a worst gift. Maybe a sweatshirt an ex bought for me that was at least two sizes to big. Not only was it too big, I rarely even wear sweatshirts. Probably why he's an ex.
kselzer Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 best - kitchen aid mixer from my dad. i love that thing! worst - stupid "gag" gift exchange at my grandma's that the rest of the family finds so cute and funny. whatever if i wanted crap from the dollar store i'll buy it myself instead of getting your crap. it wouldn't be so bad if they wouldn't buy the crap!! like pantyhose in an egg kind of crap. i refuse to participate anymore, and now i'm seen as anti-Christmas...whatever!
laffnatu Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 Best- my daughter on 12/26/89 and my son on 12/28/95 Worst - a ugly green knit hat with mittens... yes I said mittens. Who the crap wears mittens anyways? If I have to have something on my hands I have to be able to use my fingers. Sorry.. I got sidetracked.. The worst gift was from my inlaws. My hubby laughed so hard when I opened it. I'm sure the look on my face was priceless. I regifted the ugly gift to my mom who loved them.
heavenlysshine Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 OMG I thought I was the only one with the play-doh phobia!!! amyers12345 said: best: I'm still thinking, but probably my EasyShare worst: One year, Santa brought me a pottery wheel, knowing that I have a horrible phobia of clay/play doh
jdrd90 Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 worst - stupid "gag" gift exchange at my grandma's that the rest of the family finds so cute and funny. whatever if i wanted crap from the dollar store i'll buy it myself instead of getting your crap. it wouldn't be so bad if they wouldn't buy the crap!! like pantyhose in an egg kind of crap. i refuse to participate anymore, and now i'm seen as anti-Christmas...whatever! __________________ Me thinks someone needs a cup of Christmas cheer lol:p
coleman4905 Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 best gift: engagement ring worst gift: people who give me ashtrays for x-mas for when they come over because we dont smoke!!! nice huh!!
ang625 Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 best gifts(s) would have to be the little ornaments my boys made in school with their pictures when they were small. those are so precious to me :) the worst would have to be this gawdawefull bauble bracelett that my MIL gave to me about 10 years ago....im a bit modest and dont really feel comfortable wearing big or lots of jewelry... this 'thang' was too big, too many rhinestones and just plain ugly....she sure showed how much she thought of me i guess she actually got upset when she noticed that i never wore it....
vsa3janes Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Best = the first year my DD worked, at 16, she saved her tax refund all year to buy me diamond stud earrings. Worst = A fiber optic rose in a plastic box from an old boyfriend.
cstreasure Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 worst gift: people who give me ashtrays for x-mas for when they come over because we dont smoke!!! nice huh!! LOL That takes the cake!
AirForceMom Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 tokanm said: Best was a palomino horse I got when I was about 12. ] Smiling to myself.... my mother just asked me last week what I wanted for Christmas. I told her the same thing I want every year.......I have asked for a horse since I was five and STILL haven't gotten one! Maybe this year! Worst - this year. First year my son can't come home for Christmas.
lisamag Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 best- my son 12/6/93 and last yr when i got a very large check from uncle sam boy thatwas good worst- a ceder chest from my mom when i was around 20. it made everything smell of ceder it was big and i never wanted one but she did so she thought i would want it.
mgmckny Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 lisamag said: best- my son 12/6/93 and last yr when i got a very large check from uncle sam boy thatwas good worst- a ceder chest from my mom when i was around 20. it made everything smell of ceder it was big and i never wanted one but she did so she thought i would want it.Your son was born on my son's due date! Mine couldn't wait-- he came on the 1st. I inherited a cedar chest so that wasn't a gift but my mother gave me a rocker one Christmas when I was in my early 20's and I never had room for it until after I was married (10 years later). She used it to rock my boys so I guess that was the reason for the gift???
leefamily23 Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Best- Too hard to pick- I truly am blessed because my husband gives really good gifts. He had me sobbing the one year because my family never did stockings. At some point I made a comment I always wanted one w/ the little trinkets in it. Well amongst my gifts on Christmas morning was a stocking filled w/ little gifts and a special card from him. Worst- Anything my MIL get's me. She's given me a used (hairspray caked) blow dryer stand. She's bought a 6 pack of plain white socks- takes 4 prs out for herself- and gives me the other 2 pairs as my Christmas gift. My husband and I got our gift already this year-- a portable shower. Yep you blow it up (like a pool raft) and you can shower anywhere in your own private stall. Ummmmm...I do have indoor plumbing. She gave it to us a few weeks ago. You should of seen my husband and my eye's darting back and forth seeing who HAD to open it- because neither of us wants to be the first to see and fake joy.
jonboy_nellie Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 wow - I feel some pain for most of you! My best : this year DH got me a MacBook Pro that I am already using and loving! Worst : Probably a truly hideous sweater with this nasty santa design on it, was really obnoxious and looked like it came from the '80's (I got it like 2 years ago)
ttchica78 Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Best: Hair iron. This is the only gift that I've used for YEARS after I got it. Worst: All of the clothes my MIL buys me. I'm not into sequins, stop buying those shirts for me!
drmy91 Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Best- my mothers ring from my kids... that is still special to me and my BBW robe- I wear it all the time Worst- DH a rap CD when we were first married. And I didnt know a single person on it! Oh that was bad.
Scanner420 Posted November 5, 2007 Posted November 5, 2007 Best- Too many to great gifts to name. Worst- Christmas of 1996. My mom, being the Queen of dropping subtile hints." Wanted to tell me that I was packing on some weight. (I balooned up to 230 from 215 during the holidays that year.) So......that year, she gave me an abflex, a GC to a Big and tall shop and a three month supply of weight-loss products from GNC. Thanks Ma!!! I got her back about three weeks later. She had friends over for lunch and I went and got a pr of the biggest pants I could find at the B&T and modeled them for her. She seemed surprised as I threw up my hands and gave her a big thank you and let them fall, revealing flesh-colored boxers with 2 grapefruits painted on the front. She didn't talk to me for a month.
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