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Please be careful


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Luckily I'm here and alive to warn everyone else, but just wanted everyone to know to please be careful this holiday season when going to and from your car in parking lots. I was attacked today by someone who tried to rob me of my purse and steal my car. I was pushed to the ground and he got in my car, but luckily I had the keys that he couldnt get away from me, so he couldnt go anywhere. Im not sure why, but even though he tried to steal my purse, he didnt take anything and fled when I started screaming for help. I believe they got the guys that tried to attack me. Again, luckily he didnt have any weapons or didnt try to hurt me too much, but again, I just wanted to let others know (especially women) to please be careful because you never know. I am one that is always pretty aware of my surroundings, always looking behind me, not hanging around once I get in my car, etc. but this guy just came out of nowhere as I was trying to get in my car. I'm not a specialist on what to do and what not to do to prevent these things, but I just wanted to come and warn everyone. Its so easy to think it wont happen to me, but it really does. :(
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I'm so glad you are OK! :shock:

This is a good wake-up call to all of the female shoppers on this board. Try to shop with a friend, have your keys ready and above all be aware of what's going on around you. We all tend to be distracted this time of year and that's just what creeps are hoping for.

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OMG I'm so glad you are ok. I don't know what I would've done. I know coming out of Macys while it was still dark out, I was being followed (I believe) by a group of younger guys ( maybe around late teens to early 20's)and a couple kept looking around as if to see if anyone else was around. I quickly got to my truck,locked the doors and started it right away and backed out. They stopped in their tracks, turned around and walked away back towards the store. Not sure what they were up to but I wasn't going to hang around to find out.


Thanks for the reminder to Always be Careful and watch your surroundings!

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Wow! I'm glad you're ok.


by your username I'm assuming you're in FL? What part?


I try to be very aware of my surroundings, but sometimes I'm very lax about it. I need to work on that. Thanks for the reminder.

Thanks. I live in northern Orlando. This happened at the Target store parking lot right next to the Florida Mall in Orlando. So, these idiots dont care that they try to pull this stuff in the middle of a crowded parking lot, so thats why I wanted to warn everyone. I got a call from the police officer a few minutes ago stating that they caught the 2 men and they are in custody. I'll see those ba*#*#*ds in court!

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Glad you are OK. My daughter who is 15 went with a friend to our local grocery store, HEB, tonight and while there a guy grabbed a woman's purse and took off. They grabbed their cell phone and called 911 while adults stood around looking. They ended up catching the guy. This is funny though, when she came home and told us our 4 year old son said , "Micaela, you're a Higgly Town Hero!" Gosh they watch too much of that show...LOL!
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How horrible for you!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing this painful experience to help the rest of us.

For the rest of us: Always exit the store with your car keys in hand. I keep a key sticking out between my fingers just in case. If attacked scream FIRE, then jab those keys towards the attackers eyes. If you have the alarm on your car push the button. Remember the key word is FIRE not help. You get so many kids horsing around that the word doesn't mean anything anymore it seems.

Most important of all, nothing you own is as valuable as your health. If you don't think you can ward the attacker off give him what he wants and remove yourself as far as possible from him while screaming.

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I'm sorry that you had to experience that, & hope you are ok.


You know, this isn't the 1st year of Black Friday, so you would think that there would be police officers cruising through the parking lots of shopping centers, being proactive instead of reactive.

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