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What would u have done differently?


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It went as well as can be expected. I dressed well for the weather. My shopping buddy was awesome... she manned the cart while I ran around getting the items. Found most of what I wanted, not all, but got plenty of stuff to put under the tree.


I should have worn more comfortable shoes though. Those darn Cobbie Cuddlers from Kmart just don't do the trick anymore. :mad:

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Having mom drop hubby & me off at Shopko while she goes to Kohl's. Out morning was a very bad one. Hubby dinked around in Shopko so by the time we got to Kohl's the place was just packed. So we didnt get what we wanted there. The morning just sucked. Came home & had some left overs & went to sleep. Altho we went out again later in the day & managed to get a bunch of stuff so that was good.
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Not a thing! I ventured out at 4:45! Was 250+ people back in the WM line but still got in and out in less than 40 minutes! Pricematched what I needed to and got everything I needed except for the dern SpiderMan Hydro Web Doodle from TRU BUT I'm heading there tomorrow! BEST BLACK FRIDAY EXPERIENCE YET!
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Would have set more than just my phone alarm or not gone to bed at all :sidesplit Also would have not gone to Kmart. ;)

I would have sure that I set my alarm clock for 3 a.m. rather than 3 p.m. I also would have put the cell phone on the headboard next to me rather than the charger in the living room so when my friend called (the one I was supposed to pick up at 3:45) I would have heard the phone ring.


I would have taken food so we wouldn't have had to stop at mcd's. No lines at the bathroom, but forever to get any food.

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I would have not gotten to Walmart so early. We got there at 11:30 Thanksgiving night. But then again, we had a blast DH and I got to spend time together alone (without kids) and look and play with all the toys.


But WOW, he had a basket with the Nerf BB and I had a basket with allkinds of stuff. But before the blitz started, we found out where the 68.00 Tvs were and he went there with an empty basket. So I had both of the baskets and had to get 3 remote control hummers and then I grabed the 238.00 LCD Tv (just incase). Then I raced to the CP dolls (got 2), but I could not find the Vrockers, but Oh-well (my 8 year old got the Nerf BB, that he had been asking for and I told him it cost to much, so he will he happy).


I got a Monster Doddle, but wanted a bear and kept asking people to trade, they all said no. But some sweet girl told me they just brought another box out, so I RAN and got 1.


The girl at the check out was hateful.....OMG we spent close to 600.00 and she slammed the drawer shut with giving me my change!!! That took forever to fix. I think she got thrown with all of my gift cards.


We had a blast!!!!!


But we were so tired!!!!!!!!! We got everyone on our list, except for 1. Wewent to Walmart, Sams Club, went over to Old Navy ( the line was to long, so we left ), went to B&BW and to Sears. We got home before 11:00. My 8 year old son watched our 2 year old for most of the day while we slept!!!


I owe him big time!!!


I went to Old Time Pottery today and got the last thing I needed ( a big fountain ) for my mother-in-law. Because it would not have fit in the back of the truck yesterday. We spent all cash, money we had set aside just for BF so that was perfect.


I hope everyone else had a blast too!!!!

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Maybe get up earlier. Never ever get up on time. Managed to get to Target at 5am and wait in line 1 hour. It was nuts trying to get in. The literaly open one door at one end, so people were shoving and pushing. My brother came with cause my sis couldn't this year. It was his first time. He called me when he got there and said I was nuts; I replied I know. He said all in all it's not that bad. Got everything I set out to get.


Another successful year. :yup:

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Next year I'm planning work better. I worked Thanksgiving night, got out at 1, drove to Staples and was second in line. Got every single thing on my list, but had to wait an hour to check out (note to self: Next year, put the kid in line as soon as you get in the door). Left at 7 a.m.. .. I figured I would be way too late to get the Star Wars Millenium Falcon transformer for 50% off at Target, but got that by 7:30. Went to Kohls, managed to unearth three Leapster cartridges ($16 instead of $25-plus) behind piles of toy rubble, and scored a Pirates of the Caribbean pinball machine for $30. Total success -- got everything I wanted. Except by then it was 9, I hadn't slept since Thursday morning, and I had to work Friday night also. I managed to get four hours of sleep and was really pushing it to drive, work, and drive home without killing myself from exhaustion. Next year, I'm taking a day off!
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Maybe get up earlier. Never ever get up on time. Managed to get to Target at 5am and wait in line 1 hour. It was nuts trying to get in. The literaly open one door at one end, so people were shoving and pushing. My brother came with cause my sis couldn't this year. It was his first time. He called me when he got there and said I was nuts; I replied I know. He said all in all it's not that bad. Got everything I set out to get.


Another successful year. :yup:

They did that at our Shopko this year. Only one side they had it where you could enter. I think that was a bad idea.

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I would have definitely stayed home to shop!


We arrived at Best Buy at 9pm Thanksgiving night; however there were already 100+ people in front of us. I SHOULD'VE WENT HOME RIGHT THEN! :confused: They were lined up on the public sidewalk, because the property management at the shopping center would not allow any lines on their property. Then, their security guards were writing tickets and placing them on the cars parked in their lot. It was insane! :( When I spoke with security, they said that there is no 24-hour parking allowed and cars will be towed until 5am when the store opens. I told him that since there are no signs posted, the company is way out of line.


We found a place to park the car, froze all night, had cars blaring there horns at us every 5 minutes (we were camped out on the sidewalk right next to a very busy street) and ended up with 5% of what was on my list. Once in the store, none of the items were in their sections, instead, they were put in various places throughout the store. I was misdirected 3 times on the top item from my list that when I finally arrived where they were located they were gone. Ran for the next item, gone...and do on and so forth. I did get the spindles of 100 dvd-rw for $4.99 each, which is an amazing deal, but hardly worth an overnight campout in the city. The highlight though, was chill'in (literally) in line with my kids. We definitely made memories.


So, what I would have done differently, would have been either have arrived at 9am on Thanksgiving to be first in line or stayed home!!! Thanks for listening to my rants ;)

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I did not need to go to Staples so early...got all of what I wanted and could have still picked up more. A funny story though, we had to wait in a long check out line, so in the back at the chair demos, this guy in front of us was like "I am going to buy this chair" so he sat and rolled in his chair for 2 hours, got to the front, and said "I don't really like this one" so he left it by the check out! It was funny and SMART!
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Would have picked the outlet malls or regular store shopping...trying to do both was waaaayyy to much! Also not take non-BF friend with me. We all agreed to leave the outlet mall at 2am to get in line at Best Buy and Meijer's and one person decided to ignore this and we didn't leave until after 2:30am. So I did not get the 19" LCD monitor I wanted. This is the first year I did not get the big item I set out to get. Needless to say, she was voted out of shopping with our group next year :mad:
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Nothing, I had a great BF. I took my 21 yr. old son and he brought his two-way radios. I told him what to get and I went around getting other stuff we communicated if we seen something or had trouble finding something. He also stayed with my cart at WM while I went to ACE to get in line to try and score on the portable DVD players there. I also had the DVD player that was on sale in the cart at WM in case I missed out at ACE. But I was the seventh in line and first out of the store. So I radioed down to my son to put the WM ones back. So I scored everything I was after.
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