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6:00 News says KB Toys and 14 other retailers to open at midnight.

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Has anyone else heard that KB Toys and 14 other retailers will open at midnight? I just caught the later part of the broadcast. Man if that's the case we're going to have to take naps after Thanksgiving dinner. By the way I'm in Michigan if that matters.
Guest mldepalma
no I haven't heard that, but if anyone hears more about it, please let us know. That would be crazy... I wonder how it would affect those planning on getting in line at BB or CC at 12:00am or sometime thereabout. Or how it would affect people who weren't planning on gettin gin line until 4:00.... they might have to go earlier to get a spot.... oh geez, if this happens, I'm gonna have to rethink my whole strategy..... :tongue1:
it would be really great if best buy and/or circuit city would open a few hours b4 walmart so i could shop both of them and then head to wally world - i know last year sears opened at 4 am which was pretty convenient and it thinned out some of the wal mart shoppers
  Intreped94 said:

Has anyone else heard that KB Toys and 14 other retailers will open at midnight? I just caught the later part of the broadcast. Man if that's the case we're going to have to take naps after Thanksgiving dinner. By the way I'm in Michigan if that matters.

Your news should have a website. Go there, I bet the article would be somewhere on there. Or if your news is on again tonight, watch. It could be on there again.

I hope they don't do this in Ohio:no: We live in a small town and only have Wal-Mart. SO we usually go there first then drive 45 minutes to the next town to go to Sears, Target, K-Mart, KB, etc. So that would be awful for us!! And I don't want to go to their Wal-Mart because we always get what we want @ ours because it is a small town;)
  Intreped94 said:

Has anyone else heard that KB Toys and 14 other retailers will open at midnight? I just caught the later part of the broadcast. Man if that's the case we're going to have to take naps after Thanksgiving dinner. By the way I'm in Michigan if that matters.

I just searched google for "stores to open at midnight on black friday" and found many news articles .


That would be soo cool. I hope that Kmart opens at Midnight. Its the only way I would be able to get the tv thats for 70 dollars. Unless they have that for the Thanksgiving sale. I can go shopping before my husband goes to work.:D
I am curious is let's say Best Buy decides to open at midnight this year, What I would like to know is what are the people who camp out gonna do? I would think that if you wanna get the hot ticket items, your gonna have to be at BB Thursday morning the latest. That would suck IMO.
KB has opened earlier than most before. For a long time they opened at 5am,m and a couple of years they opened at 3am. I am pretty sure they have opened at midnight before as well. I suggest checking with your local mall, as that would more than likely determine the opening time. Here for instance, the mall opens at midnight.
We just got a KB outlet store in the tourist shopping thing here. It's a boardwalk that's along the river. It actually has more than the regular KB stores. With all the stores down at the boardwalk, I'm wondering what they'll do. Having that does help some of the overflow of people.
I'm kind of torn, a midnight opening would be nice on any day except one where I've been up since 5 a.m. cooking. On the other hand, I'm not really a morning person and I do hate having to choose which store to hit first, so... See ! I can't make up my mind.
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