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How do you get in the mood to shop?


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Half of the people I buy Christmas presents for live far away and I see mostly only at Christmas. I have a tough time figuring out what to get them. Gift certificates aren't a great option. The kids should have something to unwrap. My question is how does everyone else get excited about shopping? And how do you decide what to buy?


Thanks for your help!

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Guest all2tired
Well for my hubby I jot down things over the course of the year what I hear him say he needs or could use. The kids (9 & 7) just blurt out with every commercial "I want that". Some times I just see something that I think would make bring back memories of something. Just recently, I was looking through the Ellis Island website and found my grandfather's name and all the info about him when he came over from Italy. So I ordered a copy of the manifesto, his passenger listing and info about the ship he came over on (has the picture of the ship too) I'm having it framed and giving it to my father for Christmas. I know it is something he would cherish because it was a gift that was "personal"
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Guest all2tired
Christmas is my all time favorite holiday. So once Halloween passes, I'm all excited that Christmas is coming. Gets worse once Thanksgiving arrives then it's panic mode that I haven't finished shopping yet. But then BF comes and I am done with shopping and just sit back and relax and enjoy all teh Christmas stuff. Can live without the multitude of Christmas parties though.
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How do I get in the mood to shop??? I wake up. That will do it every time!

i got to agree with that !!however i have a friend who HATEs shopping...i just dont get it!but she seems to be doing better . how can someone seeing all the deals out there not want to shop?i think i should ask the opposite ?.how do i get out of the mood to shop?
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I, like others, take note throughout the year about what people would like and then look for those items. I try to shop on BF because I can get more stuff for the same amount of money due to the sales. Someone once told me they don't shop on BF because of all the people and they thought it was 'cheap' to buy stuff on sale. I explained to them that I can either buy more or a better quality item for the same amount of money she would spend, and she's been a BF shopper ever since. I think about the people I love and the looks on their faces when they open their gifts from me. That makes everything worthwhile. This year was a little different though. The only things I got on BF were for me, and since it was the first time I've ever bought something for myself that was not a necessity, that made me that much more determined to get what I was after.
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as long as there is money i am ready to shop shop shop.. even better with out the kids and a good sale .. i shop all year long for b day and x mas and what ever else i can always pull a present out of some where for a teacher friend,b day party and so forth
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I'm always in the mood to shop, LOL. As far as buying things for relatives I don't see often, I just shop at stores that they have back there and include a gift receipt. That way I've done my best to pick something out but if it's just not something they want or if it doesn't fit, etc. they can take it back.
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Once the Christmas decorations, etc hit the stores, I'm all about Christmas shopping :bounce_fl LOL....Now what REALLY gets me in the mood is Black Friday...between then and Christmas, watch out - you give me money and send me to Walmar to buy a few things that are needed (example: toilet paper), don't expect me to come home with any $$$ left :rolleyes:
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The only people I can't get into the shopping mood for are the ones I don't give a flying rat's butt for but have to buy presents for anyway...what am I supposed to buy for them? You know those relatives that you have to buy for and you want them to think that you spent good money on, but you really didn't....other than that, the money flows freely! Burn baby burn!!
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