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anyone else get involved with helping out...


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the less fortunate? I usually get a boy and a girl "angel tag" from the tree they have at my local walmart and buy them whats on their list. I seen a post on here earlier about helping a deployed soldier and thats a great idea. My BIL is deployed right now, so i send to him, but i wouldnt mind doing it for another one.


what made me think of this was the other night there was a paper grocery bag left on my front porch with a note from the Local cub scouts asking for nonperishable food items to help local familes in need. Anyone else get involved?

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I will get one of those food tickets that are donated at frys, the thing they ring up and add to your bill, and they donate it. I also do a couple of things off a tree at my work, they are 5 dollar gifts that go to a school that has a lot of proverty. I also try to do one of the Walmart things. And my sons daycare did a food drive last year.
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the less fortunate? I usually get a boy and a girl "angel tag" from the tree they have at my local walmart and buy them whats on their list. I seen a post on here earlier about helping a deployed soldier and thats a great idea. My BIL is deployed right now, so i send to him, but i wouldnt mind doing it for another one.


what made me think of this was the other night there was a paper grocery bag left on my front porch with a note from the Local cub scouts asking for nonperishable food items to help local familes in need. Anyone else get involved?

My husband is deployed and I saw the thread about helping a deployed soldier and I was trilled to see it.The websight is www.anysoldier.com. I sent the websight to my husband and he has already signed up his group of guys he's with. I can tell you that the single soldiers in paticular, love to recieve any kind of mail. Even if it's just a card saying thanks for what your doing. When I mail packages to my husband, I always put extra stuff in there so that he can share it with the others. Let me tell you thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!
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i always get a name off the tree.i always think if ever i was in that situation i hope someone would do it for me.about a dozen thanksgivings ago we ended up with two turkeys.i cooked both and with one we made up about three dozen dinners in foil tins from the dollar store with the cardboard lids.i also had a few dozen heavy plastic soda cups from the convienance store.i filled a few thermos bottles jugs really,and we went over the bridge to philly.we handed out all the dinners to people on the street who had nothing and nowhere to go.the last guy was funny when we gave him coffee he asked for REAL sugar.all i had was a whole box of sweet n low.

in the dinners were turkey stuffing gravy corn mashed potatoes and a roll.after all these years the kids,now adults,still remember it.:hearthrob

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I volunteer with toys 4 tots. This month, on Fridays, I'm answering the phones taking sign-ups for our church's distribution.


On Monday nights, my cub scouts will be helping the marines sort toys.


On 12/17, we will feed the marines pizza for lunch for our cubscout pizza party.


on 12/18 we will distribute toys to 2000 kids


on 12/19 I will crash!

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I volunteer with toys 4 tots. This month, on Fridays, I'm answering the phones taking sign-ups for our church's distribution.


On Monday nights, my cub scouts will be helping the marines sort toys.


On 12/17, we will feed the marines pizza for lunch for our cubscout pizza party.


on 12/18 we will distribute toys to 2000 kids


on 12/19 I will crash!

How did you get involved with Toys 4 tots? I have alwyas thought that it would be nice to be able to give back to others by doing something like that. I can't give back with money, but I could with my time. I have even thought that as my children are getting older that it would even be nice to get them involved in even working at a soup kitchen or something like that. I'd like to think that they know that they should be greatful for what they do have. I just think that doing something like what you do, would really teach them some values. My hats off to you for doing such a great thing!:clapping::g_clap::g_thumbri:thumbsup:
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When I can and when I can find the resources such as churches or angel trees, I always try and want to send things to the elderly. It seems as if kids are most always taken care of by others, and are many times peoples first choices from the angel trees, but the elderly are many times forgotten or disowned by family, so I like to try and remember them and put a smile on their face during the holidays.
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I volunteered with Toys 4 Tots last year, probably again this year. I went through their site and contacted my local chapter.


I usually get 2-3 tags off of the tree each year and give extras as well. And I send holiday cards to most anyone I can - it's amazing what a nice piece of mail does for someone. :)

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I kinda wish I hadn't seen this thread, because I just went thru a bad time with wanting to help out. Every year I donate things to my son's bus driver and bus aide and also 1 or 2 families at his school. My son has autism, so I know how difficult it can be at times, so I am just saying "THANK YOU" or letting them know that I was thinking about them. Well, we are stationed in Hawaii now and it can be:gd_dollar :gd_dollar , so I decided to buy Thanksgiving dinner for 1 or 2 soldiers in my husbands unit. My husband spoke to the other squad leaders(supervisors) and they each said "We don't have a soldier that can use the help." That is such BS, but my husband can't just go to these soldiers and talk to them. I guess I will just help a family elsewhere or at my son's school.
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This year I am adopting 3 kids from another source but I usually do adopt children (3) of them in honor of my 3 kids from our church angel tree.


I remember the years way back when hubby and I could not afford anything and that angel tree provided them Christmas 2 years in a row plus gave us Christmas dinner too AND gave gifts to me and hubby. It was a blessing beyond belief that I could not repay at the time.


I'm not rich by any means, hubby is disabled and cannot work more than 12 hours per week, but I shop all year long and have "Clearance shopping days" where I limit myself to purchasing only things on clearance and then only if it's a really low price. That way I can save up gifts throughout the year. I try to buy gender neutral things that I can use to provide gifts to others or specific things that I know my kids or grandkids would love.


I am also the fundraising chairperson for our church so any time there is a fundraiser, I am in the middle of it all. Last time we held a spagetti dinner and raffle. The businesses around here have known my family for years so that helps get me in the door for prizes and for donations too.

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It seems to me this is the whole Spirit of Christmas. Giving of ourselves and our resources to others. We usually find a family and all of us kids included go shopping for the whole family. Then we will wrap the gifts for the parents but we give the parents all the stuff for the kids. That way it can be their own family tradition and they can choose what Santa brings and what gets wrapped.
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I want to thank all of you for being such generous souls who look for ways to help others. I have always tried to model that for my little boy, such as sterilizing and taking his outgrown books and toys to churches and daycares, in the hopes that he grows up knowing the feeling you get from doing nice things.


I'm kinda ashamed to even write this, but just today I had to write to a local organization to ask for Christmas present help for my son. I have never, ever had to do such a thing -- but after losing my job of 8 years in September, and my ex flaking on child support again, I had to do it. I love how my little guy still believes in Santa, and I don't want to ruin that for him.


I'm rambling... but I just really wanted to say thanks to you guys for being out there and helping others. It feels pretty rotten to possibly be on the receiving end of help at all, but I can tell you with all certainty that the people you help really do appreciate it. Your good deeds will come back to you. :)



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Our church is participating in Operation Christmas Child. You buy small items to fill a shoe box and it is shipped overseas to children in third world countries.


I remember when I was younger my mom did the angel tree. Somehow she found out where the child lived, how many brothers/sisters he had. She bought clothes and gifts for all the kids as well as groceries for the parents. She dropped it all off at their doorstep anonymously. I'll never forget that.

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We're military so we adopt a soldier or two from dh's work since we know them personally and know exactly what they need/want and we help out with things on base for other airmen and donate some food to the churches. But we give a lot all year round so we do what we can for the holidays but wish we could do more. We also donate toys to the children.
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