Shonette Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Can't wait for BF! I have a question that I need help with! I have 3 boys, 11, 9 and 6. Which game system is better? X box, Playstation or Game Cube? All we have had in the past are gameboys, and I am finally taking the plunge....which one do I buy? Thank you for all your help!
darkkan Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 My son, who is 7, got a PS2 last year and absoloutely loves it. The graphics are awesome and he never gets tired of it (which can be a good or a bad thing) ;-) My husband also loves it, so it was a very mulit-purpose type of gift that will grow with your child.
huseboy Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I would say the playstaion2 if you want to invest in new games. But I would get the Gamecube if they like the mario games because you can buy the gameboy games cheaper and use them with the gamecube. We have both and he plays with both. But I like the gamecube and that is what I play when we play together. jmo
Booterbunz Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I have a ps2 and a gamecube for dh and me! I prefer the gamecube, it doesn't make me as motion sick and I like the simple games but dh likes the ps2 better for the sports games and the shoot em down types of games.
angel_parker1999 Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Personally I have both XBox and Playstation 2, and don't really see much difference in the graphics or the game selection. Hubby likes the Xbox and I like PS2, and the only real reason being is the way the controllers work and feel and in my hands. I have a hard time holding the Xbox controller and pushing the right buttoms, I find it big and bulky, but hubby loves. I like the PS2 slimmer types better. I would suggest looking at the prices you can find for the systems, and looking into specific games your children would be intrested in and checking out what platforms they are made for and their price.
Kandy Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 WE have the Gamecube. I got it two years ago at BF at walmart for $79.00. We also invested in the Gameboy Player that attached to the bottom of it. It will adapter you GBA and GBC games to play on the system. We have gone though about 8 controls in two years.. this is how often it gets played. The one orginal Game Cube control still works fine. this is the aftermarket controls. However I got a good deal on them a few months ago at amazon for like $3.50 each and purchased 4.
gisellerol Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 GAMECUBE BECAUSE ALOT OF THE GAMES ARE FOR MULTIPLE PLAYERS
justbarbour Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I've got a Cube and Xbox. The cube has more kid friendly games, but both PS2 and Xbox are "better" gaming systems, with better graphics, faster processors, etc. I love the Xbox, but PS2 has more games, often gets games before the Xbox, and is compatible with PS1 games (and PS2 games will probably be able to be played on the PS3). I am not sure if the Cube games will be compatible with the next generation Nintendo system (but in the past, there hasn't been inter-system compatibility). Finally - Gamecube is a lot cheaper, which probably ought to be considered.
grapico Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 hrrmm well those are all 4-5 year year old technology, coming to the end of their lifespans, I have owned all 3 but have also recently ebayed all 3 of them except the games to get the money for them while I can, and invest it into the new systems which are all backwards compatible with the old games. if you are getting something this year then why not the xbox 360 (note not an xbox)... it definitely blows all of those systems out of the water if you have the $ for one, and will be what everybody wants... that or the ps3 or the new nintendo (both early-mid quarters next year). The 11 and 9 year old probably would want the xbox 360, but if getting old system for kids might as well go for gamecube for the pricing and kid friendly games.
copados1993 Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Shonette said: Can't wait for BF! I have a question that I need help with! I have 3 boys, 11, 9 and 6. Which game system is better? X box, Playstation or Game Cube? All we have had in the past are gameboys, and I am finally taking the plunge....which one do I buy? Thank you for all your help! I have 2 children a boy who's almost 11 and a girl almost 5. We haev all 3 systems and will end up somtime after Christmas with the Xbox 360 I'm sure. I have to say that by far I think the best for "those" ages would be the Xbox. I find that alot,not all,games for the playstation2 are for teens and adults. Mind you, it's not all, but it really seems like MOST are geared for the older players. Gamecube is soso on the graphics, but cheaper on the price. Xbox has a ton of kids games and the graphics are really pretty great! I know if my kids had to pick just 1, they would pick XBOX! I know that different stores are doing value packs where you can get games with the game systems. I'd check that out. I hope this helps.:)
pinkroses4mommy Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 We have a ps2 and my 12 year old and 4 year old son love it! But we are having problems with ours and are waiting on a recalled replacement power cord to be shipped to us. Ours cuts off alot because of it. They were very easy to contact, and customer service was great, but it's been a couple of weeks and my son is driving me crazy because it's not here yet.
jminer1 Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 justbarbour said: I've got a Cube and Xbox. The cube has more kid friendly games, but both PS2 and Xbox are "better" gaming systems, with better graphics, faster processors, etc. I love the Xbox, but PS2 has more games, often gets games before the Xbox, and is compatible with PS1 games (and PS2 games will probably be able to be played on the PS3). I am not sure if the Cube games will be compatible with the next generation Nintendo system (but in the past, there hasn't been inter-system compatibility). Finally - Gamecube is a lot cheaper, which probably ought to be considered. Not entirely true. The Gamecube is more powerful than the PS2 but not as powerful as the XBOX. Also, the next Nintendo system has been confirmed to be fully backwards compatible with all Gamecube games.
DKS88 Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 DON DADDA said: ps2 cause they have alot more gamesI agree. We have the PS2 and the Game Cube, but the PS2 offers more games for it's system than GC.
Avdan285 Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Shonette: Here is a HUGE piece of advice... Buy whatever gaming system you end up going with at Best Buy and get their 2 year replacement plan. Its an extra $19.99 for the xbox or PS2 or an extra $9.99 for the gamecube but its worth it. Considering you have little boys that won't be taking care of the system too well, the extended warranty is a no brainer. The warranty is VERY EASY to redeem. If the system stops working/disc read errors/no power/controller malfunctions/scratching noises...etc. basically anything that goes wrong with it, as long as you didn't drop it or step on it or abuse it then Best Buy will replace it. You can either take it the system into a store and they will give you a new one, or you can mail it in and they will send you a merchandise voucher. It gets even better, say 6 months from now the PS2 you bought during the holidays of '05 stops working, you go into the store to get it replaced and see the PS2s have dropped in price from 149.99 to 129.99 well guess what, you get store credit for the amount you originally paid (149.99) but you get the new one for the price that it is currently going for (129.99) that means you have an extra $20 in store credit to use towards a game/memory card/controller etc.! Trust me, very rarely does Best Buy reject your exchange inside the store. They will only reject it if you dropped it or spilled pop on it or something. And if you decide to mail it in, they almost never reject it because they'd rather just send you a voucher than send you your old system back and tell you they rejected it. Another thing is keep in mind that when you take back your old system to best buy, it is STORE CREDIT you are getting so you are not obligated to get another PS2, you could get an XBOX instead or whatever else you please that is inside the store. Anyway, this is my first post so you might be thinking I'm lying but trust me, I have bought these warranties all the time when buying gaming systems and have exchanged them numerous times with no problems. Hope this helps!
justbarbour Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 jminer1 said: Not entirely true. The Gamecube is more powerful than the PS2 but not as powerful as the XBOX. Also, the next Nintendo system has been confirmed to be fully backwards compatible with all Gamecube games.Thanks - I wasn't sure. Are controllers, etc. also compatible?
huseboy Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 where can i get info on the new ninetendo system have been hearing about and getting questioned about it but cant find any info on it. thx
KellyGus Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 We have all 3 game systems and I like the Xbox and ps2 better then Game Cube because you can play DVD's on both of trhem when they get bored playing games.
ebony0421 Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I would say go for either Playstation or GameCube. Playstation has more kiddie games, but I like them both.
love2beurwifey Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I have had 2 ps2 and neither one of them lasted very long. If you are going to use it to play both dvds and games on it then I wouldnt tell you to get that.
BrandyJervas Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I say XBox since it stores memory like cds and stuff too plus all 3 can play together at once. We have one and hubby loves it. Plus it's a DVD player you just need to get the remote rather than the PS2 where you use the controller. I say XBox all the way.
alimfp Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Playstation 2 - huge choice of games and you can use PS1 games on it still.
sockmonkey Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 ps2... mostly because they have more games and they range from child to adult themes. i also find the games cheaper too, if you dont mind buying a little older games.
mombbsmj Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I'd go for the Gamecube. We have a PS2 and a Gamecube. My 13 year old boy plays both about equally but my younger 2 ages 6 and 5 only play the Gamecube because more games are geared toward younger kids. The mulitplayer is awesome. We've spent many great times playing Mario Kart and Mario Party.
gijimenez Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I personally am a ps2 fan and so is my son.
fairydustcrissy Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 huseboy said: where can i get info on the new ninetendo system have been hearing about and getting questioned about it but cant find any info on it. thxgoogle "nintendo revolution". That should help ya out. As for the systems, we have every system dating back to the NES. My kids (6 and 4) play the gamecube more than anything else by far. If you want something for everyone, thats my suggestion. Or, like someone else said, if you have the mney, go with one of the next gen consoles. They are all going to be backwards compatible, and the Nintendo Revolution will have older "classic" games, as well as others avail for download.
jminer1 Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 justbarbour said: Thanks - I wasn't sure. Are controllers, etc. also compatible?Yes, all controllers and memory cards will be compatible.
Spotted1 Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 We have the PS2 and the GameCube. Honestly, we love them both. We got our Gamecube, brand new, off of ebay for $45 shipped last year. The PS2 we got in February of this year for around $150. I like the child friendly gamecube games (Even my 2 year old can play some of them), but the ps2 I have to admit does have a wider selection of games to buy. If its possible, get both. lol
Demontooth Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I have a PS2, XBox, Gamecube, Dreamcast, and N64. I would say you can't go wrong with whatever you choose. One positive for the PS2 is, it does have a TON of games available.
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