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Netflix question


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I personaly like it. I did have some problems with new released movies the week of the release but i usualy get them the next week. we have the 3 movies at the time and it works great for us. For $18.00 we usualy get 12- 16 movies every month.
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I love Netflix! We live out in the middle of nowhere, so getting to a movie rental place is a PITA (and can be expensive, since its at least 30 miles one way to get there) .. with Netflix the movies are just a walk to the mailbox away. And its just as easy to send them back.


There's several different payment options. We pay $9.99 a month, get 1 movie at a time, unlimited # of movies a month. As soon as we finish one its in the mail (sometimes the day after we receive it if we watched it that night) and in 2 days we have another. :)

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Thank you for the quick replies. I have yet another question.


How many movies can you get per week/month for $X price? Do they have an amout that you can get for certain pricing?


I've been wanting to sign up for this but I didn't know anyone that was a "Netflix'er" and I wanted to get the straight scoop. I can always get answers on this board..usually without even having to ask.


Great board !! :yelclap::g_dance:




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There's different options.


for $9.99 a month you can get 1 movie at a time, but an unlimited # of movies for the month.


For $11.99 you can get 2 movies at a time, but only 4 movies during a month.


$14.99 gets you 2 movies at a time, unlimited movies a month.


$17.99 gets you 3 movies at a time, unlimited movies a month.



The prices keep going, all the way up to 8 movies at a time, unlimited movies a month for $47.99 .... You'd have to be a pretty diehard movie buff to watch that many movies though :lol:



ETA, if you're unsure but just wanna 'test the waters' try the cheapest (I believe they're still giving out the 2 weeks free for each new sign up, too btw) option and if you dont like the service just cancel it. :)

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I haven't gone over it yet, but I just got a letter about a Netflix class action settlement. I think I get another free month or something if I sign back up. Glancing over the letter it struck me again how the winners in class action suits always seems to be the lawyers not the "class".
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We've also been using Netflix since the beginning of the summer. It's a lot easier than driving to the video store only to find out they don't have what we're looking for. In addition, the depth of their selection is much more than what the local video stores can carry (and that is also a storage issue, too not that the local video stores don't want to.) The other thing is that a lot of times we've forgotten about older movies that we've wanted to see and sitting home looking at a website with movies listed is a lot more productive than wandering aimless through the video aisles. I like the recommendation feature where after you've rated movies you enjoy, it gives you movies that you might like. A number of times we've said "hey, yeah, we wanted to watch that" but we would never have remembered it on our own. Our que is up to about 80 movies (DH, I and the 2 kids) and we do the 3 movies at a time option.
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I had netflix and cancelled it. I now use blockbuster online. I like it better cause not only can I ordered movies online every nonth they send you coupons in an e-mail to use in the store. I get 2 rent a movie or game free instore ( which my son uses to rent video games) and then they always have another one like get a free previously viewed movie free or buy one get one free on movies.I pay 19.00 a month for unlimited 3 at a time.
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I do the 3 at a time.. you make a library of movies you want called a Queue, you look at movies in thier library of movies and click add to Queue a list gets made of movies you want. as soon as you return a movie the movie you have at the top of your Queue gets sent. the return shipping is free and they provide the envelope all addressed. I have two kids at home so we split our membership into 3 different Queue's so each of the kids have one and me and Tom share one. each Queue i have set to be able to get one movie each at a time. this works best for us because when we all shared one. it wasnt fair because the kids had the Queue list manipulated for themselves and fights were occuring between the kids when one of them got 2 of their picks aat a time. this way not only do they only get a movie when they return one. the movies come labled in their names so only when their movie gets returned does another come off their list for them. its nice. i highly recomend it to everyone. kathy
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I love netflix. Got my three movies today. Obviously didn't get to them all, so I'll watch Christmas with the Kranks tomorrow. Tonight I watched PopStar and Devil Rejects (weird). The last one was my husband's pick. He loves Sci-fi and Horror.

Im in Canton which is 45 minutes south of Cleveland. The distribution center for my Netflix is there so I have a quick turnaround. I'll put all in the mail tomorrow and the next 3 will come a day later usually. Its great

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Since DH has been gone for 3 days and 6 hours and 12 minutes I picked 3 that he has wanted to see. :tongue1: I figure during the week while he's gone I'll watch some "chick flicks" and cry and boo whoo without him making comments about me crying over a movie...again. DD got Nemo for Christmas last year and as soon as it implied that Nemo's mommy was eaten by that horrible baracuda I lost it. :( I started balling and of course we had a house full of family and friends. Appearently everyone knew I would cry because I looked away from the tv and all eyes were on me. :blush:
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anyone know how i can give NETFLIX as a gift? I wouldnt give it until like february since my SIL is not in her home in Alaska since her dh is deployed. She is in the states visiting and wont be back until beginning of february. They dont have TV service or anything, according to her, its too expensive out there, they just watch DVDs, so i know this is right up her alley!
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Tonights selections are :


Hotel Rowanda




Batman Begins


I couldn't wait til DH got home this weekend to watch Hotel Rowanda. Which I'm glad I didn't wait. It was so sad at what happened to all of those people. :cry2::bigcry: It was a good movie. I think I will sneak and watch Hitch now.. I need something to cheer me up and Will Smith is a nut..he's so funny :rotflol:

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