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Everything posted by lelee24

  1. Anderson, SC....with our new Kohl's and Dilliards! Yeah Black Friday!
  2. ...let Christmas shopping begin.....yeah! Thanks.
  3. $10 gift card for transferred scrip in today's Target flier in the local paper.
  4. Yes...v.e.r.y interesting...would like to know more!
  5. At least you got yours...I ordered the same thing on the same day and mine still says ordered on the check your account site. I called several times before Christmas and got nowhere. I tried again today and spoke with someone with a VERY thick accent that i could hardley understand who told me that basically she didn't know anymore than I did. It is backordered until who knows when...fortunately this was a Merry Christmas to me gift so I didn't really worry about arrival by the 25th, but it would be nice to know if and when it will EVER arrive! Maybe it will be a happy birthday to me gift (November 24th, 2008 :-)
  6. Yeah...Merry Christmas to me...$462 plus 70% off = $138! I love online shopping. PS - Besides being able to order in store online with no SH, you can return any online orders to store so you don't have to pay SH to return. Just another FYI
  7. Love Shoebuy...ordered a pair for me and one for each of my DS's. Confirmation said they would arrive post-Christmas, but they were shipped overnight and we had a nice Christmas Eve surprise! Love the Crocs too...very cozy.
  8. Have an installer come out first and make sure you won't have problems with the satellite equipment. We have Dish and the sat is on our roof...very small and hidden. Tried to switch to Direct and theirs is much larger...cannot go on roof. Also, because of trees they wanted to put it in the front yard...yeah right! Also, for HD they needed site lines to 5 satellites...again needed front yard. But they do havae the most HD channels. May have to cut some trees...lol. Good luck!
  9. Unfortunately only the girly ones (Bratz and Barbie) are actuallly cheap...I have 2 boys 5 and 8...why isn't there a Pirates or GI Joe globe :-).. Anyway, Shopping Mom you are awesome! I told my mom about the Kohl's idea...she has one in her town 25 mi. away and we don't. She went this morning and they had 1 Leapfrog Explorer model. Originally $99 with 25% off. Plus she had a 20% coupon and sales clerk told her to come back and get her over 55 discount Wed. as well. Thanks so much for the tip...DS will be thrilled!
  10. I'm looking for a good deal on an interactive globe for my DS8...any ideas?
  11. Ooops....nevermind...I found where it goes! Thanks - great deal.
  12. I just tried to use the code and it says it has been used...do you enter it where it asks for coupons?
  13. Forgot to add that my deal included the $10 discount for signing up to use Google Checkout. Sorry!
  14. I just bought one shipped for $94 on buy.com....only $8 more than TRU after tax!
  15. One thing....if you use the Google checkout to get the $10 off you don't get the free shipping on those games advertised that way...still I saved about $6 and got Barnyard for under $14 - yeah! Thanks for the link.
  16. Thanks...says offer ends tonight on sale items so I just made it in...got 3 pairs pj's shipped under $14! Great Deal!
  17. THanks Brad...just got my kids the Pixar films shorts, vol. 1! Great deal...cheaper than Wally World :-)
  18. LOL....my one DH and 2 DS's are all the men I can keep up with! Funny though!
  19. LOL...I guess I need to go to bed. I thought I read this as you got one for your dear husband, and your dear boyfriend. LOL Took me a second to realize B was for brother. LOL....my one DH and 2 DS's are all the men I can keep up with! Funny though!
  20. My friend went into Blockbuster today to use the coupon for 2 movies, 2 drinks and a bucket of popcorn today and they told her it is a hoax! I have had this coupon e-mailed to me several times and saw it on Gottadeal somewhere but can't find the thread. Just thought you might like to know...has anyone else tried to use theirs? Sorry if this is old news...it was new to me!
  21. The renting before you buy is definitely a good idea. I just got my Wii today (yeah!) for my boys, but we've had a Gamecube for awhile. I shop Gamestop here in S.C. for used games. My DS7 is so rough on them anyway I feel better when I know it's just a $15 game disk laying in the floor instead of a $65 one! You can usually find even the newest games used because someone bought it before they played it and didn't like the game! Have fun!
  22. You should be able to use them all..I do this all the time and move my rx among Bilo, Target and CVS according to whoever has the coupons out. I bought 4 off ebay last month for .99 and used them all! I never have to pay for shampoo, toothpaste and all the other drugstore stuff. One word of advice...NEVER use Rite Aid! They insist it be a new prescription you have never filled anywhere and they don't do multiples...I'll never shop there again! I had a new prescription for an rx I have taken for years...they wouldn't honor the coupon because I had been on the medicine and had previous prescriptions for it even though it was technically a new one that I have to get every year after a doctor's checkup...guess they couldn't see the value in having a new customer who would be filling the meds for life, huh?
  23. Thanks...just bought 2...one for DH and one for DB!
  24. my kids, DS7 and DS5 don't really know the cost of stuff yet either so I concentrate more on number of gifts....the big one is usually from Santa and then there are probably 10-12 total divided between Santa and Mom/Dad. We also have the boys shop for 1 gift to each other and for each parent....trying to teach them the joy of giving...LOL! I also try to keep the amount spent by Santa and by M/D about the same...don't want to be outdone by the big guy (don't know why!).
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