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Everything posted by lelee24

  1. lelee24

    How do you wrap?

    I love wrapping too...I put thought into the paper for each gift and try to do different bows and ribbons for each one. The kids get the more "fun" prints and I do the fancier stuff for the adults. Santa leaves our gifts unwrapped - sometimes opened and set up if its something like a game system or train track - around the tree.
  2. Our TRU is awful, the manager says he can't do anything and it usually gets kind of nasty. But Target here is great. They have police out and ropes part way down the line to keep line jumpers from running stratight in. Last year this older lady came running up and tried to tell the policeman she was handicapped and couldn't wait with the rest of us and he had to let her in....he laughed at her and we all cheered! Imagine running up and claiming handicap status!
  3. will be lined up and ready to roll in Anderson, SC...no shirt :-(
  4. We went with the Imaginarium (TRU store brand) and got way more than we would have with Thomas...we added some Thomas trains. Of course, now we have GeoTrax too...it just depends on if your kids want to run the trains themselves or build a track and watch them run...mine are into crashing the trains now so they play with the GeoTrax more. Just my thoughts.
  5. for though Black Friday will end, there are still 30 days to shop in so many more ways!
  6. My son is 6 and really wants a Gamecube which we were planning for Santa to bring, but I am wondering if we should just go for the Wii...but he has all these GAmeboy games that he will be able to use with the Gamecube...can you buy some sort of adapter or somehow play the Gameboy games on the Wii? I hate to have to start all over with buying games..and he is so young he doesn't even know there is something bigger and better out there :-)
  7. I did the buy early and get a price adjustment on BF last year too....I tried it just in case what I wanted was gone when i got there on BF. No problem....
  8. Our Toys R Us opens about 30 minutes prior to advertised opening. Every year we make friends with a clerk in the store and talk to them a couple of days before BF to find out the "secret" opening time. However, TRU is the WORST in our town for keeping everyone honest in line. Many people show up just prior to opening and stand just outside the line and then rush the door when it opens. Bad scene every year. Stores like Target and K Mart use security guards or local police to keep it sane. Does that happen anywhere else?
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