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Everything posted by shopping4my3son

  1. I think it came from Walgreens a few years ago. 6 feet isn't really that big when it's sitting in front of a house.
  2. We took all the outside Halloween stuff down on Sunday. I put the inside Halloween stuff away on Monday. We have a few things outside for Thanksgiving. An inflatable turkey, a male and female pilgrim blow mold, and a turkey blow mold. Nothing on the inside though. Probably won't do Christmas decorations until Thanksgiving weekend.
  3. It's going to be at least an 8 hour drive for us. Plus stopping to eat and stretch. We've wanted to go for awhile though.
  4. Thanks everyone. Looks like that's going to be our anniversary destination in a few weeks.
  5. We are thinking of going there in November. Says it's the world's largest Christmas store. https://www.bronners.com/
  6. I found plain recipe cards. I'm buying the colored ones, I did see plain white on Amazon also. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CXI2A1E/ref=pd_luc_rh_mrairec_04_04_t_img_lh?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  7. No kidding. I really don't like seeing it in September. Way to early. I can understand craft items since they take time to make.
  8. I was looking for plain recipe card dividers or maybe getting card stock and cutting my own.
  9. I have heard you can buy it as a gift and then gift it to yourself. I haven't tried that.
  10. We were at Menards tonight and they have lots of Christmas up. Also went to target for 40% off Halloween costumes and they had some Christmas decorations out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I found some plain wooden boxes on Amazon that look nice. Not to girly or flowery. Of course if I EVER had a girl to buy for I'd get the most girly one I could find. lol I started picking up gift cards already. Last time I did this I waited until December and it was so cold out. Way to much in and out of stores in yucky weather. Plus if I start now it's not a huge hit all at once. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=wooden+recipe+box
  12. A couple years ago I put together a calendar full of gift cards for my oldest. He liked it a lot so I'm trying to come up with something similar this year. I'm looking at getting a plain recipe box with plain dividers. I'd like to label the dividers and place gift cards in between. I can only come up with Food and Entertainment. Maybe I could divide the food into different categories like delivery or type of food? Any other ideas?
  13. Sling box and Sling TV are two different things. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I was able to get Stuart for $23.20 and Bob for $28.99 from Amazon tonight. I saw them at Walmart this weekend for $45 each.
  15. Haven't done any yet. During the summer we have 3 birthdays, September 1, and another in October. After that I start because it seems no one wants to give ideas until after that.
  16. Does any one have Sling TV? Looking for reviews. Looks affordable but we'd have to upgrade our Roku box. Ours is one of the first models they had. I think I remember seeing them on Black Friday for a good price before. https://www.sling.com/new-home-page
  17. More about size this year. We plan on moving next summer so I don't want lots of extras. I'm thinking gift cards to movies, music, bowling, go-karts, etc. Video games, movies, legos, and stuff for my middle sons train layout. Seems like the older they get the smaller the gifts.
  18. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L8IBQGA/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2DTEL51ADGDHQ&coliid=I3L7K7BKQFWB7T I think my 2 younger kids would like that 3D Drawing Pen. Actually I think my husband would like it too. Minions seem to be everywhere also.
  19. Looks like some great deals. I should look at back to school clothes. Just shopped for school supplies today and I'm burnt out.
  20. Jumping Beans® Xtreme 5-pc. Bed Set - Twin Reg. $99.99 on Sale for $39.99 After codes $27.93. http://media.kohls.com.edgesuite.net/is/image/kohls/1700856?wid=500&hei=500&op_sharpen=1 What's Included Twin comforter: 61'' x 86''Twin fitted sheet: fits most mattresses up to 11'' deepFlat sheetStandard shamStandard pillowcase http://www.kohls.com/product/prd-1700856/email.jsp?om_mid=_Order_Confirmation_Responsive_Dynamic&om_etid=26659089&utm_source=TRA&utm_medium=ET&utm_term=26659089&utm_content=32091&utm_campaign=_Order_Confirmation_Responsive_Dynamic
  21. My youngest loves his little guitar. It was the $10 one from Walmart on Black Friday. Plus all the Olaf/Frozen stuff. He's played with it more than the wii. My middle likes his n scale train set and a model mustang. My husband likes the robie house lego set. I think my oldest was disappointed he didn't get a ps4 but I won't buy him video game systems anymore.... My husband bought me an antique sleigh! He plans on refurbishing it. The kids even knew he got it but didn't tell me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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