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Everything posted by shopping4my3son

  1. Home Depot is having a sale right now. https://www.homedepot.com/b/Appliances/N-5yc1vZbv1w Last week we ordered an over the range microwave. I went online to see if it was ready to be picked up and noticed it dropped another $20. They gave me the difference when I picked it up last night. I've been watching prices for those for a few months and it's at the lowest price right now that I've seen.
  2. I haven't done this for awhile so I'm going to this year. Sent my info.
  3. I'll have a few weeks between the Halloween and Christmas tree. The ornaments don't show up well in the picture but I'm happy with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. My youngest really likes the I Survived books. I think there's only one or two he hasn't read. Bought my husband and 2 of the kids tickets for Weird Al. I don't like him so I'll get a quiet night at home, which is a gift itself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Weird Al is going on tour so this would make a great gift. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002KREVEC/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I5BCBVYOEC59W&colid=3C7MAIU6MTU9V I picked up tickets for my husband and kids to go. One will get the CD, one the music DVD, and one the movie.
  6. If I have Walmart returns I wait a week and never have to wait in line.
  7. The year I wrapped as gifts came was the easiest. Kept snooping eyes away and I didn't kill my back. I have a few gifts bought but haven't started yet. I should.
  8. Thanksgiving weekend is when ours usually goes up. I'm getting my tree "fix" this year by having a Halloween tree. Bought it at Walmart for $39, lights from Menards for about $15, and ornaments from Dollar Tree for about $15. I'm happy with it. Told my husband I thought of getting a pink tree for Easter, haha!
  9. I took this picture at Costco on September 9th. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Picked up Jeff Dunahm tickets during the pre-sale yesterday.
  11. Has anyone bought bikes on Black Friday before? I would like to get 2, my younger 2 have out grown the ones they have. Will I need to push the bikes through the crowd or do they have some kind of ticket system? Not sure where I'll get them from yet. Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us are close. There's a Meijer within 30 miles but never went there for Black Friday before. Any tips would be appreciated!
  12. A puzzle and 2 stocking stuffers. I had a gift card to use up.
  13. I started following this in January but in reverse. So far so good. Made a budget with the amount to spen on each person we buy for so this should cover it. Just need to stick with it and not over spend. . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. We visited the house in Ohio a few years ago. I also have some of the village set and a string of lights. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161211/2da951f8795d09a5e5a0c6a8c4156cdf.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I might just do the extensions. The controllers were 15 each.
  16. The wireless controllers I ordered on Nov. 11 have not been pushed out to February. My husband doesn't even know I picked one up yet. If the controllers it came with are good enough I'll just cancel my order after Christmas.
  17. Our tree and my collection of snow globes. My husband made me a shelf from barn boards and pipe. We each have a desk made the same way. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161205/0d738a0e66a003b785f52918358562f2.jpghttp://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161205/94cbe1152ce14a6ba372edbcc77d71ac.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Here are some outdoor pics. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161205/436d7caab2b1075ec4cded77c1af6fb1.jpghttp://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161205/f07fa5323c6a5f48a422c09c0c34253c.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Similar at Best Buy when I waited in line last month. I got the last ticket and lots of people kept walking up. The group would tell them the games were all accounted for by the ticket system and people would get angry. At least we told you instead of letting you stand here for an hour without a ticket.
  20. Years ago Kohl's shipped 2 Smart Cycles to me. I only ordered one. I think I've had that happen with bedding from Kohl's also. This year things are not showing up on the delivery date. Lots of late items.
  21. So, I was lucky enough to get a Classic NES but it doesn't look like I'll get the wireless controllers I pre ordered. There's been a delay in the release of them. Was suppose to be yesterday now on Amazon it's showing 12/22. Gamestop has 12/31. Are wireless controllers available anywhere?
  22. My husband used to run LOR on our previous house. The last few years have been static. He volunteers at a local park that has a drive-thru display and does an animated display there now.
  23. The tree is up, not decorated. The curio cabinet is full of village stuff, not powered up though. There's stuff on the fireplace mantel but I want to change it. Another village set is on the shelf, need an extension cord. The 5ft Santa is plugged in and a nightlight is plugged in. My husband did tons outside. Most of it's plugged in...
  24. I'm not looking to buy one of these but just curious if any stores had them for Black Friday?
  25. No kidding! Dead devises by noon on Christmas Day doesn't sound like fun. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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