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Everything posted by harrispizza4

  1. Dh and I just finished all of the inside decorations including the tree!!! We need to get a few new outside lights this week so we can do those soon. The UPS man prolly thought I was crazy when I met him at the door in a santa hat.....forgot I had it on lol! I'm so ready for Christmas!
  2. I have a $10 off $25 code if anyone wants it!
  3. I would just tell him you are holding them for someone else. Don't really know what else I would do.....I mean he's only 3.
  4. I'm putting some stuff out today too.......might even do the tree! Love your pics!
  5. I'll send one in the morning! God bless this little boy.
  6. Well, to break it down for ya....I guess some are staff not really teachers! DS9 and DD8(same school) -DS9 teacher -DD8 teacher -Office lady #1 -Office lady #2 -Gym teacher -Music Teacher -Art Teacher -Library lady -Nurse -Principle -DD12's teacher from last year(she's preggo and LOVES chocolate!) Then DD12 is in Jr. High this year and has 8 teachers. Plus she giving one to one of the really "cool" security guards and the music teacher even though she's not in music this year but she loves that teacher! So thats how I got to 21 LOL! I only had to buy for 12 last year when they were all in the same school!
  7. Yes my list has 71 people on it....21 of those are teachers and just get a box of chocolate so it's not as bad as it sounds! I grab the Pot of Gold from K-mart for 3.99 on BF.
  8. We always get our dog a couple gifts....this year he will get a new ball and some treats! This year I will wait closer to x-mas to get his treats because he is sneaky! Last year I got a great deal on some treats right around BF and wrapped them and put them in the totes with the other gifts. A few days before x-mas I pulled all the gifts out to check I had everything but I kept the treats put away because I knew he would try to eat them! Well, after checking my list I stacked all the gifts and covered them with a blanket and put 2 empty boxes on top. My kids and I went to the store for about 30 min and when I came home I wanted to cry! My dog knocked the boxes off, pulled the blanket off and tried to eat any gift that smelled like his treats! I know this because every gift he tore open had been in the tote with his treats!! Ok, so dogs have a great sense of smell and I learned a hard lesson! LOL
  9. I would have done more but I ran out of paper! Stopped at the store after I took the kids to school today so I hope to get more done today. Keep in mind I have over 70 people to buy for so I have to start early. My 3 kids alone will get 18 gifts each. Happy Wrapping All!
  10. Started....shoot I got 34 gifts wrapped today! But congrats on your start!lol Btw those cool cook ovens suck...DD8 got one for x-mas last year and only used it once. She loves her easy bake oven tho!
  11. I think they are in the bargin tab. When I click the link from the e-mail thats where it takes me! The 15% off $20 and free shipping are good on all calendars tho!
  12. Free shipping should already come up per the e-mail I got. Then it said if it didn't to use that code. I put 2 calendars in my cart and free shipping was already there plus their giving 15% off any purchase of $20 or more so it's an even sweeter deal. Just make sure you only have calendars in your cart or it won't work!
  13. Thanks Brad!!!
  14. Take 50% off select 2010 calendars and get free shipping on ANY calendar order! Valid for today only! Free shipping only good on calendars! Go to calendars.com If free shipping does not show in your cart enter this code: EM1109FS
  15. I'm starting today while the kids are at school!
  16. Voted! Your doing great!
  17. I got 10 pairs for $130! 2 pair for everyone in my house!
  18. DD11 knows about santa and got to go BF shopping with me last year for the first time and loved it! She knows not to say anything to the younger kids too. DS9 I think is catching on to things but he won't say anything! DD8 still belives for sure and I wish she would forever lol!
  19. I took my dd11 for the first time last BF and she was 10. She did great even with our crazy crowds. But.......my 11yo is 5'3 and 120 pounds so I knew she could handle it with me right there. I think you will know if your dd is ready to go or not....go with your gut feeling. My dd was not afraid and I was there to make sure she didn't get hurt and we had no problems. I will not take my 8yo dd yet because she is very small also and she likes to wander off while were shopping so I know she's not ready yet! I will take dd11 this year to and she is so excited.....she was so happy to see the sears ad posted! Whatever you do have fun and stay safe!
  20. We do our decorating the 2nd week of November so I say go for it!
  21. As for needs....I always buy my 3 kids a new winter coat at Sears on BF. But this year we had a new Burlington Coat Factory open here a few weeks ago and all the kids got new coats so I guess this year will be all wants!
  22. Whooooo Hooooooo I'm sooooo excited!!!! Congrats to all the winners!!!!
  23. Ok, here are my pics..... Task #2 Ace Hardware Employee! http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal001.jpg Task #3 My flyer at a local pizza place! http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal003.jpg Bigger pic of board! http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal002.jpg Task # 4-Landmarks! Putnam muesum and IMAX http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal010.jpg Mississippi river http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal008.jpg Credit Island Park http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal007.jpg Nestle Purina plant (yes it smells like dog food here:yuck:) http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal006.jpg Bigger pic of plant! http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal009.jpg We couldn't find a tree up anywhere....lots of x-mas decor out but no tree in the stores close to me. Walgreens had some up in the windows but I couldn't reach them. I know it won't count but I wanted to post a pic of the oranment DD made anyway! http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/gottadeal013.jpg DD and I had fun with this as did the people at Ace! Thanks Brad!
  24. OK, so I had to try the Pretzel Turtles and they were so good! I used the small waffle pretzels and they worked great. Even DH liked them and he's not too big on sweets! Then I did spiders for the kids and they loved them! I took a few pics for you all to see! I'm not crafty at all so don't be laughing at my spiders lol! Mmmmmm.....so good http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/misc2009033.jpg Spiders! http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/misc2009035.jpg http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/harrispizza4/misc2009034.jpg
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