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Everything posted by harrispizza4

  1. Thanks to Kohls I will be in line at 3:30 friday morning!
  2. Kohls is great! it is the only store card I have and I love being able to pay it off right at the register!:)
  3. You all look like your having so much fun! I can't wait to get in on this next year!:)
  4. Like everyone else said, just be most thankful your daughter is ok! :)
  5. Ill put the the tree up BF since i'm getting a new one! And prolly finish my decorating over the weekend! Normally this would all have been done!:)
  6. I would just stay home and spend time with your dh and dd. Thats what hubby and I did 2 years ago when I was stressing! I told everyone I was making my own dinner and If anyone wanted to stop by they were welcome to. Turned out to be one of the best thanksgivings yet. I was so tired of running from house to house and not really enjoying the day!:)
  7. I'm usually really good about this! But I always end up letting them open one on Xmas eve! heck I'm just as bad as the kids:D
  8. My fave is Christmas shoes by New Song.....Love it!:)
  9. Ok, finally broke down and decided to order one last night! But when I saw how cute my kids looked on that mousepad I got 4:D And the good reviews helped too, I was scared they were gonna be real cheap for the price! Soooo excited to get them now!:)
  10. I had no porblems! Working now:D
  11. Well were getting the kids pics done at 5:30 today at JcPenney. I so love it there and try no to get sucked into all the extras they try to get me to buy! We always went to Sears before they made me mad a couple years ago and I have not been back! I've never been to Wal-mart to have my kids pics done before. I can remember some pics from when Wal-mart first started photos and I thought they looked cheap. Has this changed cuz they got great deals on pics!:)
  12. Mine was $2.82 shipped! Thanks again shanni! :)
  13. I'm so glad I didn't get these. All three of my kids wanted them-dd9,ds7,dd6! But I thought what a mess they would be all over the wood floors! I know alot of people who have purchased this for their kids for x-mas and I'm passing the word along.
  14. I thought I could save some money with the Black/Red also but when I saw how much she wanted the pink one I had to get it. Then toys r us also had a deal if you bought 2 games you got one free. So I got Brain Age 2, High school Musical and Zoe 101 for 60.00. Only 20.00 each and the peace of mind knowing I already have them! As for ebay, Iv'e done some selling and I think it stinks! They keep some of your sale and most people like to pay by pay pal so they get some too. And you pay them to list it too! To much of a hassel for me but thats just my opinion!
  15. Thanks! I don't shop at Target too much but I will check them out! Any savings will help me this year!:)
  16. My dd9 also wanted the black/red DS but only because it came with Brain Age 2. When she saw the pink one she quickly changed her mind!! She didn't care if she had to save her own money for games or not!! She wants the pink one which I got last week online from Toys r us for $129. I'm sure there will be better deals on Black friday but I feel much better knowing I got the pink one! Plus one less thing to worry about getting on BF!:)
  17. Great! Three more gifts crossed off!! Got Operation,Hannah Montana and Monopoly for $16.98 shipped!
  18. I need to get a PSP game for my DH's Nephew and I've never purchased one before! I'm not sure where to get the best deal for PSP games???? The actual game I have to find is MLB 07 The Show! Any help would be great, Thanks:rolleyes:
  19. I always get our 3 kids gifts for their teachers! This year I found some very cute Apple picture frames at our local craft show for only $4 and I will put that with a box of Hersheys Pot of Gold!! Costs about $8 per teacher which is very affordable for our limited income.
  20. I'll be out in Davenport,Iowa....But I don't have a shirt.......YET!
  21. Got this one! Total was $8.39 shipped! Thanks:D
  22. I too hide them where ever I can. We have 48 people to buy for this year including our 3 kids who will get 13 gifts each. I have over 40 gifts wrapped already!! I hide them in closets, totes and where ever else theres room. I wrap mine asap beacause there are so many if someone got a peek it still wouldn't spoil the surprise!:) I do like the luggage idea!!
  23. Ha Ha! Me and my three kids were singing christmas songs as I made dinner last night! So made me want to put a cd on! dd(9) was begging me too! I guess this weekend I'll dig them cd's out! Anyone know if directv has a christmas channel? Just wondering, I know we have alot of music channels but never looked thru them all!
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