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Everything posted by bluebear

  1. Oh yes, the Tupperware! I am very tempted by that. I still have old orange and avocado green bowls that I use regularly. This color is much prettier!
  2. I'm thinking of getting the steam mop for my son, maybe one for me too. And those gingerbread waffle makers are so cute, but I really don't need to get one.
  3. Hmmmm... I'm eyeing the Naked palettes, I've been wanting the wild west one.
  4. My mom bought that laptop (or the equivalent) a couple years ago. And she hates it. Like Kanyon said, the eMMC drive isn't great. It's very slow.
  5. Photo #1. I hope no one trips over the baby. Photo #2. Wow, I can't believe they ran out of carts! Photo #3. I wonder if E.T. is included in the 2/$15 sale...
  6. I work for a school system. We usually are off Wednesday - Friday, but this year we also have off Monday and Tuesday. Years ago I worked retail, and I used to love working black Friday.
  7. Wood wick candles. My nephew's birthday is next week and he said he wants 5 wood wick candles. So I'll get him some for his birthday and more for Christmas. My daughter and nieces also love them. https://www.amazon.com/WoodWick-Candle-Fireside-Medium-Jar/dp/B000KOHG9Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2VJAIC9IAVOYQ&keywords=woodwick+candles&qid=1665965111&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI3LjA2IiwicXNhIjoiNy4xMyIsInFzcCI6IjYuOTgifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-4
  8. Bamboo keyboard and mouse set. I got this for my birthday and took it to work. It has gotten SO much attention. It's very pretty and unique. https://www.amazon.com/TrioGatos-Standard-Wireless-Keyboard-Handcrafted/dp/B07QC6XYQC/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=12FX9JS24VXUW&keywords=wood+keyboard&qid=1665877244&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI1LjIwIiwicXNhIjoiNC43NSIsInFzcCI6IjMuOTkifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=wood+keyboard%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-2-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18ed3cb5-28d5-4975-8bc7-93deae8f9840&psc=1
  9. Those are pretty cute!!
  10. https://www.amazon.com/Shuttle-Art-Permanent-Sketching-Illustrating/dp/B078K19RFZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=N5T21PHS3K8D&keywords=gray+markers+set&qid=1665790063&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0LjMyIiwicXNhIjoiMy42NCIsInFzcCI6IjMuMTIifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=gray+marker%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1 Gray Markers Set. This is a set of 15 gray markers in different tones. This would be great for someone who likes to sketch and draw (like my niece). I like this one because there is a variety of tones for the price
  11. https://www.amazon.com/GardePro-A3-Infrared-Detection-Waterproof/dp/B07YTRR837/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=R8M6W2CK64Z2&keywords=trail+camera&qid=1665708143&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2LjcyIiwicXNhIjoiNi4yMyIsInFzcCI6IjUuODIifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=trail+cam%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-8&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18ed3cb5-28d5-4975-8bc7-93deae8f9840 Trail camera. I'd like to get my husband one of these. We moved a year ago, and over the last year we have seen deer, raccoon, and a pesky beaver. Every so often we see one on the ring camera crossing the driveway (even the beaver), but it would be nice to see them in the woods.
  12. A couple years ago, I made blankets for everyone. Even my kids' friends and my mom's friends! I don't know how to crochet or to knit with needles, but I can loom knit and lately I've been using loop yarn and super bulky yarn. I can make blankets in just a few hours with those. I am considering doing some blankets again, but we'll see. I also like the idea of homemade vanilla. I bought some beans a couple years ago with that intent, but never did. Maybe that will be a good project for this year. I made my friend a macrame owl plant hanger last month for her birthday, and that was fun, so I've thought of maybe doing some more macrame projects too.
  13. https://www.amazon.com/Chemical-Guys-HOL169-16-Piece-Products/dp/B07PGQTNR6/ref=sxin_23?asc_contentid=amzn1.osa.31e8f0b3-97f9-4e15-aa68-9cf8009129b8.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&asc_contenttype=article&ascsubtag=amzn1.osa.31e8f0b3-97f9-4e15-aa68-9cf8009129b8.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&content-id=amzn1.sym.c6358286-50a1-489f-aa4c-d09ffc7a0187%3Aamzn1.sym.c6358286-50a1-489f-aa4c-d09ffc7a0187&creativeASIN=B07PGQTNR6&crid=3FC9CBQ7ZRLH0&cv_ct_cx=chemical+guys&cv_ct_id=amzn1.osa.31e8f0b3-97f9-4e15-aa68-9cf8009129b8.ATVPDKIKX0DER.en_US&cv_ct_pg=search&cv_ct_we=asin&cv_ct_wn=osp-single-source&keywords=chemical+guys&linkCode=oas&pd_rd_i=B07PGQTNR6&pd_rd_r=f316170d-185d-4063-b02c-55d82d108a19&pd_rd_w=Ww0u1&pd_rd_wg=IJohP&pf_rd_p=c6358286-50a1-489f-aa4c-d09ffc7a0187&pf_rd_r=7SR3BKP7VJNTYZRYDPEW&qid=1665626677&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2LjcwIiwicXNhIjoiNi43OCIsInFzcCI6IjYuNTgifQ%3D%3D&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&sprefix=chemi%2Caps%2C159&sr=1-1-016ee7ff-60c0-48fb-b110-7dd75bc797a4&tag=thesprucepublish-20 Chemical Guys car washing set. My husband loves Chemical Guys stuff. This is a nice complete set of things, and would be nice for anyone that likes to wash and deatil their car.
  14. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091CG86JR/?coliid=I3A3QO0PMV73C1&colid=3E8V6Y6UQW06L&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Tier Tray. To put all your little doo-dads and cute things. I like this particular one because it also comes with a few little signs. I'll probably get one for my mom. She likes to have all the stylish farmhouse things, and these happen to match her decor as well.
  15. Finding random things is hard. But I do like how they have sales in categories, like Fisher Price toys. I got my 1yo grandson pretty much done today, yay! Besides that, I've just been checking things in my list to see if the price is lower. A few things were, so that was nice. My daughter's birthday is this month and the bakers rack she told me about this weekend is on sale.
  16. That's me with every Amazon sale. Especially if I'm not looking for anything in particular. Sometimes though I happen across something great.
  17. https://www.amazon.com/Elegear-Cooling-Blanket-Pregnant-Children/dp/B07RTVQHVK/ref=pd_aw_ic_dpcp_att_2_m_7?pd_rd_w=t7Lzx&content-id=amzn1.sym.d5680d00-6912-40c6-a74a-2507b093bffe&pf_rd_p=d5680d00-6912-40c6-a74a-2507b093bffe&pf_rd_r=0MPJB53BH8WDSVB04JHX&pd_rd_wg=m9YRL&pd_rd_r=ca8acaa8-e559-407d-be86-028a078ea59e&pd_rd_i=B07V3L36RR&th=1&psc=1 Cooling blanket for hot sleepers. I can imagine that this would still be useful in the winter for those that sleep hot, but live with others that want the heat high.
  18. I opened up my Christmas List app this weekend for the first time this year, and started adding things to it. Here we go!
  19. The Raptor Lego set sold out while I was checking out. Sadness. But I did get a 2 pack of outdoor folding chairs and some yarn.
  20. My (adult) son has gotten into Yu-gi-oh and Pokémon cards again. This cabinet with short drawers would be great for organizing those cards. https://www.amazon.com/Winsome-Wood-20630-WW-Halifax-Organization/dp/B07K9FWTJ6/ref=pd_aw_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0?pd_rd_w=TIuDq&content-id=amzn1.sym.94af6381-06a2-4b66-b860-04718aaeefef&pf_rd_p=94af6381-06a2-4b66-b860-04718aaeefef&pf_rd_r=M9E6HAMMCW60A52Z911Y&pd_rd_wg=6GnGI&pd_rd_r=df8229bf-7b89-4881-b42f-9f0a7957125f&pd_rd_i=B07K9FWTJ6
  21. The last few years, most things gs I've bought have been from Kohl's or Amazon. Or Walmart, which is surprising because I used to never shop there. So I guess Kohl's, Walmart, and Target for me.
  22. O Holy Night
  23. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07YBWG8D3/ref=sspa_mw_detail_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWw This is a small portable charger for your phone. But unlike most, it plugs directly into your phone, so you don't have to have an extra cable or a place to put the charger. It comes in both android and iPhone flavors, so would be great for anyone with a phone.
  24. Congratulations everyone!
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