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Everything posted by pogiporkchop

  1. That's a great idea... too bad my kids can't sit still long enough for a story! I do think they'd be able to sit down for a video. We always make sure to remind them the real reason for the season, though, and encourage sharing with others who aren't as fortunate.
  2. I have to get a bed for my 3 year old too. I'm not sure if I want to get her a Dora room in a box or a regular bed.
  3. I will have to drive an hour back to where I moved from in order to get the fattest paper because that's where i'm going shopping. Even though they go quickly I still have to check a minimum of three papers to make sure I get all the ads because they're not stuffed equally.
  4. I haven't had that problem with any line I've been in, it was all orderly and people were in a good mood. Last year I decided to wait in line at CC over WalMart, and I'm glad I did... when I got home I saw on the news video of the stampede at the Grandville Mi. store. I still have the newspaper article on it, in fact... pretty sad if you ask me. Sure I want a number of those hot deals, but I'm not going to be fighting for them.
  5. Before my grandma grew too frail she would make peppercookies every holiday season. And every season they would end up hard as a rock after two hours... but they were good. I was smart enough, as a teen, to have her translate the recipe so I could make them myself. Now that she's gone I make the cookies every year, and while they are slightly labor intensive it's worth it - especially since only I know how to get them to be soft and chewy :9
  6. My brother likes these too. Maybe I should get him one...
  7. copados1993, if you want to come to Michigan and have a car (my brother doesn't right now) to get around then I'm sure my brother (if he doesn't have to work) would be happy to lend you his services... for a fee, of course, since I know him
  8. If you want relatively inexpensive music toys, try checking the private label WalMart (Kid Connection) and Kmart (Just Kidz, I think) toys. I browsed them with my kids and saw some nice items that would be just right for your son. And if they break... well, you didn't spend a lot on them :)
  9. Don't forget someone/something to hold your place in line... I'm trying to talk my brother into going with me, he's big so no one would mess with him :)
  10. I saw some kind of race track for Hot Wheels/matchbox cars, can't remember the name but I do remember it's dinosaur related in some way because my son noticed them on a shelf way up high.
  11. You can say that again! I've seen gift sets starting at $5 up to $100+ regular price, and they go quick right before Christmas. Then right after Christmas they get marked down and go even quicker. Last year I went to Meijer and got a beautiful hanging wall basket filled with some yummy treats for friends of mine in Japan... I ended up spending three times more on postage than I did on the $40 basket, which only cost me $4! That's a deal!
  12. I could use a minimum of two weeks alone time since I haven't had any kind of vacation or break in five years! :)
  13. My brother likes the food sets, it doesn't matter what's in them, so that's one of his "traditional" gifts. I like some of them too, so maybe I'll get one for myself.
  14. Does anyone besides me look forward to seeing what holiday gift sets are available in stores? Have you ever found one you just had to have? I know I have? :)
  15. What is one thing you'd like to get that doesn't cost a lot ($10 or less)? Every year I have to look at all the different gift sets you find only during the holidays and there's at least 5 I want but of course nobody gets them for me...
  16. I most certainly will be going out again; my BF shopping will be cut short because my husband has to work. Besides, the kids will want to see the Christmas decorations in each and every single store.
  17. I have a couple of leftovers from last year, but I also ordered some nice paper and bags (and some gifts too) when my son's school had their fall fundraiser recently. I'd rather support my son's school than some big business if I'm going to pay full price for something :)
  18. I agree, no reason to feel guilty :) A sale is a sale and I can't imagine anyone not loving a chance to save some money.
  19. I'm usually up until 3am Christmas morning, watching movies and wrapping as quietly as possible. I also set up the kids' trees (they each have a small tabletop tree and get a new ornament each year) at that time so they don't get after the ornaments. Makes for a great surprise when they wake up.
  20. My plans are to get organized and, by Turkey Day, have the kids' lists narrowed down. I won't try to have a fixed list for shopping because there's always something else that's just too good of a deal to pass up. I will, however, need to have a list of people to shop for especially if I end up sending a package to my husband's family overseas.
  21. I just moved to a much smaller city over the summer, but I'm going back for BF because I know where the stores are (and they're better located - everything within 1/4 mile). Might spend the night there, and depending on the ads, go early in the evening to stand in line. it's an hour away, and I have another major area only 20 minutes away, but the store layout won't be the most efficient for my shopping.
  22. There's so many different designs now too, more with the holidays coming.
  23. How about a donation in her name to the charity or group of her choice? Or a "purchase" in her name from Heifer International? That's a gift that will keep on giving, and she can't complain that it's a waste of money =)
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