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Everything posted by rockpzazz

  1. Much like the other posters, I dont post too much throughout the year, but I LOVE the Target page. I check it constantly and well worth it when you live 45 minutes away like myself. I check it out to know when to go and get the best deals. I also recommend the Online thread (well when I have a bank account) to buy items online. The other feature I like is how GD is updated on Facebook. I now need to follow them on Twitter.
  2. I live 30 minutes from SEVERAL other stores, so I'm still deciding. It comes down to how much my paycheck is tomorrow, which I doubt is much. I'm in it this year more for the thrill than buying anything. So we'll see.
  3. Comedian Dwight York once said "I was homless for a while. I didnt want anyone to know so I lined up in front of a ticketmaster." I love that joke. Where I live we only have a Walmart and I've yet to see ayone line up.
  4. Could you tell me where that Target and Walmart might be. I gotta pricematch a few things.
  5. Thanks for posting, I like the DVD media prices and the Seagate 1TB HD. One of the better ads I've seen so far.
  6. If I'm not mistaken, and I'm not into the PS3 much, the 80GB PS3 is the only one thats backwards compatible (plays PS2 games). The best time to get the system would be around now since there are bundles available, but like others have said, look into buying used. You could probably trade in th PS2 to differ the cost, that might help. What I would do though is wait on the game until his birthday. That way the game might drop in price, and become more affordable. I've never played a PS3, but thats the best scenario I could think of. Tell us what you decide and how it turns out.
  7. I won't miss them at Black Friday time, but I do miss Circuit City. I also miss Steve & Barry's despite not having one closeby. I never cared for Goody's but one opened close by and I went a few times. One store I do miss is Osco, not sure if all of them closed, but I had 2 within 45 minutes close, and I enjoy them much better than Walgreens. I loved going there especially for Christmas.
  8. Gottadeal is here So let the madness begin Black Friday time, yay By the way I don't think I can win, because I was a winner in the facebook contest, but I like to keep up the spirit here on Gottadeal. I can't wait for BF to finally arrive.
  9. Yep, I entered. Also mention the site everytime a friend becomes a fan of "other" BF sites.
  10. I couldnt imagine Columbia as packed as Springfield, but it is plenty crowded. Only one of each store in Columbia as well (except 3 Wal-mart) and most of the main stores are close to each other with exception to Kohl's which is the other side of town. The Columbia Mall houses Target, Sears, JC Penny, Barnes & Noble, Gamestop (among others and is across the road from Dick's, Old Navy, & Macy's which is across the road from Best Buy. Close by is Toys R Us. Another exception is Bass Pro, it is also a bit out of the way, but it is located close to Menards (which I've yet been to). So its spread out a bit, but if your able to manage your time, then it should be fairly easily. A couple years ago, I hit the mall for a gift package at 6, shopped a few stores there, hit Circuity City (which killed me time wise), Best Buy, 2 Wal-marts, across town to Kohls, a few other stores, the back to the mall all by 11. The longest time waiting was CC (which I waited in checkout line for an hour and a half) and Kohls. Also went with casual shoppers which slowed me down. What stores are you interested in, I might be able to help you with a plan on getting around Columbia. Another choice might be Jeff City, not quite as many choices, but they have a large amount of places too, I've never shopped there though.
  11. Season 6 of the Simpsons I'm guessing could go 8.99 at Target. Maybe Seasons 9-10. Last year it was similar. A few back when the newest X-Men came out (it was the 3rd one), I picked it up at CC for 8.99 it had been out a few months. Last year I got Kung Fu Panda and Iron Man at Walmart for 9 bucks. So I would guess some newer releases could be under 10 bucks. My main buys on BF are DVD's. Money is tight so I might even pass on them this year. This year I think I just want to be part of the crowd, and not so much blowing all my money.
  12. Congrats Amber, hope you enjoy your survival kit. I like these kinds of contests
  13. #1. THATS why I wanna be a Toys "R" Us kid! #2. Oops I forgot to get something for the wife. #3. It sure doesnt move like my hoverround, but it sure is comfy.
  14. Most of the stores that are displayed here. The only exception is K-Mart. We have a Bass Pro, but not as big as Springfield, and a Dick's just opened. However, if I had a choice, I would probably go to Springfield over Columbia. As far as the Lake, I'm not too sure if I'd head there, but I've never cared much for the Factory Outlet in Osage Beach.
  15. I'm not sure if I need any buddies, but I am curious how many people on here plan to shop in the Mid Missouri area, specifically the Columbia, MO area.
  16. I keep hearing on our local radio stations you can go to K-Santa and listen to Christmas music. I never checked it out yet, but I might in a couple more weeks.
  17. THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY 100TH POST! I just wanted to thank everyone for adding the flair to their page and wondering if anyone has been able to use it as a conversation piece yet.
  18. I see that it is now searchable. To me, its a great way to talk about gottadeal with my friends. Hope others out there do the same.
  19. If you guys have facebook, I'm sure you've heard of pieces of flair. Its buttons you can post on a corkboard on your page. They can be pretty much anything. Anyways I was searching nd found NONE for Gottadeal. So I created one using their logo. Then I proceeded to send it to all my friends who use the application and sent them a note describing what Gottadeal was all about. Its a nice way to spread the word and get people more interested in Black Friday. I haven't seen it posted on there yet, but I think it takes a day or so to post. When it does just go to the application and search for Gotta Deal, ot gottadeal or gottadeal.com. After you add the flair send it to your friends and spread the good news about the site. So whos with me?
  20. Me too, have to fix my printer first, but I will get some pix up. I really want a prize pack.
  21. Not to get too excited, but if the numbers from previous years hold up, then we should see a Harbor Freight ad sometime this week, and maybe SEARS!
  22. its not sad, we're just prioritizing all the deals we can get tomorrow and on Black Friday! :)
  23. I did task #3 and here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/posted.php?id=501515309 I guess the link is right.
  24. I think its a bit early for me, but anytime after November 1st is fine. I usually dont start until about a week before Thanksgiving. My only real problem is that theres not a lot of songs, just a million people singing the same 15 songs over and over again.
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