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Everything posted by Bopeep

  1. Thank you, I'm very excited for this tshirt!
  2. I actually marked several possibilities. And only 2 of them were for ME. LOL
  3. FYI - The fire blankets were $75 when I put them in my wish list on 10/17. They are $59.96 today.
  4. Tomorrow is the final day to sign up. If you've said you want to sign up but haven't turned in your list, please don't forget.
  5. 2 more days to sign up! Come out and play. We're missing a few regulars. We understand though, if you just can't do it this year.
  6. WooHoo, Let's go! We are on day 3 of tornadoes in Oklahoma. Hopefully Mother Nature gets her stuff together and gives us some fall weather the rest of the month. I saw someone on Facebook post "We wanted hoodie weather, not "evacuate your hood" weather!"
  7. One more week to get your info in. Come play with us. You know you want to.
  8. I have always waited until Thanksgiving weekend to decorate, but it's been a rough year and I need a little Christmas. I am going to do all my indoor decorations this weekend, except the trees. I will do the trees and the front porch Thanksgiving weekend. Unless I decide to go ahead and put the trees up early too - and I'm giving myself permission to do that if I wish :).
  9. Well, this was both fun and depressing in equal measure. LOL. I guess if I think about it, these regular prices weren't as great as they sound when you consider the income of the time. I like the ride on fire engine. I was intrigued by the molds so I looked them up on YouTube . Here's the Vac-u-form, I couldn't find the Mold Master (sorry, i know how to adjust the size of a photo but not a video) :
  10. I'm so sorry it's been so rough. We understand though, and just want what's best for you. If there's anything I can do from half a country away, let me know. You'll definitely be in my prayers.
  11. Congratulations winners! And thanks for all the new ideas
  12. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NQL8Z16/?coliid=I1U2TP7VIYNIIV&colid=A5W7XCZLYXTD&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it Victrola Nostalgic 6-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player & Multimedia Center A gift for me.
  13. Look at you, getting in early
  14. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071W1BW64/?coliid=I1LUJ0I6GOA7YN&colid=3VHLSFABL98MP&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1 Portable Chainsaw Mill For my son, who is clearing a lot of trees on his property and likes to work with wood.
  15. I bought my mattress online from QVC. I totally let them convince me I needed it. And since it was the first new mattress I'd ever bought, I thought the price was ok (news flash, it was too much). They did have a 100 night return policy, that they said was no questions asked, and they'd come pick it up. I loved my mattress at first, and I don't think I would have really learned anything trying it out in store. I had been sleeping on it for a while before I decided the hip area is killing me. LOL
  16. Well, we have Harbor Freight and Costco
  17. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CP6FHG54/?coliid=I32NSOL6LXA1K2&colid=3VHLSFABL98MP&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1 Goliath Tasty Tinies Bake Shop Strawberry Cake Mix Kit Something else my granddaughter asked for (darn that Amazon wish book). I said I'm pretty sure those are just mug cakes and I can get them a whole lot cheaper in the baking aisle at the grocery store. But, you know, where's the fun in that? And, of course, what the princess wants the princess will probably get :).
  18. Bopeep

    Christmas tree?

    I lurk in a Christmas decorating group on Facebook, and they all talk about The Grand Duchess tree at Home Depot. I personally can't afford it, but it is a very pretty tree. That said, I got my tree at Home Depot like 8 years ago on Black Friday and I still love it. The dog chewed through the lights on the bottom his first year, but I just turn that side toward the wall :).
  19. Bopeep

    Holiday Meals

    We have pretty plain palates, so our Thanksgiving will just be: turkey dressing mashed potatoes turkey gravy deviled eggs rolls and, of course, desserts. I'll make a banana pudding. I don't know what others will bring. I'm trying to make gluten free dressing for my dil. Gator Pam told me how to make it come out the texture and consistency I want, so I'll be testing that this weekend. I don't know about Christmas this year. We've always had chicken and dumplins for our Christmas dinner at Mom's. We lost her in August and I don't guess we are planning to have an all family dinner anymore. I've been told that's the plan for years, but I don't like it. On Christmas day, my sisters and I will be together, but that day we usually just do sandwiches. I might surprise them with chicken and dumplins :).
  20. Got it, and sent you a question!
  21. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09VB2JMBQ/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 JBL Quantum 810 - Wireless Over-Ear Performance Gaming Headset I'm looking at this for my son (thank you GD for pointing out the sale to me). I know he needs a new headset, I just can't decide if he really needs a $100 headset. LOL
  22. batteries. always. LOL other than that, I guess I'll just know it when I see it.
  23. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TYWQJTH/?coliid=I3F5FFDFKQAYHH&colid=3VHLSFABL98MP&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1 Prepared Hero Emergency Fire Blanket Practical gifts aren't very fun, but I plan on getting these for both my kids' homes.
  24. That caught my eye as well. I just added it to my gifting wishlist for my kids. I would have liked this when I used to take my lunch breaks in my car :).
  25. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYPP5WRV/?coliid=I13GSA74HO4Y6J&colid=3VHLSFABL98MP&psc=0&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it Large 3D FNAF Crystal Ball Night Light For the young FNAF fan that is just aging out of the toys ages.
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