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Everything posted by Bopeep

  1. Storms knocked out the picture on my TV Saturday night. I went back and read Len's post about how to choose a new TV from last Black Friday's forums, so I'll pick up a TCL Roku tomorrow to replace it. I love this community. (I'll also pick up a surge protector, because I'm the idiot that never thought about the TV needing one )
  2. Wow, she's a big baby. Glad they're doing well :). Congratulations!
  3. I checked the list and sent you a PM.
  4. Congratulations Gatorburg! Oh, I am so sorry! Your mama brought a smile to so many of us throughout the years.
  5. I'm never as glad to work from home as I am when the forecast starts calling for arctic air! Hopefully it doesn't come with much precip, and the lines stay clear and the power stays on.
  6. Y'all stay safe tonight, and have a happy New Year!
  7. Merry Christmas Everyone! I pray you are all as blessed as I am. Here is the Secret Santa Reveal: And The Ornaments: Thank you all for another great year!
  8. I got my ornaments, and I love them! I've already hung them on my tree, and the Santa Cam is pointed right at me while I'm at my desk :).
  9. Status update - All ornament exchange packages have shipped! Yay! Almost all SS have either been shipped or I've heard from the Santa. Please be sure to post here when you receive your package, even if you are not planning to open until Christmas.
  10. That's how I am! I've been saying I'm done for a few weeks now, yet somehow I keep buying more stuff! LOL
  11. My Santa package is in the mail. If you are not going to be able to ship by Monday, please reach out and let me know.
  12. I love it!!! Y'all are my heroes! I get tired of setting up stuff someone else built for me! LOL
  13. I was waiting on one last little thing from Amazon. It came in today and I was excited to pick it up at the post office, and turn right around and get my package out. The darn thing was broken in 2 places . I've ordered a replacement, but if they don't package it any better it will come broken too. Anyway, It looks like it will be at least Friday before I can get my package in the mail.
  14. So, this is probably a dumb question. Do you rebuild your Lego pieces every year? Or did you do them once and then put them away completed?
  15. I shared by bathroom in this thread: Here is the rest of the living room/kitchen Got a new tree for the living room this year, but I still love my old tree, so I put it up in my office: I don't do much outside, but I did a little on the porch. And this Santa Claus, my mama made when I first bought my home almost 25 years ago. He's long since lost the metal pole that stands him in the yard, but he still looks good for his age
  16. I don't know whether to sad react or laugh react. Seriously, praying you feel better soon. Be sure and let us know if you get some interesting packages from Amazon!
  17. As more and more packages are being shipped, this is your reminder/nag/beg to please please post when you receive your package. Please save me the time of trying to track down your package, when you have it under your tree already. Thanks so much!
  18. Bopeep

    I did a thing!

    It came! Great job, Setlok, I loved it! Such a sweet story, with a lesson in the true spirit of Christmas. Every year, my grands get a box from their elf on the shelf when he leaves on Christmas Eve. A book is always part of the box, and I think this year Gingie will be leaving them a book about a very special maple leaf .
  19. There's never a good time to be sick, but especially at the holidays. Hoping you feel better soon!
  20. Our first stop at 6:00 this morning was a regional store called Atwood's. It's kind of like Tractor Supply. Anyway, they weren't quite as busy as they used to be on BF, but they were pretty busy. However, for the first time ever, I think, we didn't buy anything there. They are usually at least good for some cheap plaid lounge pants. We were there to look at a Wrangler purse, but a better one could be found online and at a cheaper price. Our next stop was Target. We couldn't find one specific toy we wanted, even though the app said there were 5 of them in store. So I ordered it on my phone and hoped the associates would have better luck than we did. I think the only thing I bought there other than that toy was socks. Now, to be fair, I went to Target on Sunday when their sale started and bought quite a few toys and a Switch game. When we got to the checkout, I told my niece "this is just sad". It was Black Friday morning and there were only 4 registers open. And there weren't any lines at any of them. We went down to road to Academy, which is another store that's always good for an impulse buy or 2, but all I picked up was a Billy Bass ornament that I couldn't quit laughing at. Again, they were busy, but not crowded. We didn't have to wait in line to check out. By the time we were out of there, the Target heroes had found the toy and it was ready to pick up. Man, I am not a big Target shopper, but their pick up beats Walmart all to... From there we went to Kohl's where I bought some unmentionables and the girls got some pillows. We earned $15 in KC, and some ladies that were leaving as we went in gave us their KC. We don't shop there much either, so all the KC is being donated to the art teacher at my grandkids' school. I think with theirs' and ours', we had $60. After that was Walmart, which was more of the same. Then Lowe's for totes and batteries. Also picked up some screwdrivers and pliers that were on sale, but not must haves. Then to a different Kohl's (we were looking for a specific Barbie my aunt was looking for, but we didn't find it at either one). We also landed at Half Price Books and then finally at Ollie's. For a mediocre ad year, we sure made a day of it. What I got most was tired.
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