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Everything posted by Sunshyne

  1. I went to my regular Target today, and I found a few things, but I really wanted those juice boxes! I did get a rolling metal cart for $9.xx, 75% off. I don't even know what I am going to use it for, but I just had to get it for that price. I saw the Nick n Nora pj's for little ds, but they were still $10.xx, so I passed on them. And they would have been cute because I have a pair with sock monkeys on them that dh bought me last year, and we could match. So, I ventured over to the West York Target and found 4 of the $0.69 juice boxes! I bought all they had left. Thanks so much for posting about those! These are the type we always buy, so now my drink cabinet is full of extras. I found $0.9x sweatshirts and pants for the little guy both places, and the while the snowpants were still 50% off, the snowboarding pants were 75% off. My big guy doesn't need the puffy pants, just ones that are water-resitant, incase we ever get some snow! Got the ilamp for $7.4x..they had tons of them. Hubby thinks it's cool. And I found some fruit snacks and fruit twistables for cheap, so I am stocking up the pantry. I told dh that I may never buy regular priced snacks ever again as ds isn't picky at all. I've always bought stuff on clearance at Target, but I didn't realize there was a little bit of reason to it. I figured they just marked down stuff that was discountinued at that particular store. Now, I have a new hobby, and I will quit complaining that when we moved, Target went from being 12 minutes away to 20, and I will go there more often again. lol
  2. I got the $25 off $75. I might go over next week and see if there's anything I want. I was really hoping for $15 off $15 though!
  3. Finally made it to Target today. Two endcaps left of clearance toys, nothing I wanted. I noticed they had moved some Thomas stuff to another endcap. I was thinking there is NO WAY the Christmas Snowglobe Thomas Train was still where I had left it. But it was, tucked away behind the other 3-piece trains, and it rang up $3.24. I just gave it my son and he is estatic because I didn't even notice that this Thomas has a snowplow just like in his new book he got.
  4. Maybe Party City? I found lots of little things for gift bags for my son's party last year. But I don't know if they have Valentine's Day stuff.
  5. Usually whatever the clearance percentage on the website is what it is here i nstores. They seem to change on Sundays when the new sales paper comes out. Today the website is 70% off...and the paper says 70% off too, which is an additional 50% off the lower tag.
  6. I couldn't find the juice boxes, and I struck out on the gel tabs...they told me $10.99 was what they would sell them for. But, I found Pepperidge Farm Ginger Family cookies ringing up for $0.59. These are normally $5.99 according to the price on the package, so I thought that was a great deal. The other 'Christmas' food was only 50% off. Oh, and I found a 4-piece Target exclusive Thomas Take Alongs (Toby, and three cars with Christmas markings on them) for $11.99 and they wouldn't mark it down either. Sigh... I hid it incase they mark it down later.
  7. I haven't seen anything inexpensive lately. I got our little wooden table on clearance at Walmart for $15. (It's plain), but I never did find any chairs to go with it. We have the plastic yellow little tykes chairs I picked up from garage sales, and ds is really getting to be too big for them.
  8. Toys are still 30-50% here. I couldn't find anything that was 75%. I seem to remember it was the Wednesday right after the 15th last year that they went crazy marking stuff down. Since Christmas went 75% off on Monday, it's just flying out the doors. There's about an aisle and a half, and a lot of empty spaces. It's a lot of stockings and gift boxes. I love the clearance toys in August! Both my boys my birthdays are that month, and everything I got them was from there. Well, except the Brio train stuff Kmart marked way down without putting clearance stickers on that I stumbled across. :)
  9. I get frustrated that people don't realize that when a mom is pushing a stroller, it is extremely hard to open doors and get the stroller through too! When I am out without the kids, I always open the door if I see someone coming with a stroller. But when I have the stroller, I'm the one struggling about 80% of the time while people watch me try to get through the door or they go around me to another door. One time when we went to Kohl's, and I told ds to push the handicapped button that opens the door because I had little ds in the stroller. Some older lady had the nerve to say to my son, "That button is only for people that are in wheelchairs. No need to be lazy. You need to learn to open the door for your mom." I was like WTH? My son always open doors for me, but if the button is there, there's no sense in him struggling with the door...they can be really heavy for a 5-year-old. Argh..people frustrate me.
  10. Used clothes? OMG...that is bad!!! My IL's don't send my kids presents, and we don't see them for the holidays. In fact, they've only seen my oldest son twice and the youngest once. I'm fine with no gifts from them, and I know the other grandkids (much older and live in NY near them) get all kinds of stuff from them. But, the way I see it, they don't know them that well, so they wouldn't get stuff they'd like anyway. The last time we were there (last January), they went out and bought them a few toys, and my kids were fine with them. Also, I practiced with my oldest son on what to do at his birthday party if he got something he didn't like or already had. Luckily, there was no problem, but we had rehearsed what to say just in case so he didn't embarrass anyone. The baby got something he already had (joint party), and my oldest son looked at me with his mouth open, and then just stopped and let it go. lol About half of the presents came with gift receipts.
  11. lol glad to help. :) I've done it before when I lost the receipt to something that broke right after it was bought. I don't know the morality of it, but if you're sure it was bought there and they are just going to write it off as defective, it all seems the same to me. I don't understand people that just buy whatever they see to give as a gift to someone else. I put a lot of thought into the gifts I buy for people, and I'd like them to do the same thing for me and my kids! It's not like they don't know Christmas is coming and don't have the time to shop properly! My ex-MIL was/is the same way. She buys toys from the dollar store, clothing from the flea market and just expects it to all be okay.
  12. They didn't have many lights here on the 26th. And they were almost all gone by the next day. But, these were 30% off on the Friday before Christmas, because I picked up more lights for the tree that I needed then, and others were buying them then too. I bought the battery operated candle lights for the windows on that Friday too. One of the packages was missing a candle, and on the 26th when I went back to try an exchange, they were all sold out. Walmart sold out of them quick too. I finally found some yesterday at CVS for 75% off, but they have gold on them instead of silver. I figure no one will tell if it's on the upstairs window. I saw Arthur and Fergus take along trains marked down to $3.xx something the other day. The Christmas trains were long gone. Also the water tower set was 50% off yesterday.
  13. 75% off here yesterday. Things weren't ringing up at that price though, so they had to do them all manually. I got a ton of little stuff. There were also a few toys (wiggles guitar $5.00) and gift sets. They had 2 pack magnets 2 for $1, so they were $0.13 a piece. I got a ton of those to go into goody bags I send to school with ds for his friends next year. They're really cute.
  14. Thanks for the link to the one on ebay. I'll keep an eye on it today. My mom suggested the same thing with getting a regular flat sheet (I was trying to convince her into sewing one for me lol). My son's bed sits higher than most as it was part of a bunk bed, so I think I'd need a king sheet. I'm going to check out some discount stores later today. Thanks for the ideas. :) I still don't understand why they are so pricey though.
  15. Could you buy a new sit and spin there and then return the broken one with that receipt? Just a thought... I always give the gift receipts for toys we buy for birthday party gifts. I just put it in with the card. I can't keep track of what friend has what toy, and I don't trust myself with picking out good toys for girls. Unless it's bought at Wal-Mart, and then I just tell them that is where I got it since, at least here, they will take back most anything. I usually give stuff to a friend if I don't have a receipt for it and can't use it.
  16. Where can I find one of these for cheap? Like $5-$10. My son has the Thomas the Tank Engine bedding, and I am not spending $24 for the dust ruffle. He has the set sold at Walmart (Thomas' Bedtime Express), but they do not carry this. I am thinking I could just get him a blue one or even red to match the accents in his room. I was surprised at how much even plain ones cost. Surely some store out there sells them for a less? I've looked at Value City, Family Dollar, and all the big discount stores. I need a twin size. Please help! TIA
  17. 75%! East York Target. I am so happy they had the fiber optic train left! It was only $7.49! I got the fiber optic Santa ($7.49), a silver Fiber Optic tree ($4.99) and a fancy tree skirt ($9.99). Also, some candy, a few greeting cards, holiday socks for $0.99, and a 12 pack of washcloths for $0.99 too. And they had one of the method Cranberry plug-ins, so I grabbed it too for $1.99. I wish I could have convinced hubby to visit the White Marsh store yesterday when we were down there. Although, the Timonium store was still 50%, they had more wrapping paper and ornaments than either of the stores here. I may have to check them out next week to see if they have any left when it goes lower!
  18. Still 50% off here. We're headed to Baltimore later today, so I called the Timonium, MD store. There, they told me it will go 75% off tomorrow. Couldn't get a straight answer out of the York stores.
  19. Still 50% off here too. I went to both stores in town, and at both, they said "probably" tomorrow.
  20. 75% off at the East York, PA store. Signs still say 50%, but everything rang up 75% off.
  21. Sunshyne

    New Years?

    We're usually stuck at home with the kids, but I just got back from taking the boys to my parents' house. We have tickets to the Ravens game on Sunday! Then, we are going to hang out with some friends, but we won't be out way too late. I have to go back and get the boys on Monday because ds has school Tuesday, and dh has to work at 9 on NY. But, now I have today and tomorrow to just hang out and get the house back in order and enjoy the peace and quiet! I almost don't know what I am going to do with myself!
  22. This morning, Target had the Fisher Price Spark Art easel 50% off for 29.98. Also, the spark art accessories were 30% off. Take along Thomas Fergus and Arthur were 30% off, $3.35 each. The Red Target idog was 50% off and $11.xx. 30% off some magnetix sets. I got one of the play parachutes for 50% off, $14.98. A 4 pack of hot wheels cars (one says "Season's Greetings" on it) 50% off for $1.24. The little aquadoodle sets that are normally $7.94 were 30% off $5.58. I saw Elmo and Pooh in these. There were a lot of other things like games, etc. The videonow Target exclusive Spongebob was 50% off, but I can't remember the price. I also saw the Hello Kitty phone and boombox were 50% off too. Leap Pad and Little Touch leap pad were 50% off, $14.9x. Some of the software was marked down too. Dollar spot was 75% off, not much left. Christmas still 50%, but they still have tons of the 2 items I want. lol
  23. We've had to cut the wrists off on pj's we bought at Target last year for DS. He couldn't even get his hand through. I am so sorry your dd was hurt! I called Target corporate about an issue with a toy that broke, and they actually have an outside company that investigates "incidents" and they got back with me and fixed the problem. This is the number I called~ 1.800.440.0680, or email them. Click on contact us for the link...I could not post a link to the exact page Is there anyway they can do a receipt lookup on the original purchase? I hope you are able to get some satisfaction and that your dd's arm feels better soon!
  24. I glanced through...they had an army play set (blue box) on clearance, and I also noticed a big Fisher Price baby toy. It was either an activity tunnel or one of the baby gyms. I only looked enough to see it was too young for my little guy. There were also some art/craft sets in the wooden toy/play kitchen aisle.
  25. Our Target had empty toy aisles along with red signs that said "We are creating something new for you." I bet that is what was going on at yours too!
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