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Everything posted by conj

  1. http://www.amazon.com/Gotchi-Gear-Pouch-Violetchi-Lanyard/dp/B000MDJKVK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1261242087&sr=8-1 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/517vKKgHhhL._SS500_.jpg Gotchi Gear: Pet Pouch - Violetchi & Lanyard List Price: $9.99 Price: $3.00 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime You Save: $6.99 (70%)
  2. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41YEMFKD5ZL._SS400_.jpg Kid-Cala List Price: $16.99 Price: $5.10 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime You Save: $11.89 (70%) http://www.amazon.com/University-Games-9920-Kid-Cala/dp/B00005OKWN/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1261242139&sr=1-1
  3. Miracle on 34th Street It's a Wonderful Life
  4. we've already made and delivered gifts (got a thank you note already, too) we had baskets for the kids main teachers, plus on for the behavioral support people... they were filled w/ BBW soap and anti-bac, school supplies, chocolate, and more. The baskets were from the dollar store. the school supplies were from staples sales, and the BBW was all from sales :) We decided to give hannukah gifts. why not?
  5. no, they can not access your account.
  6. move on. Don't worry.
  7. Shrek's Flipped out Fairy tales. was $19.99 now $10.27 http://www.amazon.com/MGA-347392-Shreks-Flipped-Fairytales/dp/B000S1CEB4/ref=sr_1_105?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1260873789&sr=1-105 Star Wars Back Pack - was $19.99 now $4.99 http://z2-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/P/B001U3YRIC.01._SX399_SCLZZZZZZZ_V244153522_.jpg
  8. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51B9ZY4XHPL._SS400_.jpgRight Turn, Left turn, $5.65
  9. aaaargh... don't need it... argh... 10$... hmmm.. so hard to resist.....
  10. YAY! TY Kdawggy! I used our GC - and got 2 for free!
  11. the wonderful killer deals appear all year... but not everyday.
  12. some people celebrate hannukah and have already started... :)
  13. isn't this round 4? The Grinch The Santa Clause Christmas Vacation It's a Wonderful Life
  14. IIRC the expensive stuff was top priority... trickle down to xmas lights... heck, if you did rip us off it was only a couple bucks... it was better PR to accept that without checking, and not tick you off... I worked Customer Service Desk... and was good at having the ticked off customers leave smiling.
  15. ya, our trees at work still have tags. it is hard to see... but I can not take it all on myself, either...
  16. I think they will be thrilled you thought of them at all
  17. are they ever going to want to play in separate locations? (one at grandmas, one at home?)
  18. sadly it happens too often, in too many places... I worked for Kmart... um... 12 yrs ago... we had to check returns, even sealed ones, to make sure the item truly was what it said it was... no rocks, or bricks, or whatever. It was always suspected to be the customer, however... so I am glad they did not question OP
  19. Ok, I just called, again, on my 1st order. Here were my issues: 1) I received only 2 of the 4 items 2) I did not understand my charge... I looked online, and it does not itemize the adjusted order... so here is the math - items sum -20% +5.99 shipping. (NO where did it say that) 3) they misspelled my name on the shipping label - as I typed the info correctly to begin with, and they took my credit card, I didn't understand this... apparently it is a USPS/VS computer disagreement 4) I had no Secret card.... they are crediting me $20 ecard... but it took 2 calls, and 20 minutes on the phone..... I tried to stress that communication could have alleviated my frustrations... had the online ordering system communicated with their inventory (and my items were not canceled) or had they provided me a notification of items being canceled prior to shipment, or had they provided me an adjusted itemized invoice, I'd have been much more accepting.
  20. at home I have X off of $100 codes (sometimes they send X off of 75)
  21. some of us buy for 3 or more kids. a little less negativity would be great.
  22. Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Roderick Rules (Hardcover) usually 12.99 now 4.75 http://www.amazon.com/Diary-Wimpy-Kid-Rodrick-Rules/dp/0810994739/ref=xs_gb_20_left-3_6_0810994739?pf_rd_p=451293501&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=071B14DA4T3GXNXKSYJJ or get 3 for 15$! # This item: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney # Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw by Jeff Kinney # Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days by Jeff Kinney
  23. they are out of scarves. Half of my order was canceled, and I called... good luck with your missing one.
  24. maybe fill them... then the younger siblings can help you mail packages to the 2 who are away... keep the stockings at home for next year.... neither college nor Basic is permanent.... once they set up their own home, as others have said, I'd offer them the stockings
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