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Everything posted by ObiRich

  1. Adding another thing to my want list... a good dual band wireless N router. Our current one is getting a little flaky.
  2. My wife works at a Walmart Supercenter and the scuttlebutt there is 8PM for the first batch of door busters.
  3. My wife works and Walmart (a supercenter) and the scuttlebutt there is that they will start at 8PM Thursday.
  4. Small appliances, cheap Blurays, gadgets, and small electronics. And I drool over the big TVs.
  5. Not eligible for an upgrade until next summer....
  6. Our company is set up by territories, we don't go out and pound on doors (at least not in a literal sense). We are each responsible for a certain geographical area so we don't cross paths. There's a lot of overhead in making our sales, so the fewer sales it takes to make your goal the fewer company resources you have to expend to do it. But your point is well taken. All other things being equal, a customer will buy from whoever has the best price. It also explains why people complain about Walmart but still shop there. But if this were always true, then why do people still buy from higher priced retailers when the particular merchandise is the same?
  7. I was thinking about their philosophy when I posted the link, and I understand it since I do sales myself. It's all about margins. In my job, I sell less than one of my co-workers does but I bring in more money to the company's bottom line. Why? Because I don't discount our products nearly as much. By keeping my margin higher, I have to sell less, which make less work for me. If my sales are $80K a month and I have a 40% margin, that's $32K to the company's bottom line. My coworker sells 100K but with a 30% margin and nets only 30K for the company. And has to do 20% more work than me to do it. That's what I gleaned out of the article. They are rolling out this new line of Neiman Marcus products that they don't want to discount, and in addition they don't want to get stuck with inventory if people are stingy on spending this season. I think they will have "sales" but don't expect the big discounts like previous years.
  8. http://www.dailyfinance.com/2012/09/06/target-low-price-wars-holiday-shopping-christmas/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl15%7Csec3_lnk1%26pLid%3D202058
  9. Ordered DW one this morning. Just hope it's here before Mother's Day...
  10. Got mine from the Cyber Monday sale 3 days ago....
  11. To all those who are dissing on parents for bringing out babes in arms, todders, etc...they must subscribe to the addage "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger." As long as the kids are still breathing at the end it it must be good for them. [please note the heavy sarcasm] I saw lots of babies, in arms, buggies, and strollers, along with a fair number of kids say 5-8. But the one that rattled me the most was a very heavy set woman trying to manuever around on her scooter chair! She was pretty assertive/aggressive...I wonder how many people's feet she ran over that night.
  12. My Walmart still had the pallets shrink wrapped and guarded until 10:00. then it was the normal free for all.
  13. Don't believe the out of stock locally. It's said that about the pre-lit tree and the Shark all day for my Walmart, but they had lots of them.
  14. If I showed up and there was an empty chair and it remained empty for too long, I think I would become the first person in line, especially if I wasn't going anywhere or had friends to spell me. Seems to me using "furniture" as a placeholder is cheating....
  15. I figure the online items will start sometime around 5 or 6 pm (mountain time) so will try and get them from the comfort of my house. Will cruise over to WallyWorld around 9:30 or so probably just to mainly check out the crowd.
  16. Top of Utah...low 30's and light snow.
  17. Gotta agree with you Johnny
  18. Actually, more like the state of the deals, as I was somewhat looking for one this year, but there's none there at a decent enough price to get me excited.
  19. Does a bear poop in the woods?
  20. On the flip side, I've never had a computer WITHOUT an AMD processor. Never have any problems, and dollar for dollar, AMD delivers more processing bang for the buck.
  21. I'd say go anyway. The worst that can happen is you miss out, but you just never know. Last year I didn't hit Walmart until about 7:00, and they still had quite a few of the Blurays I wanted, and also some of the other "doorbuster" items (none of the big ones though). And don't forget to check the returns...lots of times people pick stuff up and then change their minds so you get a second chance that way.
  22. Our store usually has electronics in electronics. Can't speak for any of the other items.
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