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Everything posted by ObiRich

  1. Hmmmm....Samsung Galaxy S4 for basically free...hmmmmm
  2. At least 20 years...probably more. Can't actually remember anymore.
  3. I'll still go out, but it's kind of a "meh" for me this year. Just too many companies scrambling for the once almighty dollar. I too remember the "good old days" where the the crowds were civil and the stores handed out donuts and coffee to say thanks for coming out so early. Now if you want the doorbusters, you have to give up Thanksgiving (and sometimes the whole Thanksgiving week) waiting in a line. I remember spending the day with family, getting a chance to sleep off the turkey, and then getting up and heading out in the wee hours. That was fun...not so much now.
  4. Well, with Walmart, Kohls, Macy's, all starting at 8PM Thanksgiving night, I guess we need to just chance the name to Black Thursday.
  5. I agree with you 100%. My Thanksgiving with the family is more important than any Doorbuster deal.
  6. Ogden/Layton area in the Top of Utah. (and online!).
  7. Didn't need much this year, but here goes. Thursday...scored DD29's new laptop from Office Depot online (the $399 Toshiba). Had the 65" Vizio from Sams in my cart before they got slammed. However, didn't go through with it. Couldn't bring myself to part with that $1000. Headed to Walmart for the 8:00 madness. Got the fire safe and 4 BluRays (bluray selection was rather lacking this year). Got to Target about 9:15. They were "metering" people into the store and with the line around the building said forget it. Friday....Outside at midnight at Dick's. Got 600 rounds of ammo (buy 1 get 1 half off) to get ready for the zombie apocalypse. Home and bed at 1:15 Up at 5:15 and headed to Sams. Scored 2 of the hardsided luggage sets. Not the same shopping sams without free breakfast or grazing. Petsmart. 4 buckets of kitty litter. When you have 4 cats, a real necessity Back to Target. Both the crowd and the goods were pretty much gone. Best Buy. Same as Target. So...overall got what I wanted (or needed) again.
  8. The $399 Toshiba. Decent lappy, decent price. The 17" Toshiba was actually a better one and cheaper, but she has to lug it around everyday and didn't want a big one. Checked a few minutes ago (about 10:00 MST) and they were still available.
  9. I just checked and Office Depot still has some of theirs online. That's where I got mine earlier this morning.
  10. Yippee! Scored the laptop for DD. No waiting in the cold for me!
  11. Everything is online now...including the 65" Vizio
  12. Friends don't let friends buy Celerons
  13. If it's like last year, once the "appointed time" hit, you were good. The ad reads that they are good while supply lasts.
  14. So far, not too many. Walmart, Dick's, Office Depot, and maybe Sam's. Of course that's always subject to change:yup:
  15. Dang...the Vizio 65" isn't on the list...
  16. You go home and enter the card online. They then "order" one from the warehouse for you. The only real difference is you've already paid for it.
  17. Sams club with the 65" Visio for $998 Walmart for the Sharp 70" for $1798. Both are tempting me severely, especially since DW gave her permission. Told her to DON'T GIVE ME PERMISSION!!!
  18. Plus memberships are $100.
  19. That's a good question...this is the first year they are just opening at their "normal business member" time. Previous year's they've opened at 5:00. I've benn there for some doorbuster items before, including the Wii Fit when it first came out. Got there about 3:30 and had no problem. But then again here in Utah it's a relatively cold wait usually (that morning was about 40 degrees with a cold rain). I talked to a friend of ours that's an assistant manager at our local Sams, and he said that Plus members get a "preview" this Sunday night @ 8:00 so I'm thinking about upgrading my membership if I decide to go for it. Can always cancel the Plus later and get a refund on it.
  20. Walmart won't price match Sam's Club.
  21. ObiRich

    Samsung GS III

    They won't. Their PMing does not include Walmart.com or Sams.
  22. Last year I hit Walmart's 10:00 doorbusters, and was out of there by around 11:15. Went home and slept for a few hours, went back out around 4:00 and viewed the devastation, picked through the BluRays (still found quite a few I wanted), hit a few more stores, and was home by around 7:30 or so. With the old openings at 5:00 or so, I'd be out until around noon or so. So definitely less time.
  23. Some are, some aren't. Just have to read the fine print in the scans. Man...that 65" Vizio is REALLY tempting. I've drooled over it everytime I go into Sams, and it' like 33% off (last time I was in there it was $1495).
  24. 6" will make a difference as your LCD will be wide screen and not letterbox. In height, the 26" will probably be just a tad bigger than your old TV since screen size is measured on the diagonal. So if you go smaller, then your overall screen size will be smaller (or at least look that way). As far as specs, for anything under 32" all you need is 720p, as you won't see a difference between that and 1080p at that small size. Still want a 120 refresh rate.
  25. Same here...didn't see what time they are opening.
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