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Everything posted by ObiRich

  1. Rather disappointed in their Tidy Cat price this year. Last year I think it was a buck cheaper...
  2. The problem is what day do you peg it to, since it's now spread out over a week or more.
  3. Shark...we have a navigator liftaway and it's great, even with the cat hair.
  4. ObiRich


    I got the year's supply for my cats...6 buckets. Our Petsmart was pretty empty, and they had $2.00 coupons to go along with the litter.
  5. So far, here's what I got... Earlier in the week, scored the Rachael Ray cookware set my wife's been wanting for $149 from Amazon, along with my Samsung Tab 4 tablet for $229 ($20 less than anyone else) thanks to the Gottadeal Instant Saving emails. Left the house at about 3:45 PM headed to Dick's for their 5pm opening. Was about #30 in line, and got both the .22lr and 5.56 ammo they had on sale real cheap. The .22lr was actually a ticketed item! Was out in 15 minutes. To Walmart #1, arriving by 5:30. Didn't really need much, just got socks, underwear and the rubbermaid. Didn't have the flannel shirts nor the cheap bathmats. They had aisles roped off creating traffic lanes, so things went VERY smoothly. Also, on some things (everything I wanted), they had the displays open, so no fighting over the cheap towels or PJs. Movies, appliances, and toys were wrapped and guarded (sort of) but I didn't need any of that stuff. To Walmart #2. THey had the shirts, but none in my size. Still no bathmats. Home by 7PM for pumpkin pie. Got up early and Sam's had those Kreuigs online finally so ordered it, So now no reason to head out real early, as everything else will just be non-doorbusters or leftovers.
  6. ObiRich


    I go and get my year's supply of kitty litter.
  7. It's my favorite chain steakhouse. Good food, reasonable prices.
  8. And of course, all the .22LR is already out of stock...
  9. Saw that one. It would literally choke on the snow amounts we get here in northern Utah. We get DLE (that's Dreaded Lake Effect) off the Great Salt Lake like in Buffalo, but just not quite that bad. But 6-12" is just a normal storm for us.
  10. No snowblowers
  11. Now that it's out, we know why...it sucked
  12. I'd vote for WM. MAinly because of the ease of returns, plus you have real proof of purchase if you need warranty service down the road.
  13. Bummed...no snowblowers. Home Depot, you're my last hope.
  14. That's a great deal on that American Eagle 5.56. Makes it 30 cents a round. I'll be there too...
  15. Ordered mine yesterday from Amazon...one of the deals of the day. the 10.1" for $229. That's to Brad and the Instant Deals emails.
  16. The other thing is that you're locked into getting your apps from the Amazon store, not Google Play. So there's not as many apps available,
  17. Think the Visio 65" for $648 with the 1 hour guarantee is pretty decent.
  18. A week to go and still no Lowes??? Did Brad get a letter from them too???
  19. It already is Black Thursday, So few stores are waiting until Friday it can hardly be called Black Friday anymore.
  20. I was at Walmart last year for their 3rd event (to get a cell phone) and showed up about 6:30. The store was pretty deserted.
  21. You need to read the fine print on the Savings Catcher. They check "ads" so I doubt they are going to include online prices. But it doesn't hurt to try.
  22. I'm not a big fan of HP laptops. Our last two suffered motherboard failures caused by excessive heat.
  23. All I can say is they better not get between people and the cheap towels or small appliances if they value their lives.
  24. Went there today and had them pricematch something from Cabella's. No problem except it was over $20 difference so had to wait for a CSM to come and approve it.
  25. Lowes and Home Depot. Need a new snowblower!
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