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Everything posted by sherril

  1. for my husbands grandmother who is 80 I do a years lottery subscription, some scratch offs and pics of the kids. for my grandmother 81 I do scratch offs, Omaha Steaks meal 29.99 one, slippers, choc coverd cherries and pics of the kids.
  2. everytime I went to check out what i was getting was sold out! I ended up with a mens santa tee (1.00) and a night shirt (3.00)
  3. my dd5 just asked for one this am!!!!! darn comercials!
  4. hmmm per my dc's they should have received their packages but i havent seen them post on here yet................. I still havent received my ornament yet either....
  5. my dd will be 5 on 12/23 and is totally into stickers. I found a sticker book at Dollar general and she is getting a bunch of stickers to decorate her new book with too.
  6. mine is in my avatar <------------
  7. I thought for soem reason I had til the 10th to ship... I will be shipping my ornament and SS gift out either tonight or def by Tuesday at the latest!!!!!!! i am sorry to my peeps but it is coming and so are my cards!!!!!!!!!
  8. I got my SS gift yesterday!!!!! came from Kansas!!!! so when i get a chance to sit down and look through to see who is from Kansas I will.... Thank you soooo much!!!!!!! you were very thoughful in including my children also!!!!!!
  9. i think it def depends on the child and his or her likes, dvds fit in my dd stocking, nail polish, hand held games, crayons, i like to alo get the mini candy bars and wrap them in dollar bills and throw in there too
  10. i am thrilled!!!!!!!!!! http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2008/11/13/sears-re-joins-the-layaway-revival/?icid=200100397x1213004813x1200879201 Sears (re)joins the layaway revival Beth Wechsler Nov 13th 2008 at 4:00PM Filed under: Budgets, Shopping, Recession Nearly two decades after Sears discontinued its layaway plan, the pre-payment service will be available again starting Sunday for customers who want to put money down on items and get them later. Sears never fully left layaway completely -- it has been offering it for fine jewelry since 1989 -- but now it will be there for customers who want anything but home appliances and home electronics. Why is Sears back in the layaway game? Have you seen the stock market ticker lately? As the economy sours and consumer dollars stay in their wallets, Sears is jumping on the return to layaway bandwagon with K-Mart, Burlington Coat Factory, Marshall's and TJ Maxx. Yet to return to layaway this holiday season: Toys 'R Us, Wal-Mart, Target and JC Penney. WalletPop named layaway one of the most underrated things in America in a recent series, and also labeled it, "the new black."Not surprisingly, layaway had its heyday in the financial crisis of the '20s and '30s. Easy credit and the proliferation of credit cards in the 1970's led many retailers to discontinue the program. The notion of paying for something BEFORE you get to have it lost its credibility for many Americans. Layaway carried the aroma of poor credit and bargain-bin shoppers. It's a surprisingly emotional topic, stirring up memories of poor, hardworking parents who are struggling to afford nice things for their families. This is what one of WalletPop's readers, Lynn, had to say about it: "When I was growing up I would have had no Christmas gifts if my mom did not have Layaway available to her. And she taught me that it was a good way to buy for my own kids. Now my children are young adults and will be having children of their own and I hope this comes back so it will be available to them. It is a MUCH better way to buy than credit cards!!" Layaway doesn't incline people to impulse purchases since by definition you can't take it with you. Although policy varies from store to store, there is usually a small flat service fee ($5-$10) and a cancellation fee in the same range which is returned when payment is completed. Some stores require 20% down. One good thing is that customers paying on layaway don't wind up paying interest a decade after their purchase has taken up residence in the landfill. Like many of the adjustments the recession is causing in our lifestyles, layaway reflects a return to old values. It could turn out to be a very good thing.
  11. myspace.com/sluckhardt
  12. I make this every Thanksgiving and Easter and its a fmaily fav http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,FOOD_9936_36279,00.html also Hummingbird cake, yummmmmmmmm
  13. we started last year with my dad buying the kids a Hallmark ornament. and I saw a new snowman series starting this year that I want to start for our family. we also drive around looking at lights bake cookies and cakes and whatever else we decide to bake On Christmas Eve everyone gets to open one gift. but after the kids are asleep and we have everything out for the kids and picture perfect dh and I exchange our gifts to each other because we like to focus all our attention on the kids Christmas morning especially since they are so young. There might be more I just cant think of anymore right now
  14. i have soooo much from the summer toy sales and after Christmas sales last year. I REALLY need to get into my storage room and sort through everything and figure out who I still need to buy for.
  15. DS DD DH Mom Dad brother brothers gf grandparents MIL BIL Nephew BIL's Fiance Dhs cousins 4 kids Dh's grandmother
  16. my kids are still young so those really dont apply to much to me. I buy alot off of clearance and then I decide on a big gift and things I think they will like
  17. i buy the foam sheets and trace my daughters hand onto them, cut them out she decorates them and we add the year. We have done this every year so you can see how big her hand is every year as she grows. We also include one per family member on her Christmas gift to them.
  18. info sent!!!!!! I had a greta time last year with this
  19. my dd got this last year at 4yo and its used alot by her and the little boy i babysit. I personally think it was a great investment cause it educational plus they have to peddle for excersize
  20. thank you
  21. its free shipping with 25.00 purchase too!!!! so I got a pr of shoes and 2 snack cups for ds and it cost me 25.xx!!! yay!!
  22. I wasnt using a JCP card and it let me use it!
  23. i personally havent tried them, i cant tolerate yogurt anymore but my dd4 loves them.
  24. heres a link to the stores that are closing. None are in my state http://www.steveandbarrys.com/storeclosure.aspx
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