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Everything posted by sherril

  1. school items 75% mine had tons of back packs and some lunch boxes too ## go gurt Fizzies 75% off ## Onieda utensil sets 75% off
  2. this is what it came up for me Lace Trim Tank Color: White Size: L Quantity: 1$22.00Subtotal: $2.00 Shipping (Ground): $5.00 Tax: --- Total: $7.00
  3. I personally try to go to the stores the last night they are open and scope out where the items i want will be. I have all my ads I want to pm folded open and ready for when i check out dont try to use a cart unless u have to, take a huge shopping bag or even trash bag, its easier to get through the asiles
  4. my baby section had ALOT of crib skirts for 90% off there were several different patterns for 1.48 and 1.98 I personally didnt need any so I didnt pick any up so I dont have any #s.
  5. somehow i poste dthis in the wrong thread and just now saw it! oops! Hi my name is Sherri and I am a confessed GD and BF addict!!!!!! Next to my kids dd4 ds 10mo BF is my favorite day of the year! I have already bought alot from Kmart and Target toy clearance but there are tons of kids on dh's side of the family. dd4's big gift will be a computer this year.
  6. last year I was at WM because we finally havea 24 hr WM. I had everything i my cart and was at the checkout at 5am and in my van driving out of their parking lot by 515
  7. WM deciding NOT to pm even though they had done it EVERY year before. Stores deciding to sue over leaked BF ads (dont they realize the leaks get us hyped up and excited!) Line cutters!!!!!!!!!! Ugh!!!!!!
  8. last year I went by myself and enjoyed it. If someone wants to go w/ me I am fine with it but I relaly like going in getting what I need and then going to the next store all on my own. Meeting later after I am done with shopping for breakfast would be really nice though
  9. I just remembered this and was coming back to post it. I love that line.
  10. 50% here, and I even found a few 75% toys left scattered here and there
  11. KMart is open here but it was a hassle and only 1 checkout was open so I ended up leaving w/o what I went for. I hear Big Lots is open but Ive never gone, maybe this year?
  12. my store does that too. Diapers with reg diapers, household with household, ect ect ect u really have to hunt for them once they are moved at our store but its worth it
  13. im so frustrated... I have been stalking T every day and went yesterday around 10 am and Toys were 50% off so I was there at 8am today guess what! Toys 75% off BUT most were already gone and picked over! They had to have gone 75 lat night from the looks of it! why cant they just do it in the am. So I did end with a few things I wanted and spent 27.06 but the big items I hid were gone and I just wanted to cry (ive been very emotional lately anyway) so I called both my fathers (yes I have 2, lol) and asked them to check teh T's around their works.
  14. still 50% off here, diapers were at 30% and I got the last Huggies in my sons sz. Toys were kinda picked over not much left all almost all were in a single aisle
  15. my dd loves Bobby Jack! thanks they have alot of that stuff on clearance
  16. both my Targets have open aisles. I am anxiously waiting...........
  17. I finally scored on the minuite maid juice! i had given up hope that my stores would ever have them and went I went to get capri sun today there was 1 sitting right in front of me on the shelf!!!!!!
  18. a few toys 50% and bulk 15% i didnt find any good buys
  19. ## Double Ladder Ball reg 29.99 pd 7.46 ## 033 01 2549 Boys Dino tees .98 ## 033 02 3300 Boys Dino onesies .98 ## 033 01 4723 Boys Cargo army print shorts .98
  20. one of the 2 Targets here are 50% the other is still at 30%
  21. Thank you they have car seats for 60 and an additional 20% makes that an awesome deal!!!
  22. The Graco Cargo 20-100 lbs http://www.target.com/Graco-Platinum-Cargo-Booster-Seat/dp/B000PD5IYU/sr=1-1/qid=1216045558/ref=sr_1_1/602-7701995-3345423?ie=UTF8&index=target&rh=k%3Agraco%20cargo&page=1 # 030 09 0113 reg 99.99 I pd 49.98
  23. both my Targets were completely different with baby items. The older one has all the baby and carseats 50% off. I got the Graco carseat for 49.xx. They had about 4 or 5 different ones 50% off including the Britax. My other T still had them at 30% off. Patio 50% off, Toys and clothes still 30%. I couldnt believe they r doing baby clearance b4/the same time as toys this year
  24. Dora one 3.99 http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Arts-Crafts-Studio-Dora-Explorer/dp/B000NW77HY/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1215451883&sr=1-6
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