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Everything posted by sherril

  1. Just bought it for my MIL great deal! :banana01: :holiday02
  2. I no longer go to Picture people even when I have a free sitting and 8x10 coupon. the people at ours are so rude and my daughter has gotten hurt twice there! they have lamanent (sp?) floors and she has slipped on the curtains they pull over for the background. I am not sure about Sears in other areas but our in Maryland now does digital pictures and are ready right away. It is an extra 3.00 per sheet but it would make the sheets 10.99 instead of there normal 7.99 per sheet at Sears. Where as our Picture People sheets are up to i think 21.00! Outrageous! I LOVE SEARS FOR PICTURES! :holiday16
  3. How do I begin! This is the post for me! We always do Christmas Eve with my DH side of the family it is always done at his grandmothers home and she is a chain smoker. I offered to do it at my home this year and was shot down immediately. Well i found out that my dh cousin is going to have it at her house (my home is larger) Ihave just kept my mouth shut. My main problem is that my mil favors my dh's cousins children over ours. and our daughter is her only grand child! I think most of his family lacks tact (you wouldnt believe the topics of convo!) I always leave very upset and frustrated! I have hated Christmas Eve for the last 7 years! Sorry for venting! I am glad that there are people who can relate.
  4. On my DH's side we buy for the kids (there are only 3) but I still dont spend more than 10.00 each for the kids. the adults we do a gift exchange. My dh cousin wanted a 50.00 per person gift. I said I am sorry but we cant afford that much! I am a stay at home mom dh is the only worker in our home. So after also shooting down the 30.00 and 25.00 ideas also we are doing a unisex gift at 10.00 per person. they are going to do it to a game where you read the Night Before Christmas and pass the gifts back and forth and all around. But we never exchanged gifts with the adults before starting this. It is a new thing for dh family this year. We will see how it goes.
  5. Mine was also the birth of our daughter 12/23/03. She was 5 weeks early and I had been in the hospital for a month before she was born. She came home only weighing 4 pounds 14 ounces! We came home Christmas morning. My mother had come over and cleaned and decorated our home. It was the best Christmas ever!
  6. We use to decorate (pre baby) in all glass with white and gold bows and garland. It sparkled and was so beautiful. But when I got pregnant I decided to redo the tree in Looney Tunes! Found great deals on ebay this year will be the first she will really be into Christmas I think. She will be 2 on Dec 23rd. I cant wait to see her face when she sees the tree!
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