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Everything posted by sherril

  1. i have this and it smells good and really moisturizes
  2. still 30-50 on toys here but the Picnic wsa 90 and i cleaned up! they had buckets and the fire looking dispensers and a bunch more items! i was VERY happy!
  3. THESE ARE AWESOME... I do home parties and they will be great for me
  4. nope we were going to buy them next weekend. We do have a lareg tree out back so maybe we should safe a few bucks and just hng them from there. Thanks!
  5. thanks we have decided to buy the ones at Home Depot for 10 each (thery are the small single ones) and buy the double shepherds hook from the craft store.
  6. my husband wants the one on the stand. of course Im looking for a good deal for it... Any ideas???
  7. idk if Verizon does it but we have AT&T and my phone broke. I went to WM and got one of the prepaid phones and just put my Sim card in it and it works perfectly! 14.95 is what I paid for the cheap one idk how much the Verizon cheap ones are.
  8. I was goigni to add JCP. I got dd a pr of Reebox and an off name brand for 6.77 a pr last week
  9. same prices here in MD
  10. TRY THIS LINK if not search under the item number C4420 http://www.thepopcornfactory.com/bunny--eggs-tin.product.254258.0?cm_mmc=tagged-_-na-_-na-_-na&storeId=10201&ddkey=http:Entrance 5.99 S&H
  11. not sure if anyone posted here yet but Ollies!!! I have bough my daughter and son alot of book from there, they had the early reader sets for 3.99 at Christmas
  12. imo it looks see thru everywhere that shes just wearing a tube top under it
  13. reg 59.99 http://www.etoys.com/Dreamtime-Baby-Doll-Crib-with-Cabinets/PID/4830642/ctid/17/INstock/Y/D/
  14. THESE ARE ON ETOYS FOR 3.99 A SET http://www.etoys.com/Dreamtime-Tea-Set/PID/4835529/ctid/17/INstock/Y/D/
  15. np glad i could help someone for once lol
  16. ??????? http://www.amazon.com/Classic-Cookware-Mini-Griddle-M-1005-34W6-Griddle/dp/B0010W6LX2/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1232648382&sr=8-2
  17. dh bought ours from home Depot or Lowes last year for around 30 i think not sure of brand but they look just like those
  18. I went to TRU today and they have a pretty good clearance IMO. Lots od Wonder Pets and Disney Playhouse stuff. Doodle beanies 1.98. Clearance throughout the store. i am going back next week to get the play yard they had for 29.99.
  19. still 75% off here and still plenty left too
  20. target here had aisles and aisles of stuff I am praying for 90% off tomorrow its pay day and Ill score big time that way!!!
  21. i just came home from our grocery (Food Lion) and they still had a few liters of the free and reg on a round thing in the center of the aisle
  22. Quantity: 1 Set of 4 Snowtime Santa Mugs-Special Item # UFA354 $24.99 $12.49 Delivery Date: On 12/23/08 Edit Shipping Method: Standard Ground Delivery Edit $4.49 Item Total: $16.98 Quantity: 2 Gallon Holiday Frog 3-Way Item # UWP15230 $24.99 $12.49 Delivery Date: On 12/23/08 Edit Shipping Method: Standard Ground Delivery Edit $4.50 Item Total: $16.99 ORDER PAYMENT SUMMARY Subtotal: Promotion Code: Shipping & Handling: Total Before Tax: Tax: $24.98 $-12.49 $8.99 $21.48 $0.00 Order Total: $21.48
  23. I got my OE today!!!! I got some bonuses too!!!!! a fleece throw, candle and matching plates and napkins!!!! very generous! Thank you!!!! My ornament was a Santa but arrived shattered.... I was going to try to glue him back together but theres no use his bottom half was in at least 10-15 different pieces...... Thank you so much you were beyond generous!
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